PC 1960-1961-172~ - ,_..~_ - - ~ ,„ ~ ~ , -~.; ;:,,.. `~'~ ti.LUTION N0. 172 _ SERIBS'~ ~.96fl"6~\. j, A Rr,SOLUTION pF THS CITY PIa4.!$i1IN4 COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF .ANAHEIM ~,~ D$H'~II1V~ CQNBIYTI44FAL '6S~ p9Ai~IT V0.' IQ1 ~~ ~ 9PHEREAS, Tha City Planning Co~ission of the~City of Anaheim has receivad ~~~ a V+~rified Petition from the Owner(s) oP a certain paroel oY real property situated dn the Citq oP Anahefm; Countq oY Oranga. S2ata oP CaliYorui.a, desaribad as follovs : ` . • • ~>~ ~' • (S~c attsch~Q legal'descs3ption~ . i D9'd~IIIA: ~ . iV. A. and Mitiie M. Be~nJce ~ 2156 "sonth I3arbor ~a~l~v~zd Anahd.in. Ca;tifarnia . WHEREAS, The City Pla.aning Commission did hold a Public Hearing at the ~ City Hall in the City oP Anaheim. on NOTICES oY mhich said ' Public Hearing were du~y given as requ~B~ltu$~yl~ ~$~lthe provisions of the ANAHEIM ~ MUNICIPAL CODE, Seotion 9209; and ~' ~l~ I . ~'. i ~ s ` , i~ 2 ~-~ . ^ __ _ ~ ~ ~ ~Tr~,,:4~~~t~ _a..~'; ~ . ~ ~.,~~ ~:.L ....`..•. - .~. . :. . . .~~. .~ iN`i1w~F; ~ -.;~ i . ..~ r ~. . ~ WF~EREAS, Said'Co'~ 'ssion,,efter due iasgeation, i'~-.stiga~3on+.and studies ;~~~I 'made by itself and in .its;.;ahalf `and after due oonsideratio~' oY all evidence and ~ ~~ reports ofYered at said Hearing;;does.find and determine the.followiag~2aots: 1. Petxtis,ae~ tecg~tR~g~ $ Caad~tionpl ~Tae Perrait fair' pthich prot+3siou is madc: 3a Codey ,, ; 9~ctiara 18.6~.02~~3etr) ~.a osdex fia pexs3t d9v~,io~eu~.og au~3ect pr~~szty fos tt tza~ler pazk for !ho pxi~p pur~ose of ovez.a~gat parking fQ~e a~aa1L vacation tsaiSese osslye> ,~_ 2. 5rsb,~ecC psopexty, greseut~q acine~! ~taA, Reeidential ~sicnltearal. is aturo~adecl'`t+F R 1R~; ze~J, y~roperty mn fi!u worth~ eest ma8 south s~t ac=os~ Hsrbar Boralevasd aa the v-~at, : 3. Sub3ect groperty i~3 presem~Ip uii2izad ~or a trai2er sales lot an3 abuts the C~g~~itr~~' ` 3'ea3les ~,oQge aa th~ ~ou}I~. ~ , ~ . 4e 1i2~ pCL'stb'.iG~L ~Yt?,r9~164~ S2ie cont3~-aed u~ of th~ mub,~ect pro~ert~r for tsailex sa~tas, • 3. 'ihe racmntYy adnpttsd Tzaiiet ~ax9c OrQi~a~ncc. ~~ ~s Q:~-Y~~ea _op caaa Con~c~.l , beariag on Pebsumzy'21, ~,967, de~ners a traA~~r pa:rt~ ~~.:n~nq areu or tract of iana xhs~e. n ~~ e ue 3s reated or he14 ou~ ~'r~r"z~aY to one or mose.avm;ere oi u~~r~ of tra3ler coach~s, or ,~~;a fzece canpiag i$'p~rmift~3 atanexs or asers of trai;~er coaehem for the $~ugo$es of secu~in~ th~ir lrade." 1`h~:s.de£ini,t3oa clar3fies the.'pra~sased usc ae a~ra~aier gart. T7e auascrous pxoaiaicnr~ ati ~he Traii~s l~azk Ord3,ne~nce woa2d 2savv~ to be comp3ied egith: 'Y4ae.. , ~+roposed design of the ~r~i]ter p~st~ daes not ca~apYy wit1~ ~~tuuher o£ tt~esc eactiona. 6. 'Tha relativo loqttion and s3za of tFle propoee~ trraides pa,r: po~cid not conottfiute : u desirable ~ype of cteeeiopiaeat for HasUor Baaierrard. 7. Ttae ~zopo~ed coQbi;~atic~n of r~tael. sales arsd ~ve=,ight paxking of trai7.ere prould nd~ be deairable, 8. derbal oppositio^ ~~ recarded agr~3nst sub,~ect pe~i4ion. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE ANAHEIM CITY PI,ANNING"COMMISSION ~ HERTsBY D.SNIBS C~tpITlt",i`AL 'USB F&tt~IT N0. 101 ~ x'Q PERMIT C3VfiR24ICHT P11REI~ '1?~q SIdALL VAC1+TiQiV 14tIlII~i2t$. ~n zoil c~ll the forego~~ sesoiu~ion taass pussec! by the foila~r£ng votc: AYSS: C~dl4I58IEiPt&R3: t~llred~ Gsuer~ $apgood, Marconx~ Morsica, blur~all anfl Sumsaezs. ~ Ni}BS: CtSMAlI5SIOHHRB: None. ~,. AbSBAtT: CQt~IISGIC~NBRS: None. THE FOREGOING RPsS~~,UTION is signed and approved by me this 6th deq af Februttry. 19G1. _ , ~'l.r ~:~', :, n o ,fl'. ,_~~:~~ CHAIRMAN AN/~HIEIM CITY P7,ANNING C03~ISSI ATTESx: ~..... . .~vv/ . ~~E',~.i . SECRET 9CANAHEIM CITY PL : IN0 COMMISSION STA~ CALIFORNIA ) COUNTS! OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY 0~ t.iiAHEIM ) '~' I, ~~ p~ Seoretary oY the City Planriing Commis8lcn of the i:~ City of Anaheim~ do her~by certify :hat the foregoiag Ii~SOLUTION N0.172 - SIIiIEB ~~~ 1960 61' ~83 Dasaed and adopted by a motion duly madd. seaonded and earried at ~~ a Reguler Meeting oY the Ci.ty Planniag Commiasian held on the 6tk day of gebsua ~~ rq. 5961. ,i ~ IN WITNESS WHEREON, I have hereunto seL my hend this 6th day °f Februazq, 1961. .... .... ;. _ G ~,~ . SECRET iANAHEI% CITY PLANN G COIdMISSION -2- .., . . . , ,, . , ~ . .. :,.,.. :;.:::.~ _ . .... ;- .:.~,,._..L. ,~_ ._,. ~.~... .,..':.:.':~~. ..:.;:.., l _ ..' . . . ._ , .... . ,_--.,, ~;__ > % Q~: ~ ~~" 792218 DLSCRIPTIaFts All that cnrtain l~d aitunted i~m thcs Stata of California, Con~tp of Osaage, City of Onaheim, deocaibcd as folloa+s: 1'~e Nozth 200 fes~ af ~hn F1nst 200 feet of that portion af the South half of the Northveat qvarter of tite Sontheaat quartar of Saction 27, Toxnahip 4 South, Rang¢ LO iinat, S. B. B. 6 M., partly in th~ ~aucho Lae Qolsas and partly ia the ~sncho Saa•Juan Cajon dn Sumta Ana, daocribea ae :oL1aEV~: Segiar~ing at tha Hcsthwest c~rneL o1F eni~ Sduth 1nmL2 of the Northxest quurtar of the Son.t*,~eaet quartar o£ Saction ~%;, thenca ,~Cva~tb 89° 38' 07'~ Bast 87~.29 fnet mlong the 4lorth line of eaid Souct- ~a:",f, of Caa ~~orth~aeat quartar of the Southeast quarter of Saction 27; t~e~c4 South Q° C;~' 4)~~ ~ast 500.02 feat along a line~paralle: to the Wnst lts.m c~F said ~uvt~east quarce~ ~s~' SecCian 27 to a point on a lina parallel Kith aad diet8nc. 1h4.~:t £`eet measuraZ s~t r3ght angl~e Northerly of tha South lina of eaid Northvmat qnacce" of the Sss~ttheaat quurt~e: of Sacti~n 27; thance North 89° 38' 14'~ Wnet 871.29 faet aloug eaid parallel line to a point on eaid tiest line of Southeast qnarter of Snction 27; tbeace !?orW ~° 4~' 47" Tdast 500.05 faet along said West lina of tha Southmaet quarter of Secttpn 27 :o tha poiat of beginning. Al~o ozcaptit^::~ therefrom all oil, gse, minnrals and hydrocarbon eubstancea beloW a depth of 500 fest from tha aurfaca, vithout the right of aurface antrp thereof. rr ~t * t i~ ,t k~ ,r I.~V S1~ ,!'~,~!~~ /O/ ~ ~, ~ e ,~ ~*~~ ~c~ a ., n ~ : ~,;.~ .` - <,.~~ . ; ~ -,;,~ . ~ ,' i ~1, s ~; f' ~~6, •.Zu ~`'', ~ nc -~ ~ E~.1• .,`. ~~`';''''u~ 5' :~f~;~~Z p~Q~. , '~ ~~~r~'r~",1~5~// , p~'PN~F PNPK~`~ \ ~1~`! ;~ ~+ T `; Pagn 2 '': ; , ..,..._ _._. ... .... .._ _..~ .,_ .. ......__ _.. _ .._~ . _ ., ._ ..,,...,..._~ _. _ . .....- - - - ..._ _ ___.... . ..- --~ --.., .-. -.. : - ~--,