PC 1960-1961-209~ 1 ~:a~f~oa'an-.~. ~ . . . . . . s 4 ~ `~ ~ ' ~~ ' `_ _~ `: R$SOLUTION N0. 209, SERIES 1960-1961 A RH$OZUTI~i OP ~ CITY PIANNING C~A4I9SICY~i OF TE18 CITY OF ANAFx.BIM THAT PBTITION POfft VARIANGH N0. 1347 IiHHR8A3, the ~ity Ylanning Commisaion of the City of Anahe?m did receive a verified Fetition for Variance froa Melvin L. and Donna D. Scharnweber, Box 340, Perris, California, Ow:ners, and Roberi S. Unger, 354 Orangewood Avenue, Anaheim, California, Lessee of ccrtaia re4l.property aituated in the C14y of Aasheia~ Couaty of Ornage, StaLe ~f California, as fleacribed in Bxhibit "A" or as followd: The north half of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 27, in Township 4 South, . Range 10 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Cal~fornia. ; snd 1V}~RHAS, the City i~lanning Commisaion did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Aaaheim~oa March 20, 1961 at 2:00 o`clock P.M., aotice of said public heering haviag been dUly given as required by]aw and in accordaace wi4h the provi- aions of the Aaaheim Municipal Code~ Chapter 18.68, to hear aad conaider evidence for and againat aaid propoaed variaace CAd t0 inveatigste aad aake findiage and recommendationa in cos~,aectioa therewith; and {V}B3ft8AS, eaid Commisaion, after due ~nepection, iavesLigetioa~and atudy made by it- aeif.aad in ita behalf, snd after due coneideza:ion of all evideace snd reporta offered a~ aaid hesring~ doea find and 8etermine the followiag £sctsi •1. Ths# the petitioner requeals a variance fro~ :h¢ Ansheia !!~±aicipnl Code: SeCtion 18.16.010(1), Section 18.16.030(1); Section 18.16.030(4-c), Section 18.04.090(2-g), Section 18.32.On0(2), Section 18.32.030, Section 18.32.120(1), Section 18.16.010(2), Section 18.16.030C4-a), and Section'18.16.030(4-b). 2, That there g~~, exceptional or extraordiaary circuaetaacee or coaditions applicable to the property involved or to the iateaded use of the property th~t do aot apply geaerslly to the property or claas of uae in the eame viciaity aAd soae. 3. That the requested variance ~„ n~ceaeary fur the pseservstioa s::d en~oysent of a~ub~taatial property right poaseseed by other propertp ia the maae viciaity and zone~ and denied to the property ia queatioa. • 4. That the requeeted variance wi11 ruor be materisiiy detrimental to the public weifare or iu,~urioue ta the property or improvem~ata in auch vicinity 4nd zoae in which the property is located, 5. That the requeated variance ~+ill NoT adveraely affect the Compsehenaive Geaeral Plen. V-1 ~1- 1 ~,.z .=-~-~------ , "~~`' . ~ i ~ _ .~ ~~ - -.~ ~ 4 ~ ~~ NC~, THIi~EPORB, ' HB IT RHSOI,Vgp }gst the Analteim Cit~ Planning Commissi.on herebq approves VARiANCE N0. 1347 , upoa the follo~r3ng conditions which ~~ are hereby found to be $ necesaary prerequiaite to the proposed uae of the :~ub ~ect pro- perty , in nrder to preserve the eafety and gen~eral ~:ifare of ttte Citisens of Anaheims ~~ ~ 1. 2. DEVELOPMENT SUBSTANT[ALLY IN AGCORDANCE WITH PLANS PRESEN7ED, PROVISION OF GARAGfS 9~ FEE i;. T BY 20 FEET EN SIZE AND iN ACCORDANCE WITH CODE REQUIRE- Mk:NTS. s j. DEDICATION OF 45 FEET FROM THE MONUMENTED CENTERLiNE OF HASTEk STREE7 (30 FEET EXISTING~. ;'~ 4. PREPARATION OF STREE7 IMI'ROVEMENT PLANS AND INSTALLAT70Fi OF ALL lMPROVEMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WI;H APPROVED STANDARD PLANS ON F1LE lN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGlNEER. P ~ 6. PAYMENT OF ~25o00 PERFDWcLLINGTUN~l7 PARKE& RECREATGONUFEESTO~B ~ E COLLECTED AS PART OF BUILDING PERMlT. ` . 7. PROVISIONS FOR ADEQUATE TRASH STORAGE AND pICKUP. COLLECTlON ON PRlVATE PROPERTY r SHALI BE ARRANuED W1TH CONTRACTOR. ' Tf~ P~tBGOYNG RBSOLU3'TQ'si i~ signed and approrred by me rH~s 2orH. DqY qF MARCHo 1961 ~. ~i ~,,~ : ~ ~~ ;~, ~~ ~. .L ,", f s.~ . ;,';d .... : ~ ~''°----T ATTSST: -~..yi`J ;,,,,.~I ~ V ~~~ S8 ~4NAHHIFt CITY PIANNIN OI~tISSIQt7 S _ OP CALIpQgNIp ) COUNTY OP ORAAiGB ) ss. CITY OP ANAH&IM ) I, JEdN PAGE , Secretary of the City Planning Comniasion of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoiag resolution was passed aad adop~~ted at a xeeting of the City Planning Commiasioa of the Citq of Anaheim, held oa at 2;00 o°clock P,M., by the follo~ring vote of ~he ueabers thereof: A~: C~AII$SI~THRSS ALLRED9 GAUER9 MAR~OUX, MORRIS9 MUNGALLo SUMMERS. NCT13: COhAlISSIONHIiS: NONE, AB$ANT: WMMI$STOAIHl2S: HAPGOOD. IN wITNBS$ Y~i~R.BOP* I 118Ve herennto aet mp hand THIS 20TH. DAY OF MARCHy 1961. SBQtH~AR IM CIT4 BIANdNING ~9dI3SI0N vcz~a _2.. /it•, CHAIRMAN ANAHgIM CYTY PI/1NNING COAQ~lI N __ .z,:::~~ - '.; ~ _ . , ~~; :. ,,. .. ,...__.---*--.----.--- . ,:,. . _. _ ..-.---,.,-.~...._