PC 1960-1961-210. . ~ ` ~: S. X i ~BSULUTIQN NO 210 SERIES 1960-1961 A RH90LUTIpid OF TfIB CITY PIAPIt~ITNG C0I~6I3SIOlH OP Tf~ CIT'Y OP AHANBIM THAT PIITITION POR CANDITI~iAL USE PBRMIT N0. Wf~tB93, the City 8lanniag Commisaioa oF the City of Anaheia did r@ceive a vesiffed P~tition For Conditional Uee Yermit from Robert L. Cliffordtc/o Leonard Smith Real Bstate 125 South Claudina Street, Anaheim, California, pwner and Rschfield Oil Corporation,Agent of certain reaY property aituated in the City of Anaheim, County,of Orange, 3tate of California, as deacribefl in Bxhibit "A" or as follops; Lots 10, 11, 12 and 13 in Block B of Lorelei Tract, in the city of Anaheim, county of Osange, state of Galifornia, as per map reCOrded in book 29 page 24 of Miscellaneous Records, in the office of the county recorder of Los Angeles ~ ~ 8IId WF~ItBA3. th2 City planniag Commission did hold a public hearing at the Citq Nall in ; , t,he City of Anahe3m on March 20, 1961 at 2:00 a~clock P,A4,~ aotice of said , ; public heariag having been duly givea as required by]ax anel ia accordaace urith the provi- ; sioas of the Aaaheim Municipal Code, Chaptc: 1~,64~ to hear and cote?dez evid~~ce €or sed ~`~ against said proposed conditionai uae and to investigate aad make findings and reco~en- ` da43oas in conne.~tion there~rith; and ~~ ~~ MIf~RBA,S, said Commisaioa, affier due inspectioa~inveatigatioa, and atudy made by i4- seZf and in ita belialf, aad afler due coasideration of ali evideace aad reports offe-ed at said hearing~ does fiad afid determisie ihe folloWiag fac4s: 1. That the proposed use NoT pr~pe=ly one for phich a Conditiomai Uee Per~i4 is suthorized bq this Code, to ~-it: A Service Station, e 2. 1~at;the propoaed uae isv 11 _ sdaeraely affect the ad3o3niag iead usee ~ aad ~`"~ the groe~h an¢'developmeat of 4he area ia t+hich it ie proposed to be located. 3. That th~ siz e a a d e h a p e o f t he s i te pa~poee& for the uer~ 3s "oT. adeqn$}e to allow the fu12 development of 4he propoaed uae in s mauner not d~~r,3meatal to fhe parti- cular area aor to the peace, he~alth~ eafety~ s~ad geaesai oreifare of the.citizeas•af the City of Aaaheim. 4• That tfia 4raifie gcnerated bq the praposed•use ~311 ia~poae an,.uadue bur- dea upoa the.atreeta aad bigPtiraya dea3gaed and ~roved ~o ~rrq 4he traffic in the area. S. 19~at the granting aF ttae Coaditianal U~c ptrsi# under.the coaditioas impoaed, if a~uy~ vril~______~ detri~entai to t8e peace~ he~1t6~ asfelq, aad gett~ral pelfare of the citizena of the City of Anahei0. . 6. THAT TNE pKECEDENT FOR C-1~ NElGHBORHOOD COMh1ERC1AL~ DEVELOPMENT IS ESTABLISHED ON'T'HE`~PRO~PERTY'ABUTTING SUBJECT PROPERTY ON THE WEST~ AND THE SUBJECT PROpERTY SHOULD BE ~'DEVECOPED~IN ACCORDANCE W~'T'H THE C~1~ N~IPaH8URH00D COMMERCIALy ZONING ESTABLISHED FOR SA7D PROPERTY. 7:~`~~'VERBAI~OPPOS7TiGN~ IN ADD1T16N TO A LETTER OF PROTEST AND A PETITION OF OPPO51- ~' T'ION CONTAINI'~NG'22-51'GNATURES~WAS RECORDED AGAlt~ST PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. C-1 ` -1- :~ 'Fti~~,,: .~. !;': I ~.`~ . ~; _ ~' ~ ' "; ~ i ' Npw~ THgRgppgB, BB IT RHSOLVHD that the Anaheim City Planniag Commission hereby denizs CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 105 POR TFffi CONSTRUCTION AND OPBRATION OP A SERVICH 3TATION, ~i T1~ ppRg~pIKG gB9~I,UTION is signed aad approved by me this 20th day of March, 1961. ~./,.-- CHAIRMAN ANAHRIM CITY P ING CON:-1 ~. ATTBST: ~ ~,, _ / ~ ~ . ~`~ ~-~' ! gg AHpHPIM CITY PIANNI I93I~1 g OP CALIPOANIA ) CflIJNTY OP OMNGH ) s&. CITY OP ANAHIBIM ) I~ JgpH pAGB , Secretary of th~ Citp Piaaning Coeimission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolation ~as passed and adopted a4 a meefiing of the City Planning Commission af the C3ty of Anahe~m~ held on March 20, 1961 at 2e00 o'Clock P.M., bq the following vote of the membera thereof: pygg; CpA4NI35I0NBR3; Allred, Gauer, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall and Summers. NQB3: COi~4~4IS9I0Nffit3: None . `• pBSgNT: COP9~[I33EONIDt3: Hapgood ~ IN WI~NESS ~~P~ I have hereunto set mp ha~d this 20th day of March, 1961. i !~ ~ ~ S Y pNpHHIM CITY P G COMdISSIOPi ~ i YC2-D 'Z'