PC 1960-1961-211r ~ ~, RBSOLUTION N0. Zii,r~i??:(ES_1'96C.::;.,,..._~ A R~SOLUTI~i OF Tf~ CITY PIANNII~'s C~e9:4ISSIa OlA T!ffi CYTY ~+ ANAE~III RBC~A~d~iCIN~i TO T!~ CITY CdIINCIL OP 1g18 CI'I'~ OA ADW~IId T~WT PBTITIOti POR RECIASSIPICA'CION N0. 60-61-'75 BE DBNIBA ~ qH~BA$, the City Planning Commieaion of 4he City of Anabeia did receire a Verified Petition far Reclas8ification from Des Air Properties, Incorporated, 371-B Redondo Ave- nue, Long Beach 14, California, Owner. Lot 9 of Tract No, 2903, as per map recorded in book 99, page 21 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the county recorder of said county, •'' ; and qif~tBA3, the City Pianning Com~misaion did hold a gu~ii,c hesriqg et 4he ei4y Haii in the CiLy of Anaheim on March 20, 1961 at 2;00 o'c1oCt B.M,~ aotice of said public heoring having be~n dulq given as required b~]t~ ond ia aecoaQsnce erith the provi- aions of the Anaheim Maaicipai Code, Chnpter 18.72~ to ltaas aad consiQer. esidence for aad against said proposed reciaasificatioa and to iavestigats sad ~ate findias~s uad recos~en- datione in conneetion therexith; nnd Wf~1tRA~, said Commiaeioa, after due inapect3oa,inveat~gation, and atudy made by it- self and in ita Oehalf, and af4er due coasideration o@ 811 eridence and reporta offered at saifl heariag, dooa find and determine the follox~n~ ¢aclas l~ ThAt 4he peti+tioner proposes a=eclassificRtioit of tlee above deacribed pro- perty fros tIle R-1, Single Pamily Residential, zone to the C-1, 1Veighborhood Commercial, zone to nermit use of an existing residence for professional offices only. 2. That the propoaed reciasaification of aubj:sct qsopestq i no neceeear~ or desirable for the ordesly aad proper development of tlte Coa~tmity. 3. T6at the proposed reslassification of aubJest property does not properly relate to the zones and their permitted usea locally e~tabliahed ia close psoziaity Lo subject property and to the zoa~s and their p2rmit4ed uees geserally eatabliahed through- out the co~unity, 4. That the proposed reclassificatioa of sub}ect property does require dedication for and standard improvement of abut~in~ streets beca~aae said pr.operty does relate to ~nd abut upon streets aad highways ~ieh are imoroved to earry the type and quaatity of traffic~ which wiii be geaerated by the pera~itted ueea~ ia •accord- aace with the circuiction element of the General Plan. 5. That the proposed reclassification to the C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, zone o£ the subject property would establish an undesirable precedent for commercial development of the properties abutting on the tvest. 6. Verbal opposition to the Petition for Reclassification was recorded against subject petition. 1 . . ,. ._. . _.... . _ ,. - ...... . . ....._._ , _ _ _.. - _ -Q~~,-. <:: ~ . - . . . - . . _~~,, _ :,,-•;~ ~ S~''; l.: • M11.' ,i_: =;'i ;;: i.:; ~; a, : { t' , I~ J~N PA~ , 3ecretary of the City Planniag Commission of thP City of Anaheim, do hereby certify 4hat the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted aC a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on March 20, 1961 at 2:00 o'clock P,M., by the following vote of the members thereof: ~ AY83: C(ahA[ISSIONBR3: Allred, Gauer, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall and Summers. ~ NOB3: COMblI3SIONffit3: None. AB3HNT: COMM13SIONBRS: Hapgood. IN WIINB3S WHHREOF, I have hereunto set my hand ihis 20th day of March, 1961. ... / _,r_ SB Y ANAHBIA! CITY ING CO[A~lI33ION I ~ ~ ti~ !~ „, i, NGW, Tl~RHPORH, BB IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commiasion hereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Anaheim thst Petition for Reclasaification .~, No. 60-61-75 be denied and, by so doin~, that Title 18-Zoaing of the Anaheim Municipal Code not ;be amended to exclude the above describtd property from the ~. R-1, Bingle Family Residential zone and to incorpc+rate said ~±eec:i~u pr~periy in the C-1, Neighborhood Commercial zone. ~ ~' THB PQRHGOxNG R~:30Y.lJTION is signed and approved by me this 20th day ot~ March, 1961. X/ ~ { ~ C' CHAI ANAF~IM CIT.Y PLANNING C0~4~{ I ATT83T: ~ Y ANRHBIM CITY P ING COA9~(I33ION STATB OP CALIPQRNIA ) CQUNTY OP ORANGE ) ss. CITY OP APIA}~IM )