PC 1960-1961-212A ItBSOLUTI~1 OP THB CITY PIJINNING COD0AIS3IfiN OP THB CIT`Y OP I-NAFi~IM RHCOP~iDIPiG TO Tf~ CITY COUNCIL OP ~ffi CITY OP kNA}~Yk THAT PSIZTION POR RBCIASSIPICATION NO b0-51-76 BB GRA~A {VHffitBAB, the City Planain.g Commisaion of the City of Anaheis did reeeive a oerified Petition for Reclassification from John N. and Marinete J. Dovalis, 635 Plint Avenue, Long Beach, California, Owners and Sheldon Chip Chasin, P. 0. Box 842, Balboa, Califor- nia, Agent. ' Hxhibit "A" on f•ile .'_r~ t~:e office of the Planning Department. ; and WHBRBA3, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the 8ity Iiali in the City of Aneheim oa March 20, 1961 a4 2:G0 o~cloct P.~l.~ sotice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by]aa and ia accordance rith the provi- sions of the Ana.heim N.unicipal Code, Chapter 18.72, to hear aad consides evideace for and against said proposed reclaseificatioa and to iavestigate and make findinga sad recommen- dations in connection theretvith; and bPFiBREAS, said Commiasion, after due inepection,invea4igation~ and study nade bq it- self and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence aad reports offered at said heariag, does find and determine the following facts: l. That the petitioner propoaes a reclasaification of the above descsibed pro- perty from tIIe R-A, Residential Agricultural, zone to the R-3, Multiple Pamily Residential, zone to permit the development of an i8 unit apartment building. 2, That the propoaed reclasaificatioa oF sub3ec4 proper{y ~_ necessary or desirable for ;:iie orderly and proper developaent of the comaunity. 3. That the proposed reclassification of aub3ect property dces pr,opesly relate to the zones and their permitted usea locaily establiah~d in c1oeQ proximit~ to subject property and to the zones and their permitted uaea geaerally eaiseiiahed through- out the co~nunity, 4. That the proposed reciasaificatioa of sub3ect property doee requYre dedication for and standard improvement of abutting :~treete becauae said proResty does relate to and abut upon streete and highways which are n~n+n"~a to carry the 4ype and quaatity of traffic, which wili be generated by the peY~itt~d uaea~ ia •accord- ance with the circulation element of the Generai Piaa, 5. That the proposed reclassification of subject property is in accordance with the Precise plan recommended f~r the subject area. 6. No one appeared in opposition to the subject petition. ;: -1- . R_1 _ ~, ~ ..... -.._ .... . . . ---._ _ .._.._. .. _ .... . ._ _ __- - -- - ...._<,.... . .. . _ ~ .~ . ,.___....._ h, .~ , ::~ : ' . ~ ' -.,...,-'--- ,_^+^-... . . ... _ .... ... . , .. ~ .... . ___.__.~.~.__ .__.:..^ .. ~ . . . , . . r-~ , . ~-- ~•':~~~,i . P:':: t~ _ _ t "~ r.~ RBSOLUTIOId NO 212 SBR7EC i9~n-Ri . ....... ........ 1 i J ' ~t :,~ ~ L. ~~ ~..~ ~ NC1W, 1HBRB,PORB, BH IT RBSOLVHD that the Aaaheim City Planning C~+mwissian hereby ; recommends to the Citp Council of iche City of Anaheim that Petition for Reclassifi`cation ~ No, 60-61-76 be approved and, by so doing, that Title 18-c'.an3ng of the Anaheim ~ Municip~l Code be amended to excl~ide the above described property from the R-A, Residential ; Agricultural zone and to incor~,orate said 3esc:ribed progerty i:t the R-3, Multipie Family t Residential zone, upon the followin~ conditictis which are hereby fo~und ta be a neces~ ; sary prerequisite to the proposed use of thc suoject property in orlar to preserve the ;_ safety and general welfare of the Citizens c+f Anaheim: i 1. Dedication of 53 feet from the monumented center line of Ball Road (30 £eet existing), i ~, j 2, Dedication of 20 feet for r.n alley al~ng the northerly property line, }: ,3. Preparation of street and alley improvement plans and ins~tallation of atl impruvemen+:s ' in accordance with approved standard ~.lans on file in the officecf the City ~ngi~eer, ~ . r k 4. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes, 5. Time limitation of 90 days for the accomplishment of Item i~o•a, i, 2, 3, and 4. 6. Subject to the approval of a Petition for Variance from the Code reqsirement limiting the height of structures to one story within 150 feet of the R-1, Single Family Residential, zone. 7. Piling of standard R-3, Multiple Pamily Residential, deed restrictions. 8. Development substantially in accordance with plans presented and dated March 20, 1961, TF18 PCIRHGOING RB30LUTION is signed and approv~d by methis ?.Oth day of March, 1961. ~ ~. :~'`, :~:,; ,° ° t~;~;:;: ATTBST: / ~ 3BC ' RY NAHBIM CITY P~ Cat+~! $ION STATB OP CALIPORNIA ) COUNTY OP ORANGH ) es. CITY OP ANAHHIM ) ,~Gff'~`'l9/`~ CHAIRMAN ANAHBIM CITY ' IpN[1ING COI~R~ ON I, J~N pAGB~ , Secretary of the City Planning Commission 9f the Citp qf Anahe3.m, do hesel~y certify that the foregoing reaolution was passed and adopted at a meetin~ of the Ci4~y Yla:miag Commisaion of the City of Anaheim, held on March 20, 1961 at 2:00 o'clowk P.M „ by ~he f.ollowing vote of the members thereaf: R2-A AYB3: CQ~4(ISSIONBRS: ASlred, Gauer, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall, Summers. NOS3: COM2l133ION~t3: None. ABSBPIT: COFAlI3SIONHRS: Hapgood. IN WITNB3S Wf~EtHOP, I have hereunto set my har.3 this 20th day of March, 1961. SB y pppHB7(M CIT3l P NG CQI~tISSION -2-- i ; ...7 ;~.