PC 1960-1961-226. ~ Z ~ ' ..~q . T ~,y;. ~'.~' y,4 RBSOLUTION NO 226. SHRIES 1960-61 A RBSOLUTIQAI OP TF1H CITY pLANNING CQi~!'~i lISSTON OP 'T'~ CIT7C OP ANAI~IUI RBC~IDING ~ TH& CITY COUNCIL OP TliH CITY OP ANAI~IH TfiAT PBTI1IOIv Pt1R R~CTA38IPTCATION N0. 60-62-83 BS QiP.NTBD 1~iBA$, the City Pianning Commi~aion af the City of Anaheim did reeeive a~rerified Petitioa for Reclasaification from B. I, C. - Ball and Magnolia, a limited paranerehip, Suite 704, 900 Noxth Bsoadway, Santa Ana, Cal3for:-fa, Oeners. Legal descsiption on file in the office of the Planning Department. i ~ VPHBABAf3, the City Planaiag Corm~isaion did ho1G n public hesriag st the eitr xaia ia the City of As~aheim on ~ Apr31 3, 1961 at 2;00 o'clock ~.K.~ notic~ of soi,d public hesxing having been du17y given as required bq]arv sad in sccordance ritfa ~hs psovi~ eiona of the Anaheim bl~a~cipal Code, Chapter 18.72, to hear and conaider evid~a~e ffar sad agais~st eaid proposed reclaeaification and to iaveatigate and aake fiad3a~s a~ recomaea- datione in connection therewith; and W}~REA3, said Commieaion, after due inapection,iavee~igatioa~ snd otudy tade 3q it- self aud in its behalf, and after due consfderation of ali evidence sitd repprta offered at said hearing, does find and determine the followinQ fa~te: 1. That Lhe petitioner propooes a reclaesification of the above deacribed pro- perty from tde R-A, Resident~al Agricultural, 2one to the C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, Zone. 2. Thnt the propoeed recinasification off sub,~ect property ~,,,,.,_ neeemsary or desirabie for the orderiy and proper davelopmeat of the comaunity. 3. Thnt the propoaed reclnssificatioa of sub,~ect property Qoee peoperir relate ta the zones ~nd their permitted uaea Socaliq establiahed Ln close pro~cinl.tr ~o eub,~ect property and to the ~ones and their permitted ueee gensraily ~slablia4~ed through- out the co~nunitq, 4. ThaL !he propoeed reciaseification of eub,~ect property doed~. re~uire dadica4ion :or aad etaddard imprevedent of abulti~ etreete becMqre maid prapertr es relate to oad ab:*t upon stseetis and highMraye vlhich Are brobosed !6 C~x~ t!m type and quanti=y of L•~aff~3s, rd~ich vriil be genernted by the per,rigted a~me, !n ~~ern~d- ance with the circufation element of the Generai P~on. 3. That phaee No. 2, inaorpor~ting 4he boutheriy 345 Eeet of sub,~ect ~zoperty and extending ~22 feet Erom the eoeterSq proper4y line abutting Magnolie Avenue on the end4~ hs6 been pro,~ected for the ultima+~e development Lo the C~1~ NeighbotNood Cotbt~~erciltl~ 2ori~ ~nci ie~ eoarp~4ibi~e with the exieting ~ommerci~l devclopmentincosporated in Phaoe Nn~ 1 of eub~ecL property. 0. ~'erbal oppoeition vo aub~ett petition~ nl~hough the propo~ed C-1 ~ozting for the ~ eub,~ect area k~as favored, wam recorded by onc inter~oted pa¢ty~ ,, ?a I ~! ;i ~' °'-- ~,.. i i ~ ,~ i R-1 ~: ~ ~f. y s -1- -; __.._ _._. .__ _.... ._ _. __. _..__ . - _.___ ._-- _ ._..... ._ ___ _ __ --.. - _ ...__.......__ ~ ' r~ , ! ?~~'; .J~'. ';~~ ?~' .. p ~• e. _ ,ti ~ . ~ ti~ .. ~ N(~f, 1HBRHFORH, BB IT RESOLVP,D that the Anaheim City plannittg Commission hersby recommends to the City Counr,il of the City of Anah~im that Petition for Reclassification No. 60-61-83 be approved and, b~* so doing, that Title J.8-Zoning o.° the Ar:aheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude the above described property from the R-a, Residenkial Agriculfural zone and to ir.corporate said described property in the C-1, Neighborhood Commercial zone, Phase No.-2, described as follows: incorporating the southerly 3?5 feet of subject property and extending 522 feet from •th~ easterly property line abutting Magnolia Avenue on the east, upon the following conditions which a:e hereby found to be a necessary p:erequisite to the pxoposed use of the subject propezt;~ in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citize~-s of A,.aheim: 1. Development substantially in accordance wYth plans presented eYiminating therefsom tne prcposed development uf a c.ockta=l lounge. 2, Dedication of 53 feet from the monumented centerline of Magnolia Avenue (50 feet existing), ~ 3, Installatian of szde;.m lks, 4. Pay~nent of $2,00 per front foot for strcet lighting purposes. 5. Utility easements to be pr.ovided a2ong exterior boundaries as de±~ermined by the Director of Pub.lic Utilities, 6. Time 13mitatian of 90 days for the accompYishment of Items No. 2, 3, 4, and 5. TFB P~RBGOING RB90LUTIOId is signed and appsoved by me this 3rd day of .April, 1961. ATTB3T: -~/ C~c..- SHCRB ANAHBYM CITY P CQh4~fI33I0N STATE OP C?.LIPORNiq ) COUNTY OP ORANCg ) ss. CYTY OP ANAHIITM ) E CHAIR N ANAHHIM CITY pIpNNING G ISSIC'N Z~ JBt1N PAGH , Secretary of the City Planning Cormniasion of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoiag resolution was passed and adopted at a c~eeting of 4he City Plarming Commiss3on of the City of Anaheim, held on April 3, 1961 at 2;00 o~clock P,DI„ by the following vote of the members thereof: A~: CQAA(I3SIONHRS: Allred, Gaue~, Mazcoux, Morris, Mungall aad Summers. N~~ COt~GiI3SI0Nffit3; None. f ABSSNT: C4.'~:I95IONHR3: Hapgood. ~ i ~!, IN N'ITNESg VlFIDRgpp~ I have hereunto aet m} hand this 3rd day of April, 1961. -2-- ~ SHCRBT ANAHHIM CITY PIA G CQI4YII95IORI