PC 1960-1961-234_ ~--5~.~ ~ ;~ _ "r r 90; ~ I _ ; :• ~ ~ ~ ~~:~ n ~'~ ` ' ~ ~. ~ .- ' ' t. h ~ RBSOLUIION N0. 234, SBRIfiS 1960~61 A RIi30LUTI0N OP TI~ CITY PIAM~IING GOIAlIBSIQi OP Tf~ CITY OP ANA}IPFJd THAT P$TITiQN POR VARIANC~ H0. 1351 SH GRANTED 1~8!'.BA9, the City Plenning Commiaeioa of the City of ,~naaeim did receive a verified Petition for Variaace froa Ernest A. and Delores M. Diaz, 415 ~ South Kroeger Street, Anaheim, Califorrtia, Owners of certaia se~l property situsted in the City of Aasheia~ Cous~tq of Oron~e~ State of Caiifornin~ ae deecribed ia Hxhibit "A" or eo £o13oKS: Lot 36 of Tract No. 1696, in the City of An»heim, County of Orange, State of Cnlifornia, as per map recorded in book 52, pages 5 and 6 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the county recorder ~f said county. ; aad M~tBAB~ the City Plaaning Commisaion did hold a public heariag at the City Ha11 ifl the City of Anaheim on Apri1 17, 1961 at 2:00 o~clock P.N.~ aotice of said pubiic hcoring having been duly givea as requixed bq]aw sad in sccordance pith the provi- eions of the Anaheim Municipal Code~ Chapter 18.68. 4o hear Rad coaaider evidence for aad agaittat aeid propoaed variance and to investigate and ~ate fiadiage ead recommeadF.tioae in coanection therewith; and WlIDRBA3, asid Commiasiott~ sffer due inepection~ inveetigatioa,nnd atudy made by 3t- aelf and in ita behalf, and after due conaidera~ion of ail evideace aad rtporte offered as said hearing~ does find and dete~atne the followittg £acta: •1, lhat the petitioner requeata ~ variance from the Aanheim Ilnnicipal Code: 8ection 18.20.030 (2-a) and (4-b) to ~ezmit ~onstruction of a residence containing 1, 850 square feet and with a five (S) foot side yazd. ~ 2. Thnt there are exceptional or extraozdiaary circumstancee or conditions ~ spplicable tn the property inwived ar to i;~e intended use of thc prapertq that do aot apply generaliy to the property or ci~s+9 of uae ia the saae viciaity and soae. 3. TLat the requeated variance i~,,:e~cemsary for khe preeervatioa and en,~oyaen4 of a iubatantial property right posaasaed by othex property ia the same vicia~tq and . zone, and denicd to the property in queatian. . 4. That the requested vazi~nc~ ~vi12 not be mnterislly detrineatal to the pubiic weifnre or in,~urious to the property or improvcaants in wuch viciaity and zone in ~rhich ~ the prope~:ty is Socated. ', ~ 5. That the requested variance riill not adversely affect the Corpreheasive General Pian. ~' 6. That no one appeared in opposition to subject petition. ;; 1 ; ~_1 _1_ . _-~~r. ..` . _. _ , .: . _. . _ - . .. ~= . NaM, ~iBRBPQRE, 83 IT RBSOLV$D that the Anaheim Cit~ PSann3ng Commission hereby approves Variance No. 1351 , up~n the follo~ing conditions wh~ch are h~rehy found to be a necessary prerequisite to the propased uae o£ the sub3ect pro- perty in order to preserve the safety and general ev~lfare of the Citizens of Anaheim: 1. Development substantially in accordance with plans presented. Tfffi P~tHGOING RHSOLUTION is signed and approved by rte this 17th day of Apri1,1961. AT7~3T; ~lifi/~/ Gf_. !' . SE Y ANAE~iZM CITY P NING COh9~lISSIQN STATB OP CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OR OItP.Y.GH ? sa. CITY OP ANAHHIM ) ~ 1.~~ ~°, ~~~ CNAIRAlAN AHAIi~IM ~CITY ~Al1NING C01~lISS~ ~. I, JBAN PAG& , Secretary of the City Plariair4g Co~ission of the City o€ Anaheim, do hereby certify that :he fo*~gaia~ resolution rrsa passed and adopt~ed at a meetir~g of the City Planning Commissioa o£ th~ City of Anrihef;~, held on April 17, 1961 at 2;00 o'cloc~ P,M., by the foliowiag wte of the menbera thereof: AY83: CQ4QKISSIO~iHR3:Allred, Gauer, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall and Summers. . NOB3: COi~AlISSIOI~R$:'rloue. ABSSNT: OOMMISSIONSR3:Hapgood. IId WIZNE$S bI~BRBOP, I have hereunto set my hand this 17th day of April, 196f. ~~.~-/ ~GL- ' .. SB ^ ANAFiHIM CITY PIAY~P'!NG COMi~lISSI~i ~' VC7rA -2-