PC 1960-1961-237, ~ i ,~ ; ti ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ , ~~'~,~~ ~r~ ~ R'' - ~° ~ f `2~ . f ^ } ' RBSOiUTION N0. 237 SHRIH:, 1960-61 A RBSOLUTION UP 1I~ CITY PYANNIl~ COh9~9I~5Y0N OF TFffi CIT'Y OP ANAH;BTM . THAT 2ETITION POR VARIANCS N0. 3.356 BB GRANTHD dVF~tBA3, the City Planniag :;ommieaioa of the City of Anaheim did receiwe s verifipd petition for Variance £rom Herbert and Louise Lawson, 1318 Ateca Place, Anaheim, Califor- i nia, Owners •of certain real,property aituated in the Ci4y of Anaheim, County o£ Orenge,, State of Califcrnie~ as deecribed in Bxhibit "A" o~ ae fallowe: ~ Sxhibit "A" on file in the office of the Planning Department. ; and WHBRBAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a p~blic hearing at the City Hall 3n the City of As~aheim on April 17, 1961 at 2:00 o~clock P.Ff., notice of s>>{d public hearing having been duly given as required by]aw and in accordaace with the provi- sions of the Aaaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.68, to hea= and conaider evidence for aad against said proposed var3ance and to iaveatigate and mstte findings and recommendations in connectios~ therewith; and WF~RBAS, said Commissioa, after due inspection, inveatigatioa,and atudq made by it- aelf and in its behalf, and after due conaideration of ali evideace sn8 reporta offered as said hearing, does find and determin~ the following facta: •1, That the petitioner requeats a variance f~om the Anaheim Nunicipal Code: 9ection 18. 32,050 <1 and 2) to permit the waiver of minimum frontage requirements and lot area requirements on two lots, ar.d to waive single story height limitations to permit construction of two story apartment buildings. 2, That there.are exceptionai• or extraordinary circumatances or coaditiona applicabie to the property involved or to the iateaded uae of the p*opPxay that do aot apply geaerally to the propertq or ciasa of use in the same vicinity and zoae. 3, That the requested variance is neceseary for the preaervatioa and ea3oyment of a~ubaLant3al proper4y right possesaed by other proper#y in the same viciaity aztd zone, and denied to the propertq in queation. • 4. That the requested variance will not be materiallq detrimentai to the public welfare or iajurious to the property or improvements in auch viciaitq aad zone in wh3.ch the pr~perty is locatea. 5. That the reques4ed variance wiil not advQraely affect the ~ompreheasive General Plan. 6. That no one appeared in opposition to sub,;cct petition. 9-1 _1_ _ . _ , .:__-------- -- ---___.._.. ..._ _ ._.. _ ..._ _ __. _.. _ __----- _ _--_ _.._ ...._. __ __ ~ ~ - :>. - _ _ . i r_. . _._. .. , I , ~ f ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ _„ _ _ - `) yl i^f '~f N~f, ".HB~PQRE~ 'SB IT RBSOLVBD that 4he Anaheim City Plenuing Commiasion hereby approves Variance No. 1356 ~ npon xhe ¢olloaing co~ditiona which ~' are hereby fouad to be a necessary prerequiaite to the propoaed uee of the sub,~ect pro- E perty in or.dsr to preserve the eafety and genesal welfere of the Citizens of Anaheim; 1. Dedication of thirty (30) feet along the westerly property line (from North 3treet to the noriherly property line) and the dedication of thirty'(30) fee4 aloiig the northerly property line. _ 2, Preparation of strPet improvement plans an3 installation uf improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Hngineer, and further, in accordance with agreee~ent approved by the City of Anaheim for joint participation in said improvement. 3, Provision of curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving within the easterly and southerly 18 feet of dedication along the westerly and north~>rly property lines referred to in Condition No. 1 above. 4. Payment of $2.0~ per front foot for street lighting purposes for the westerly frontage only. 5. Development substantially in accordance with plans presented. 6. Recordation of a Record of Survey Map containing revised lot layouts and dedication. THB PQRBGOING RHSOLUTIOi~I is sigaed a5d approVed by me this 17th day of April, 1961. AT1B9T: CNAI ANA~II~ CLTY ~ I ~Oa I93IQN \ ~ Y A,`IAABT;d CI UM~iING COhMISSIQ2I 9TAT8 OP CALIPORNIA ) • COUNTY OP QRANGE ) se. CITY OP ANAHHIM ) I, JEAtd PAGE , 3ecretary of the Citq Plaaning Commiasion of the Citq of Aaahein, do hereby certify t~at the foregoing reaolution rvas yansed and adopted at a meeting of tLe City Piana3ng Co~isaioa of the C14y of Anahei~a~ heid oa April 17, 1961 at 2:00 o'clock P,M., by the following vote of the aesbera tbereof: AYS3: COhAlI$31Q~1ffilS: Allred, Gauer, Mar.coux, Morris, Mungall, Summers. H~3: COFGlI3SIOI~ffiEt3: None . AB9HNT: QOAAlIBSI(Ydffit$: Hapgood. IN WITI~,98 1~iBRBOP, I have hereunto aet ay hand this 17th day of April, 1961. , .Gt~iy./ SBCRB APCAtmy ,~xTy p ING COIWI9SI~i VC2-A ~2- ~ ~•. .,. __ _._.___.. . ~a ~ ~t : ..