PC 1960-1961-244t ' ' ~~ ;+.; K.~~~~.'~~~~~~~~~. ,~ ~; : , r ~. ~'` ~ ~ ~ lia.SOLUTION N0. 244. SHRIHS 1960-61 '[; i ~t 1~ RBSOLUTIOiV Op THB CITY PIAT~~III4G CQi~lISSION OP 1~ CITY OF ANAHHI1d , ' RBC~d~ING TO THH CITY ~WIVCIL OP 1!~ CITY OF ANAEiRIM THAT ` ` RSTF.TION PQ.R RH~A333PICATION N0. 60-61-8b BS DBNIED. ~i li `• S~If~tBA3, the City Pianniag Commisaioa of the City of Anaheis did receive s Perified ~ Fetiti~n for Reclasaificatioa from L. P. and Bmma H. Nichols, H. K. Wilson, Harry Z, and Marie J. Wilson and LeRoy J, and hlsrgery W. Kemp, Owners; 3alem Development Company, 12351 Westminster Avenue, Santa Ana, California, Agent, proposing reclassification of the follow- ing described properties: legal descriptions on file in the office of the Planning Depart- raent. ?; : ~ fYf~RBA3, the City Pianning Comaisaion did hoid a p~eblic hearing a; the City Izall in the :.itq of Anaheim on April 17, 1961 a# 2:00 o~clock P.K.~ aotice of said public hearing having beea dulq given as required by~a~ aad i.n accordance xith ~he ~-zovi- aions of the Anaheim Muaicipai Code, Chapter 18.72, to hear and consider evidence €or aad against esid proposed reclasaification and to investigate aad mate f~.n8inga and recoa~en- dations in connectiou therewith; and Wt~RBAB, said Commiasion, after due iaspection~iavcotigation, aad atudq sade by it- self and in its behalf, and after due coasi6eration of all evidence and reporta offered at said heariag, does fiad and determine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner propoaes a reciasaification of the obove deacrit+ed pro- perty from +•,he R-A, RBSIDHNTIAL AGRICULTURAL, ZONH to the R-3, MULTIPLH FAMILY RESIDBNxIAL, ZONH. 2. That the proposed reciassific4tion of aub,~ec4 property no necesaary or deairable for the orderly and proper developmeat of the comatunity. 3, T'~st the proposed reclassification of aub,~ect property does not properly relate to the zoaea and their permitted uaea locally eatabiiahed in ciose p;:oxisit~ to subject property and to the zones and their permitted uaes geaerailr eatabiiah~d thsouga- out the community. 4, That the propoaed reciassificatioa of sub3ect properfiq doea not require dedication for and standard improve~eat of abutting atreeto becsuee aaid propert~ doea .,ot relate to and abut upon atreets and highwaqa which are bmp;oved to carr~ the tqpe and quantity of traffic, which wiii be generatcd bp the per~itted uaea. ia ~accord- anc~ with the circulation element of the Generai pTan. 5• That a petition of opposition, containing 453 signatures, in addition to verbal opposition~ was recorded against su~ject petition, 6. That the proposed reclassification of subject property is not compatiSle with the existing single family residential development to the north of subject pro- perty and an ample amount of multiple family residential development is located to the east of subject property. R-1 ._..---, ----______. .. ___. ~~ -1- ._.__...- - -,-...__ _____ ----._.._---------- - __.._._. _.. _ _. . ~ -- .... _ ~ ~ ,~,~ r 4~:4~ ,~:~ r. ` ar{y~~:., ' , ~ ~. ~ t,.;~ ~ j; , r~,~, t;~~$~ `~ ax~ ~; ; ~ } . , ~c.~ r ` •~a~ ' ~ ,` ,~ ~ '''~ '`~u ~ '; ~.. ~.+ .r. ~+s"$~;J~~,~ ~.~, ~ ,~i'' - ~~~;. ;;~ } NGW, THBRBPQRB, HIi IT RH30LVED that tnc Anaheim City Planning Commi.asiom hereby recommend:t to the City Council of the City of Aasl:e3m that Petition for Rec2flssifica#3.on No, 60-6L-86 be denied and, by so doing, that Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim t~unicipal Code not L~e amended to exclude the above described psoperty from tlxe R-A, Residential Agricultaral zone and to incorporate said described proFerty in the R-3, Multiple Pamily Residential zone. ~ THS PORHGBING RB30LUT*~N is 3i~ned snd approved by me this 17th day of April, 1961. ATTE$T: ~v ARY A~IAHHIM C TY P ING CO~fMI3SI0N ~8'fATS OP CAI.IPQRNIL~ ) COUNTY OP ORANGB ) ss. CITY OP ANAH~iIM ) ~~'Z~/3~s~.t ~, i CHAIRMAN ANAF~IM CITIt PLA[aiING C~41ISS I, JBAN PAGS , 3ecretarq ~f 4he City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certifq that the foregoing reaolution vras passed and adopted at a meet3:sg of the City Planning Commisaioa of the City of Ana.he9m~ heid on April 17, 1961 at 2:00 o'clock P.M „ by the following vote of the members thereof; ..,.o'• ... -' AYB3; COMh[IS~YONEAB: Allred, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall and Gummer~, N0~.4: COM,MI3SIUNffit8: f4orris. AB3BFIT: Ca+AlI3SIOt~RS: Hapgood. IN WITNB3S Wf~tEOP, I have hereunto aet my hand this 17th day of n~r}1, ~961, t SBCRB'~' ANRHBIA! CI PL 3 CQ~FQlI3gI02? . L R2-D i I _ _ _ - _~_ ;^•.~ . .. .~=~! -2- ' ~3 - ____..__.._ _ _ ~ ~ __. _~_... . ~ ~,, _. __ . i: ~ . . ... , ~ ~ ;~ ''~ ~ ~ _ ,~ _.--- .y~i'~..~1;,..,: t~ :. .~ ... , ._ ...._. . ,_,... ... . ~ _ . ~ ._ ,., . . _ . _ _ . . , . , r..... ;~- ~ ~,~: "i.. ~. ..:' RESOL'JT'ION N0. 244, S&RIHS 1960-61 A RBSOLUIT6PI OF THB CITY PIANNitiG CQ19~tISS20N OP TI~ CITY OP ANAFffiI3[ RBC~Q~iDING TO THS CITY CUiJNCIL OP ~ CITY OP ANAk~III THAT PBTZTION POR RBCIAS3IPICATION N0. 60-61-86 BE DHNIHD. 1l~tRA3, the City P1ann3ng Gomm3.saioa of bhe City of Anaheiw did rece3ve ~ oerified Petition for Reclasaification from L. P. a^.d Bmma H. Nichols, H. F.. Wilson, Harry Z, and Marie J. Wilson and LeRoy J, and Marger}• W. Kemp, Owners; 3alem Development Company, 12351 lVes:mi~ister Avenue, Santa Ana, C~lifornia, kgent, proposing reclassification of tiie follow- ing described properties: legal descriptions on fil~ ir. the office of the Planning Depzrt- ment. : ~ MF~t80.3, the City Planni~g Commaiseioa dad hoid a public bearing at t:~e City Fiali in the City of Anaheim on Apri] 17, 1961 at 2:00 o'cloct p.M., aotice of aaid public hearing having been du].y gfven as required by]ax and in accordaase ri4h the provi- sions of the Anah.eim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.72, to hear aad coneider evideace for and against said proposed reclassification and to iav^stigate and mate findinga saQ recoauen- dationa in connection therewith; and ~8A9, said Commiasion, after due inapection,iaveatigation~ and atudy aade by it- self and ia its behalf, and. after due cons~.de=ation of $ll evideace and reporta oftered at said hearing, doea find and determ:ne the foilow~.ng facts: 1. That the petitioaer pro~osea a reclassification of the above deacribed pro- perty from tne R-A, RESIDHNTIAL AGRICULTURAL, ZONB to the R-3, MULTIPLB PAMILY RHSIDffidTIAL, ZONH. 2. That the proposed xeciaeaifica±ior_ of aub3eet property ~ na , amcesaar~ or deairable for the orderly and proper deve:opmeat of 23e community. 3. 11~at tLe proposed reclassificatiou of eub,~ect propzrty does aot properiy rel~te to the zonea and their permitted uae~ localiy eatabiiahed in cioae proxiroit~ to aub3ect property aa:l to the zoaes and the3r permiSted us~s ~enerally eatabiiahed through- out the community. 4, That the propoaed reclasaification of aubjecti property Qoea not require dedication for and standard imgrove~ent of abutting atrecfa becauae said propest~ do~ea nnr reis-te to and abut upon atreets and highwsya which areTmBb9 d to caxr~ the type and quaatity of traffic, ~hich wiJ.l be generated -~y the ~~raitted usea, ia •accord- ance with the circulation element of tb~ General Plan. 5. That a petition of opposition, containing 453 signatures, in addition to verbal opposition~was recorded against subject petition. 6. That the proposed reclassi:ication oi subject property is not c:ompatible with the existing single family residential development to the north of subject pro- perF.y and an ample amount of multiple family residential deveiopment is located to the east of subject property. R-1 -a- ._.__.. ~ ..- ~ •l : : r ,: ~~ t` ~ NON1, THHREPORB, ~H IT RBSOLVSD tha~ the Anaheim City Planni~g Commission hereby recommends to the City Couacil of the Cit~ of AnahM~.that Petitioa for Reclaseifiea~tion No. 60-61-86 be denied and, by ao doirig, that Title i~-,:o~in~¢ of the AaaPieim Municipal ~ode not be amended to exclude the above descrlb~d propertq from the R-A, Resident~ial Agricultural zoae sad to incorporate said described property in the R-3, Multiple Family Residential zoae, TT~ PORBGOING RHSOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 17th day of April, 1961, ATT9ST: v ARY ANAHBIM C TY P ING CObAfISSION .ATB OP ~RLIFQRNEA ) COUNTY OP ORANGB ) sa. • CITY OP ANAHEIM ) CHAIRMAN At~TAi~IM CITY p~TANNING CQMhlIS.~^ I, JEAN PA~B , 3eeretary of the Citq Planning Commiasion nf the City of Anaheim, do hereby certi£y that the foregoiag resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of 4he City Plannin~ Conmission of 4he City of Anaheim, held omm A~ril 17, 1961 at 2:00 o~clock P.M., by the foliowing vote of the members thereof; ,,,•r~- .. . - ' ,. ... ~~: C(1~AtIS3IQNffit3: Allred, Gauer, Marcoux, Muugrlil and S:~mmera. NOB3: CC~f1~II35I0N~t8; Morris, AE~4BNT: CQMMI3SIOIVBRS: Hapgood. IN WITNSSS WHHRBOP, I have herecato set my hand this 17th day of Apr~l, 1961, t ~~ SBCAB pHAHfBIM CI1 PLk:1 iG COI~Q~lI$$ION R2-D -Z- .f _ ] i ~ i 1 I t ~ ;~ _ _._. ._ . _ ,~ .~~ _ ___ ~ [ -- ---- (-- - -----~- ---~ _.. -- •------- -- -- - -- --• -- -_ «.. -- - • - - 'r. ~ .... _~ . : ^ .._..._._ .,- . ~-.___ - ~:„n . ~ ~~ ,.... .._.