PC 1960-1961-247. ~;; , •~ -:, - ;. : , ~.'~ ,~ ~ "~ ~ .:.:~ ~~:. :~;:' RBSOLYITION N0. 247 SHRIH9 1960-61 A RHSOLUTIOtd OP 14iH CITY PIANNING CQ~.ZSSI~i58gBE~G1tANTEDOP ANRHSIM THAT PSTITION B~2 VARIANCB N0. Y1HffitgAg~ the City Planning Cs~mmisaian of the City of linnheim did rtceive a verified petition for Variance fron Pzudential Insurance Company, 5757 Wilshize Boulevard, Los Angeles,California, Owner and Broadway-Hale Stores, Inc., Lessee, of certain real property aituated in the City of Aaaheim, Couaty of Orange, State of Califorais, ma deecribed ia 8xhi3it "W" or aa followa: Bxhibit "a" on Sle in the office o'r the Planning Department. ; and 11~RBA8, the City Planning Cominisaion did hold a pubiic hearing at the City Hall ia ~the City of Anaheim on May 1, 1961 at 2;00 o'clock P.M., notice of said ,public hearing having been duly given as required by]aw aad in accordance with 4he provi- eioas of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.68~ ta hear and conaider evidence for aad agaiast said propoaed veriaace and to investigste and make findinga and recommea~la4ions ~n conn~ction therewi4h; and WHBP.BA3: said Commiasion, after due inapectioa~ inveatigation,amd atudy made by it-~ aeif.and in its behalf, and after due tonsideration of aii evideace and reporta offer~d as said hearing, does find and determine the foZiowiag facta: • •1, That the petitioner requests a variance from the Aaaheia Nunicipal Code: $ection 18 A4.030 (1-d) to permit the provision of parkin~ on the basis of the net rentable floor area. 2. That therQ are exceptionai or extraordinarg cir<:umstaaces or coaditioas applicable 4o the property invoived or to the iatended uae ~: the property that do not apply generaily to the prapmrtq or class of use ia the same vicinity and zone. 3, That the requeated variaace i~_ aeceseary for the preaervatioa nnd en,~oymeat of a oubstentisl property right posaessed bq other property in the same viciaity and zone, •r.nd deaied to the property ia question. • 4, That the requested va.riance wi11 not be materiallq detrimeatal ta the public t~el£are or ia3qrious to the progerty or improvements in'such vicinitq and zone ia tahicb thc: property is located. 5, Tbat the requeated variance` wiil_ not adversely affect the Comprehenaive General Plar,. 6. That the,proposed 399 parking spaces will be adequate for the pzoposed develop- ment. 7, That the intended working hours of the occupants of the~building~being scheduled for office hours on week days only, with the offices being closed on Saturdays~ will not conflict with the use of the parking areas provided for other t~nants in the shoppin~ center. 8, That no one appeared in opposition to the, subject pe~ition. V-1 -1- -~~ <; ~ , . , ; i ; ~ ~ Y ' i t ; ;~ i 1 ; ; + . i 'j :~ ; I 9 1 1 ?; ~ :~ ;t a t ~ ~:Z ._...----..~._.,'.._'__.._.____'.. _...._._~__ ""_._._ . .......-. . .:....:~:~..~ . .. _____"_..J.__ .. ....~__~..~ ,... , . . 1 .. ' L:. . . . . _ . . . . . _ .. .~_.~..... ~. . . . . hL ~. ~. .~ , . ~ , ~~ ,:: ~'~} NON1, ~RHPORE, 'BE IT RHSOLVBD that the Anaheim City Ylanning Commiasion hereby approves Variance No. 1358 ~ upon the folloMing conditio~is which are hereby found .to ht a necessary prerequisite to the propase~ use of the sub,3ect pro- perty in order to preserve the safety and generai xelfare of the Citizens of Anaheim: 1. Development substantially in accordance with plans presented. Said plans, dated March 13, 10;11,, satisfy Condition No, 1 of Resolution No. 45, Se*ies 1960-61. 2. Provision of 399 parking spaces for the use of the occupants of the snbject building. Said parking satisfies Condition No. 2 of Resolution No, 45, Seri:s 1960-61. ,' 3. Dedication of 53 feet from the monumented centerline of Buclid Avenue (41 feet existing). THB PORBGOING RBSOLUTION is signed and approved by ae ls ls day of Maq 1, 196. , 'VICS CHA P.MAN ANAi~IM CITY PIANNING C01~4AI8$ION ATTBST: ~~ ~ Y ANA}~IM CITY P ING CQGO~IISSI~i STATS OP CALIPORNIA ) . COUNTY OP ORANGB ) ss. CITY OP ANAHHIM ) I, JBAN pqGB ~ Secretary of the City planniag Co~ieaion of, the City of Anaheim, do h~reby certify that the foregoiag resoYution ~vas paased aad adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commiasioa of the City of Anaheia, heid oa May 1, 1961 at 2:00 o'cloct P.M., by the foliowing vote of the aembers thereof: AYE3: CCMA~i33ICi~iBRg: Allred~ Gauer, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall and Smomers. NOB3: CONAfI3SI0NBRS: None, ABSSNT: OOAIl~iI3SI0t~Tffit3: Hapgood, IN WIINBS3 1~iBRBOP, I have hereuato set my hand this l~t day of May, 1961. ~ ~ SIT Y ANAF~I'iM CITR P ING CObDdI3SZ0~i VC2-A .2_ RESOLUTION N0. 247, Sffi:ISS 1960-61 _,--_._____~--- ---------__..`. _.._._~.___ _ ._ „ --_____~ ___ ~~----- -~--- ~,.,, ._ __ __._..... ..__ _ ~ ~ -