PC 1960-1961-248~ ,.•~ ~~ ~ ,~ ..- ~~ RSS(~I.UTION N0. 248, SHRIBS 1S50-Gl A RHSOLUTI~1 OP TI~ CITY PIANNING CQMMI9SI@T OF THB CITY OF A11f~HBIM THAT PSTITION POR VARIANCB N0. 1359 BB QtANTED {~ItBA~, the City Planning Co~nmissioa of the City of Anaheim did rer.eive a ve:ified Petitioa for Yariaace from William J. Skellenger, 512 Bruce &treet~ Anaheim, California, Owner. of c~rtaia real.property aituated in the City of Anaheim, Couatq of Orange, Sbate of Cal3fornia~ as deacribed in Bxhibit "A" or as followa: Lot 12 of Tract No. 2414, as per map thereof recorded in Book 75, Pages 43 and 44 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County, California, ; aIId WHHRBA3, the Citq Plaaning Commissioa did hold a public hearing at the City Hall ia #he City of Anaheix~~aa May 1, 1961 at 2:00 o~clock P.M.~ notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by7aw and in accordaace with the provi- aiona of the Aaaheim Municipai Code, Chapter 18.68~ to hesr and coasider evidence fbr and againat said propoaed eariance aad to inveatigate and aate finding8 and recommendations in connection therewith; aac: ' WF~RRA3, said Commission, after dne inepectioa, investigation,and atudy made by it- self and in its behalf, and after due consideration of a11 evidence and reports oifered as said hearing, does find and determine the €ollowing facte: l. That the petitioner requeats a variance from the Aaaheim Nuaicipal Code: 9ection 18.24.030(3) to.permit tl,e encroachment of ten (10) feet inta the :.equired rear yard in order to construct a r;tility room. 2. That there are exceptionai or extraordiaary sircumataacea or CpAA~t~0A8 applicabie to the property involved or to the intended uae of the property thnt do aot apply generaily to the property or class of uae in the anme v3ciaiiy aad zane. 3. That the requested variance ia aeceasary for the preservation end ea3oymea: of $~ubetant3al property right posaeased by other property in the eame vicinity aad zone, and denied to the propertq in question. • 4. 11iat the requeated variance wi11 not be materialiq detrimentai to the public welfare or in,justaus to the propesty or improvements ia such vicinity and zone in which the property is located. ~ 5, Tha,t the ~requested variance wili not adveraely affect the Comprehensive Genera]. Plan. 6. That an adequate amount of rear yard will remain after the construction of the proposed addition on sub3ect property. 7. That verbal opposition in addition to a petition of protest, containing 22 ~ signatures, was recorded against subject petition. Verbal support by one property owner was recorded in favor of subject petition. V~1 -1- - ---- -'--- - ---- --. .-- - . _ -- ------- - -- -- : ,,, c ~___.._--- -------._~ ' _. .. __,_ ' ~~ . . .._ --~ ..._~.. ; ; i ;; t ':~ 1 :~, ;~i ';~ ! I , ; . . ^+' ~ ~~~ ~' j Naltl, 'IIiBRBPORE, BB IT RBVCLVHD that the Anaheim City Planning Commission hereby approves Variance No. 1359 , upon the foliowing conditions which are hereby fouad to be a neces:ary prerec~uisite to the propoaed uae of 4he sub3ect pro- perty ia order to preaerve the eafety aad geaerai welfare of the Citizena of Anaheim: 1. Development subsiantially in accordance with plans presented. Tf~ P~tBGOING RBSOLUTIOd~I is signed and approved b me th s ist day of Ma~, 1961. ' ~ VICH RMAN ANIlHHIM CITY PIANNING C01~4~lI93ION A1TB3T: SS Y ANAHBIM CITY PIANN G C~tISSI(1~1 ' STATB OP CALIPORNIA ) . COUNTY OP ORANGB ) ss, CITY OP ANAE~IM ). I, JBAN PAGE, ~ Secretary of the Ci4y Plaaning Commiesion of the Citq of Anaheim, do hereby certifq that the foregoittg resolution xas paesed and adopted at a ceeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anahe3a, held oa May 1, 1y61 a~t 2:00 o'clock P.M.~ by the followiag vote of the meub~ra thereof: AYB3: COb@!I3$IONBR3: Alired, Gauer, Msrcoux, Morris, Mungall and Summers, NOH3: COhAlI3SIOI~R3: None. ABgHNT; pph9~(IgSIpNffitg; Hapgood. IN WIINBSB ~BOP, I have hereunto set my hand this ist day of May, 1961. ~ SIT Y ANAI~IM CITY P NG C0l~iI3SI~1 VC~A 2_ RIISOLUTION N0. 248, SBRIHS 1960-61 --'- ----._..__.._...__...___-__..__._.__.._...-----~--..._--------._---- ~, ~ . ,. , ° r~ pr. .. :..... :.. ..~,~ .~ ?Ai'.Y ! - '. ~ ~ . .. ~..: ~.'::.~ :..~.. --- ~ ~ - ; , 's ; ?; a q ~:~ r, ~ ?i :a :l :rc i:;;~4