PC 1960-1961-253:~ {~ YJQ _ ~f F ~. + ~, 1 ~ T RBSOLUTION NO 253 SHR3HS 1960-61 A RESOLUTIOd~1 OP Tf~ CITY PIhNNING C~OdISSIQN OP THH CITY OP AIdAF~ID[ gg~~iDyNG Tp THB CITY COUNCIL OP THH CITY OP ANAHSIAI TAHT pgTITyQp ppR RHCIAS3IPICATION N0.60-61-88 BB DENIHD. ~}~pg, the City Planning Commisaion of the Ci4y of Anaheim di~ receive a eerified Petition for Reclassification fsom Charles A. and Sazah Ramsay, 1132 West La Palma Avenue, Anaheim, California, Owaers; Russeil Prost, 2432 South West Azure, Santa Ana, California~ Agent, proposing the reclassification of the following described property: Lot 28 of Tract No. 2373, in the City of Anaheim~ County of Orange, State oi t;alifornia, as per map recorded in book 68 pages 17 and 18 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the county recorder of said county. ; and ~Bp3, the City Planniag Co~isaion did hoid a pubiic iteeriag a~ ~~e C3:y Fsll ~ the City of Anaheim on May 1, 1961 at 2:00 A'cloct P.tl.. aotice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by]ax and in accorda~nce xith the provi- sion~ of the Anaheim Muaicipal Code, Chapter 18.72~ to hear and consider evideace for aad against said proposed reciasaificatioa and to iavestigate and mate findiaga aad recomeen- dationa in connection therewi`*_; and qV1~tHA3, said Commisaion~ after due inapectioa,iaveatigation, aad atudq sade by it- selg and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence aaQ rep~rta offered at said hearing, doea fiad aad determine the follosaing facts: 1. That the petitianer proposes a reclassificati~a of the above deacritied pro- perty from tIIe R-1, ONE PAMILY RESIDBNTIAL,~ZONH to the C-2, GENBRAL CCIMMHRCIAL, ZONB. 2, That the proposed reclasaifacation of aub,~ect prRperty not necessary or deairable for the orderly and proper developaeat of the communi~y. 3, That the proposed reclassification o€ eub3ect property doea not psoperly relate to thc xo~es and tueir permitted usea local3y establiahed ia cloge prox3Aitf to subject property and to the zones and their permitted uses gene=ally eetabliahed lhrough- out the co~unity. 4. That the proposed reclassificatioa of aub3ect property doea require dedicatioa for aad standasd i8proveneat of abuttic~g atreeta becauee amid propertr doea seiate to and abut upoa streets aad highways which are nroposed _ to carr~ the type and quantity of traffic~ sahich Kiii be generated by the peraitted uaea~ in •accord- aace with the circulation element of the General Plan. 9. That subject pro~erty is contaiiied in Tract No. 2373, a single family resi- dential tract, and Declaration of Restrictions No. 17364 is imposed on said tract limiting use of properties contained in Tract No. 2373 to single family residential use oniy. 6, That Petition for Variance No. 1126, requesting use of a r~esidence for a beauty shop, located o~ the sout,heast corner of La Palma Avenue and Lomita Str~et and contained in Tract No. 2373, was denied by City Council Resolution Noe 5436 on August 18, 1959. 7, That adequate parking facilities could not be provided far the psoposed use of sub3ect property. 8, That the proposed reclassification af subject property ta the C-?, General Commercial, zone could permit an undesirable use of the prope~ty. 9, That verbal opposition, in addition i:o a petiti3or~ oSF protest contain3ng 36 signatures, was xecorded against subject.petation. ; R-1 ~_ ~ ~`,,,_---_._M1_. _ - =_._.,--,-; -1- __. .. , . -- - ~"'. E~. ! ,'~~,• ~ - - - ' _ _. ~• .. `~ "~'' ~.. NCAV, Tf~RBPORB, BH IT RBSOLVBD that the Anaheim City Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Anahaim that Petition for Reclassification No. 60-61-gg be denied and, by ao daing, that Title 18-Zoaing of the Anaheim Municipal Code ttat be amended to exclude the above described property from the R-1, ONB PAMILY RBSYDBNrIAL zone and to incorporate said deacribed property in the C-2, GE2~RAL CQMMHR:.'TAL zoae. THB PORBGOING RH30LUTION is signed and approved by me th? st day of May~ 1961. VICB CHAIRMAN ANAHHIM CI~`~i PIANNING C0~41ISc f0i~i pTTBST: ~/ Y ANAHSIM CITY YIJ1~~ NG COb4dIS3IQN STATE OP CAI.IPURNIA ) COUNTY OP ORANGH ) sa. CITY OP ANAHHIM ) I, JBAN PAGB , 3ecretary of the City Planning Comroissioa of the City of paaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing reaoiution was pasaed and adopted at a meeting of the City Pia~ing Commisaion of the City of Anaheim, held on MaY =0 1961 at 2:00 o~clock P.M „ by the following vote of the members thereof; AYHS; CQhQlIS91ONffit3: Ailred, Gauer, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall and Sumuners. NOE3: COMMISSIONffit3: None. AB$ffi~1T: CaMtdI3SI0NBRS: Hapgood. IN WITNB3S W}~REOP, I have hereuato set my hand this ls4 day of May~ 1961. gg ~M CITY PIA.'~FiJr~s COAQdISSIQN (/ R2-D ~2~ RESOLUTIOh N0. 253, Sffit£SS 19@0-61 _...._ _ ------•... ' es