PC 1960-1961-254.~;_.~.h~,.~...,..._....~...;.,_ ~`: ~.~,,, -,,,.. .r ; •- -.:~ ~ .~.,~..~, ....._.,~. ...,.~.... .,..__, '~ ` . ~ ~ :' 1;~'' , RBSOLU7i3UN N0. ~5~, ~HRYES 1960-61 A RBSOLUTIO~i OP TH8 CITY BTJINNING C~QdISSI@i OP TH8 CITY OF O~IAF~I}9 RBCO[~DING TO TEffi CITY COUNCIL OF 1~ CITY OP ANAHBIM T~lAT PBTITIOiV POR RBCIA38IPICATIQN N0. 60-61-89 AS DHNIHD. 11f~tBA3, the City Pinnaing Commisaioa of the City of Anahei~ did receive a~rerified Petition for Reclassif3catioa from Dale W. and Mary a. McDonald, 528-C West Hampshire Avenue, Anaheim, California, Owners; Vlalter Malzahn, 2200 South Loara Street, Anaheim~ California, Agent, proposing the reclassif~cation of the following described property: Lot 8 in Block C of Tract No. 131, as shown on a map recorded in book 11, page 22, Mis- cellaneous Msps, Records of Orange County, ; sad W~RBA3, the City Planning Cnarmission 6id hold a pubiic hearing at the 8ity ftnll ia the City of Anaheim on May 1~ 1961 at 2:00 o~cloct P.li., aotice of said pulslic hearing having been du~.y given as required by]ax and in sccordaace rith !he provi- sions of the Anaheim Municipal Code~ Chapter 18.72, to Lear and consider evidaace for nnd against said proposed reclasaification aad to iavestigate and aake findiaga saa recoaae:~- dationa in conaectioa therewith; and 1Vf~tEAB, eaid Commieaioa, after due inapectioa,investigatioa, aad atudq made bp it- self and in ita behaig, and after due conaideratioa of all ievidence and reporte offered at sa3d hesriag, do0s fittd aad determine the foilowing facta: 1. Tliat the petitiotter proposea s reciassificatioa of the above deacribed pro- perty from tIIe R-2, TWO PAMILY RBSID&NTIA'L,ZONH to the R-3~ MULTIPLE FAMILY RHSID.iiNTIA,L, ZONB. 2. That the propoeed reciasaification of sub,~ect propertq ac,e aecesess~- or deairabie for the orderly and propex development of the coswnity. 3. That the propoaed reciagaification of aub3ect property doea no~t pro~erly relate to the zonea and their permitted uaea los~ily establiahed in ciose pro~~.isity to sub3ect property and to the zonea and their permitted uaes geaeraliy cstabiiahed t~rou;~h- out the coemtunity. 4. That the proy~osed reciasaificatioa o¢ aub,~ect propertq doea not require dedicat3.on for aad a~~endard inproveaeut of abutting atreets becauae aei6 propert~ doea reiate to aad abut upon streets and highwaya rhich are imnroved to carr~ t2ue tqpt and quaatity of tzaffic~ which xill be generated by the pesattted uoea, in •aecord- ance with the circulation element of ~khe General Pian. 5. That the present use of three dwelling unita located on the subject property is in v3.olation of Code requirements,which limit the usz of ~ubject property to two singl2~family dweilings,aiid the gropert} is presently in an overcrowded condition. G. That the proposed reclassification would establish an un~esirable precedent for c~evelopment of the R-2, ltvo Pamily Residential, properties in close proximity to sub,ject property to the R-3, Multiple Pamily Residential~ zone, 7. That written opposition signed by two reaidenta of the area was recorded against subject petition. R-1 -1- f~ ~_ ___~.__._..___.__ -_. _ __ ...- _ _. : i ~ ` ~~ .? i ~ NdW, TEIHEtHPORB, BB IT RHSQLVHD that the Anaheim City Plaaning Commisaion hereby recommends to the City Council of the Cifiy of Anaheim that Yetition for Reclasaificatioa No. 60-61-89 be denied and, by so doing, that Title 18-2oning cf the Aueheim Municipal Code not be amended to exclude the above described property froa the R-2, TWO PAMILY RESIDHNTIAL zone and to incorporate said described property in tha R-3, MULTIPI.E PAMILY RHSIDSNTIAL zone: , THg p6lt,HGOING RHSOLUTYON is signed and approved by me t's lst y of May, 1961. r V CHAI ANA1~ !A CIT7C pI,AHI~iING COirQ~lISSION ATTE3T: ~ I ~`,~ G`' $BCR Y ANAHEIM CITY P ING COD9dISSION STATB OP CALIPOitNIA ) COiR.TY OP ORflNGB ) ss. CITY OP ANAHSIM ) I~ JgpN pq~g , Secrefary of the City Pianaing Commiasion of the City of Aua~eim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and a iop19 i t a meeting of tLe City Plaiming Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on MaY r at 2:00 o`clock P.M., by the foilowing vote of the members thereof: AyBS; COM~iIaRIOI~ER3: Alired, Gauer, Marcoux, Mosxis~ Mungall and 3ummess. HQ~g; COMMISSIOPIBR3: None. • pB3IDVT: C~lI~SICs~'•S: Hapgoc3. IN WITN83S WHHRHOP, I hane hereunto set my hand this ist day of May, 1961. SH \ Y ANAtIBIfd C TY p ING CQMMI3SION 1 i RZ_D _2_ ~ RBSO~UTION N0. 254, SBRIES 1960-61 +.. f ~ ._~.-__...__;~---____._.-.__-__---._.. __.~_.._~.- ----•.,. , ; f I ~ , { i 1 ; i