PC 1960-1961-256! 3 ''~'~:~' ~~; 'y, ~,. RBSOLUTIQN NO 256, 3FiRIES 1960-61 ___ ~i R&40LUTx0~I OP THB CITY pIANNII~G C~lISSION OP T~iB CITY C1P ANP~FffiIt[ ItHCOI~NDING TO THS CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OP /#IdA~£l3IM 7f~iAT ggTITION pQR RBCIAggIPICATTQN N0. 60-61-92 BB GRANTSD. ~ffitBA3, the C3tq Pianning Co~aissiom of the Cit~y of Anaheim did receiYe a ecrified Ietition for Reclassification froa~ Lawrence Haapert, dba Anaheim Auto parts, 1256 Hast Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, ~alifornia, Qxner, proposing the reclassification o'f the follow- ing describecl property: legal description on fil~ in the office of the Planning Department, ; 8ad WFIHR8A8, the City Plaaning Corrmission did hold u public hearing at the 8ity Hall in the City of Anaheim on May 1, 1961 at 2:00 o~clack P.M.~ notfce of ea?~1 public hearing having been duly.given as required by]aa and ia accordance vrith 4he p=ovi~ aions of the Anaheim Muaicipai Code~ Chapter 18.72, to haar and coneider ev.fdeace for and agsinst said proposed reciasaification and to iavestigate and mahe findiags sad recoemea- dations ia connectioa therewith; and WHffi~.BAg, said Commisaion, a€ter due in~pection,iaveaLigatioa~ and etudq macde by it- self and in its behalf, and uiter due coasiderat•~on of alY evideace aad zeparta offered at said hearing, does find and deYermine the foilowiag £acYS. 1. That the petitioner pxoposes a reciassificatioa of the above described pro- perty from tIle C-1~ Neighborhood Commercial, Zone to the C-3, Heavy Commercial~ Zone. 2. That ~he proposed xeclassificatioa of sub,~ect prop~rty ~_ ueceaeary or desirabie for the orderly aad proper deveiopment of 4he coffiunity. 3, That the propased reci:.ssification of sub3ect property doea psoperly relate to the zones and their permitted uses locally established ia close proxinit~ to subject propesty and to 4he zones and their permitted uses generaily.estabiiehed through- out the ca~unity. 4. That the psopose3 reciassificatiaa of aubject property daea r~guire dedicats.~a for aad standard improveaeat of abutting atreets because said propertY does reiate to and abut upon streets and h3ghwaqa wh~ch are nrouosed to carry the type and quant3ty of traffic, mhich wili be generated bq the pexaaitted uses~ ia •ar,~ard- aa~e with the circulation elemeat of the General Plaa. surroun$ing axeahe proposed use of the subject pzoperty is not detrimental to the 6, That no one appeared. in opposition to the subject petition, ~. •~ R-~ d: ~ ~ ' ;--- ---- --i~ __-•-- ~- ~ ~:~ , -1- ,___~_.----._.. T____.__. • , ___~ 3mi: 9:~ . .u-. '.~, f ~ `: J ~j ir'~'` v: '~~f. ~,, NOW, 1HBREPORB, BB IT RHSOLVHD that fihe Anaheim City Ylannimg Commission hereby 4,; recommends to the City Council of the Citq of Ana.heim that Petition for Rec2assification ~` No, 60-61-92 be approved and, by so doing, that Title 18-2oning of the Anaheim b~~ Municigal Code be amended to exclude the above described property fram the G1, Neighborhood S Commerciai zone and to incorporate said described property in the C-3, Heavy ~:. Commercial zone, upon the following conditions which are he=eby found to be a neces- Y' sary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject propertiy in order to preserve the L: safety and general welfare of the Citizens of Anaheim: ~_a ~ 1. Dedication of 53 feet fiom the monumented centeilisle of LinCOln Asenue (Center Street) (50 feet existing). ' 2. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lightirig purposes. . 3. Installatiori of concrete sidewalka, 4. Time limitation of 90 days for the accomplishmen4 of Items No, 1, 2, and 3. 5. Filing of deed restrictions lim3ting use of subject property to a parts store bu,~iness with a supplemental machine shop operatioci, or to any C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, use. THI3 PQREGOING RHS~LUTION is signed and approved by me his ist day of May~ 1951. VICB CHAI ANAi~ffiIM CITY PIANNING COt~AlISSION ATTE3T: ~ SECRHT APL4HBIM CITY P NG COD4t 83ION STATS P CALIPORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGH ) .ss. CITY OP ANAE~IM ) I, JEAN FAGE , Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, d~ ,hereby certify that ths foregoing resolution wss passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Plamiing Co~ission of the City of Anaheim, held on May 1, 1961 at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: ~ ~_ AYBS: CQ~RSISSIONBRS: Allred, Gauer, Marcaux, Morrisi Mungall and Summess. `•:~ ~~ NQB3: CO~I13SIONBR$: None. $ . ABSBNT: CQ~tY3S10T~ffiEtB: Hapgood, ;~j IN WIZNBS~ WHSRBOP, I have hereunto aet my hand this ist day o£ May, 1961. ~ R 2-A ~ y RHSOLUTION N0, 256, BfiRIBS 1960-61 r- ~ -- ~ - -- ~i ~ .:~,.~,r~~_......_..__~_ ------__ - --- _...____ ... __ -----~~__ u. ~~~-~ . ,.-~~ . , ~.~ ~~~ RBSOLUTION N0, 256. 3BRIES 1950-61 . ~~; ' '` A RESOLUTI~1 OP Tf~ CITY PIANNING C~IISSI~1 OP THFi CITY OF ANAt~II[ ~. i RBC~i'DING TO TH8 CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OP ANAt~IM THAT '~ PSTITION PQR 1tBCIAS3IPICATION IdO. 60-61-92 BE GRA.NTED. iYr , f' 1VfffitBA3, the City Pianaing Commission of the City of finateeia did receivc s oerified ,_i~ Petition for Reclasaificat3on from Lawrence Haupert,. db~ anaheim Auto Parts, 1256 Iiast ;,, Lincoln A~enue, Anaheim, Califoznia, ~vner, proposing the reclassification o~' the follow- ~~ ~ ing described property: legal description on filg in the office of the Planning Departm~nt, i 8IId M1FffiRBAB, the Citq Plaaning Co~ni~aion did hoid a public heering at the ei4y Hall in the Citq of Anaheim on lday 1, 1961 at 2:Ofl o~clock P.M.~ aotice of said public hearing having been duly givea as required by1aN aad in eccordance xith the provi- 9ions of the Anuheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.72~ to hear and coneider evideace for aad agaias4 said propnsed reciasaification $n~1 to investigate and make findiaga sad recoaaea- dations in connection there~vith; and Wt~RBAS, said Co~ai~sioa, after due iaApeciion,iavesti~s:ion, aad s4udy 8ade by it- self and in ita behalf, and after due coas~deratioa of all evideace aad reporta offmred at said hearing, doea find and determine the foilowing facta; 1. That 4he petitioner proposes a reclasaification of the above deacribed pro- perty from the C-1, Neighborhood Commercial,~Zone to the C-3, Heavy Commercial~ Zone, 2. That the propoaed reclassificatioa of sub3ect proparty ~._ aecesaary or desirabie for the orderly aad proper developmen# of the co~aunity. 3, That the progoaed reciassification of sub,~ect propr~rty does prqperly relate to the zoces. and their permitted uses locaiiq es~cahlis~ed in clase praxisiL~ ko subject propertq aad to the zonea and theiz permitte8 naes generaily estabiished ihrough- out the co~unity. 4. That the proposed reclassificatioa of sub3ect property doea _ requise dedicatioa for aad atondard improvemeat of abntting atreeta becsuse eaid property doea relate to and abut upoa streets and highwaya which are pr.onosed to carr~ the tqpe and quaatity of traffic~ mhich rP3.11 be geaerated by th~ peraitted usea~ in •eccord- ance tvith the circulation elemeat of the G6~araL Plaa. surroundinghaseahe proposed use of the subject property is not detzimental to the 6. That no one appeared in oppusitaon to the subject petition. R-1 ^~ ~~ ... . -.~ • 1~ -1- ~. . ~..•.-------__~.__.__ ~, 1 ; ` . }n ~,.. .._...._~_.. ~, _ . .--- ,, . ~. ~x . ~. ~.....~_~__...4 -----. . __ _ ---------_.__._._..._..._._....._~_.._._..,----._~.._ ----~----__._.~--- -... .. ~,~ If~, lc q~ , ~ :~ ~r: ~~ t'~ G: , ~ ~: ~; N(%d, 1HERHPORB, BB IT RHSOLVHD that the Anaheim City Planning Commission hereby recommend~ to the City Council of the City of Anaheim fhat Petition for Reclassification !~. No. 60-61-92 be approved and, by su doiag, thst Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim ~ Municipal Code be nded to exclude the above described property from the C-1, Neighborhood ~ Commercial zo: _.~d to incorporate said described property in the C-3, Heavy ,r Commercial zane, upan the following conditions which are hereby found to be a neces- i; sary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the ~ safety and general welfare of the Citizens of Anaheim: f': ~ 1. Dedication of 53 feet from the monumented centeslirie of Lincoln Avenue (Center Street) (50 ieet existing). 2. Paqment of $2,00 per front foot for street lightipg purpo:~~. 3, Installation of concre~e sidewalks. 4. Time limitation of 90 days for the accomplishment of Items No. 1, 2, and 3, 5, Filing of de2d res4rictions limiting use af subject pxoperty to a parts store business with a s~~pplemental machine shop operation, or to any C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, use, THB PQRHGOING RE90LUTION is signed and approved by me this ist day of May~ 1961. VICB CHItIRMAN ANAE~IM CITY pLANAIING CO[~4dISSION ATT83T: ~ SHCRHT ANAHEIM CITSf Y NG CQ~4dI33I0~`T STA1B F CALIFORNIA ) CWIVTY OP ORANGH ) ss. CIT7t OP ANAF~IM I I~ J~d PQ~ . Secretary of the ~ity Planning Commission of the Citq of Anaheim, do hereby certifq that the foregoing resolution'was passed and adopted at a meeting of the.City Plarming Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on May 1, 1961 at 2:00 o~clock F,M.~ by the following vote of the members thereof: AYBS: COAflNISSIONHRS: Allred, Gauer, Marcaux, Morris, Mungall and Summer~. N~84: CQPR~l13SIONBR3: None. ABSEt~T: C(Y~lRlI3SIOI~R3; Hapgood. IN 6VITNSS3 WHHRHOP, I have hereunto set my hand this lst day of May, 1961. SBQtB pNpFI1gIM CITY P NG CaA4~fI33I0N R2-A -2-- RBSOLUTION'N0, 256, SBRIHS 1960-61