PC 1960-1961-264~ ; ~ ..:1 S .~•1 1 ~ ~ ~~•~ .'~•~ .,~ i S at~ _ ~~ . ...:.:........._.__.__.._.._.. -__- --_ -.__-------- _,._ _.._ ~ . 9 - -- j ~'~ RBSOLUTION N0. 264. SBRIBS 1960-61 ~ i A RB30LVTI~I OP 1HS CITY PIANNING COF8AI8SI~I OP THB CITY OP ANAHBIt4 .. 1NAT PBTITION POR CONDITIODiAL U3B PffitMIT PiO. 119 BB (~tLANTBD _ WHBttBAS, the City Pianning Commission o~ the Ciiy of Aaaheim did receive.a•verif.ied~:~,';~:.; :~ Petition fsr Conditional Use Permit fros Myrtle and R. L. Handy , 97i1 South•.Center Drive,~; r: ~~.:-:;': Vi1lla Park, Ura1n e, Californita, Owners; North American Aid, 1700 Bast Imperial Highway, . of ce~~ain'reallpiopes~y gsituated in the City of Anaheim. Couaty of Ornnge, 3tate of California, as described in Bxhibit "A" or as followa: IDchibit "A" on file in the office of the Planning Departmeat. ; and y1F~RBAS, the City Planning Commissioa did hold a public hearing a4 the City Hall ia the Ci#y of Anaheim on May 15, 1961 at 2:00 o~clock P.M„ natice of said pub2ic hear:ing having been duly givea as required by]a~e and in accordanc~ rtitti the provi- sions of the Maheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.64, to hear and conaider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use and to investigate and make findiags and recoaen- dations in connection therewith; a.ad WF~9RBAS, said Commfssion~ after due inspection~investigation, and study ~ade by it- aelf aced in its behalf~ and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and detesmine the following facta: 1. That the proposed use ~_ progerly ~ne £ox which u f;oaditional Use Perait ~ ia suthorized by this Code, to wit: privately operated recreation f3cility. ; 2, 1t.at the proposed use ~ill not adversely affect !he ad3~iaing land usea and ; the growYh and develapment o: the area in which it ia pioposed to be located. 3. That the size aad shape of the aite proposed for the use 3y~,s adequate t~ allow the full deeelopmeat of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the parti- cular area nor to the peace, health,.safety. and general welfa=e of the citizens of the City of Anaheim. • ' 4. That the traffic generated by the propos~d use will not impose aa uadue bur.-. . den upon the st=eeta and highways deaiga.ed and proposed to esrry the traffic in'the asea.':'' ` i 5. That the granting of the Coad~.tional Use Permit under the conditioas ia~osed,' i if any, will not be detrimentai to the ~eace~ health~ eafaty, and general welfare of''the'~;-,';',.'' citizens of the Citq of Anaheim. ~ ;~;: ~ cc; 1 ~_I ~ -1- ~. % ~.:~ ~ j~ i ~1 .' "- ~, ~_ r' 1; , ! 1 ( ~ ,J ~: ~1 ~ . 9 1 ~ ~ '!~ ~} •7 _ ..... _._"~___. _... _ ......"._"". __.. .... k .,.~..-....._.._.""__'_'____".""__-'__'"'_..._ .,."____._.__._.____"__"_'_'"_._._-. N.-• ' '~ _`) ~ ~ ~..1 NUN, TfIHR~POItS BE IT RB30LVED 4hat the Aaaheim City Planaing Commiasion hereby approvea CONDITIONAI USB PIIRMIT N0, 119 , upon the folioNii:g coaditions vrhich are hereby founA to be a nece~sary prerequ~.site to the propoaed use of tlse aub~ect pro- perty ia ordex to preserve the mafety and geaezal welfare of the Citixens of Aaaheim; 1. Development substantially in accordance with platts pzesented, providing that the layout and Sandscaping be developed substantialiy as shown after the required dedication outiined in ConJ.ition No. 2, in order to accomplirh the intent of an existi~g P-L, Parking Landscaping. Zone established to the west of subject pro- perty. 2. Dedication of 45 feet from the monumenteG centeriine of Anaheim Road (20 feet existing). ' 3. Preparation of street improvement plans and installation of all improvements~ in accordance with approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Bngineer, at the time of development. 4. Fayment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting pu:poses at time of development. 5. Provisian of utility easements along exterior boundaries as deter;~*.ned by Director of Utilities. 6. Provision ~f proper protection for er repincement of existing 36 inch irrigation line to the satisfaction of the Union Water Campany. Tf~ Pat8G0IN0 RHSOLUTIC~I is ei~ned ~nd spproved by me this i5th day of May, 1961. ~\ ~ _~ ~ C IRIlAN ANAHHIE~ CITY PIJINNING CQ19dI89I0N ATffi8T: ~~~~ Q Y ANAHBIIQ CIT7~PWaIING C~dISSI~i TATB OP CALIPORNIA ) COIJNTY OP ORANGB ) sa. CITY OP ANAf~IM ) I, ,TBAN PAGB ~ Secretary of the City Pianais~ Comaiaeion of the City of aaaheia, dfl hereby certifq that the foregoiag reaoiution evas pasaed and adopt~d at a neetiag of the CiSy Pianning Commiasioa of the City of Aasheia, h~eld on May 15, 1961 at 2:00 o'c1ocY P.M.~ by the folloxing vate of the aeabeza theseof: AYBB; COF4~II83x~4: Al.tred, Hapgood, hiarcoux, Morris, Mungall and Snmmers, NOBS: Cd~lI33I02~Rg: None. . AB3HPIT: f,~3~iFtISSiOlVBR3: c~auer. IN WITl~.48 YIHBRBOP~ I have her~uato seY nq haad thi.s 15th day of May, 1961. ~ ~e~-w~ ~it' . k~ SBQtE . X At~iBItd GI ~'~NC C~lISSIQi ~~ VC?rA •~2- RBSOLUTION T0. 264