PC 1960-1961-265r i ~~r` {~ RBSnLUTION ft0. 265~ SH_°.ISS 1960-61~_ A RB90LUTIQN OP 1~iH CITY PLANNING COI~ISSI~'I GP THH CITY OP ANA}iSIli • ~ THAT PHTITION PQR CONDITIOIdAL USH PBRMI9r, `:0. 120 BH G3lANTHD Wt~[tBA$, iche City Planning Commis~ioa of the City af Anahnim did receive a verif3ed Petition for Conditional Use Permit froa Anna Rraemer `I~+haway, Owner, c/o Georgia C. Man~sta=, S752 Batella Avenue, Anaheim, California, A;;ent of certain real property aitaated in the City of Aaaheim~ County of Orange, 8tate of California, as described in 8xhibit "A" or as followa: Sxhibit "A" on file in the office of the Planning Department. ; and WHBRBAB, the City Planaing Commiasion did ho14 a pubiic ~earing at the City Hall in 4he City of Anaheim on May 15~ 1961 at 2:OU o'clock P.M., aotice of said public heariag having been duly givea as required by]ax and in accordaace xith the pravi- aions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.64, to hear and cansider evidence for and againat said propoaed coaditional use and to iavestigate aad make fiadings aad recoaea- dationa in connection therewith; nad 1VF~itBA3, said Commiasion, after u~~ inspectioa~iaveatigation, aad etudq made bq it- aeif and in its behalf, and after due consideratian of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find aad determine the following facts: 1, That th~ psoposed use ~,~,_ properlq oae for, which a Coaditional Uee Per~it is suthorized by this Code, to wit: cocktail lounge in con,~unction with a restaurant. ~ 2, That the propoaed use ~ill not advesaely affect thr ad3oiniag land usea aad the gsowth and develog~nent of the area in which it is propoaed to be locate'd. 3. That the s.ize aad ahape of the aite propoaed for the ~sae i~g, adequate,. to allow the !'uli developmeat of the proposed uae in a manaer not detr'inental to the parti- cular area noc to the peace, health~ safetq, aad general rreifare nf the citizeas of the City' of Anaheim. ' 4, That t~e traffic generated by the propoaed uae wi].1 not impoae aa uadne;;~bus±;',. den upon the atreeta and highvraya deaigned and ia~roved to esrry the traffic in the`•area:`;'' . 5, That the granting of tihe Coaditioral Use Permit under the conditions imQoaed;- if any, will ~~ot he detrimental to the peace, health~ safety, and general xelfare~of"the` citizens of the City of Ana2teim. ~ 6. That no one appeared in opposition to sub3act petition. ' _1_ i C-1 ' , i V i , ~ _ __. _ _ ____ ___. ~~ .--::~~:.::-;;:.~,...~:..~.~,:~w::~.,~,~~~:...,....,.,,~..~.....-,v:~......__,_____....____. _.___.. r ,:. t~ ~1 Npt~, ~glHRgppgg, ' gg IT RBSOL~JBD that the Anatzeiea City Flanniag Commission hereby appraves COAIDITIONAL USB PHRMIT N0. 120 , upua ~he foliowiug conditioa9 which are hereby fWUnd to be a necessary p=ereqnfsite to the proposed use of the sub3ect pro- perty in osrSes to pseaerve 4~e safety aad geae=a1 xeifare of the Citizena of Aaaheim: 1, Development substantially in accordarice with plans pre~ented. 2. Provision of six (6) foot landscaped strip abutting the southerly planned highway right-o£~way line of subject psoperty, and the pxovisiott of five (5) foot by five (5) foot tree wells at £ort~ C40) foot intervals adjacent to the planned highway right-of-way line, and the instnilation of street trees therein. All porYions of said parkway not filled in with concrete shall be properly landscaped in the manner provided for Y:erein. Plans for said landscaping and water suppiy, including the. spacing of street trees and s"nrubs, shali be subject to the approval of the Super- intendent of Parkwa~y Maintenance. 3, Dedication of 53 €eet fro~¢ the mcnumented centerline of Orangethorpe Avenue (20 feet existing). 4. Preparation of street improvement plans and installation of all improvements, in accordance with ~pproved standard plans on £ile in the office of the t;ity Bngineer, at the time of development. 5. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes at the time of development. 6, Provision of utility easem~nts along exterior boundaries as determined by the Director of Utilities. TF~ P~iBGOING RBSOLUTE~i ia eigned snd approved bq ~e t s i5th~ day of May, in61. , CBCHA ANAHBIM CITY PLAtiNING CO1~AlI88EQN AT188T: ANAHBIM C3' P NG C0I~9YISSIO~i' STA1`S OP CALIPORPdIA ) • COVNTY OP O~tANGS ) e-s. , ~ GITY OP ANAt~IM ) I, ,RlP,N PAGH , 8ecretary of the City PlaaniAg Coms3~eion of !he City of Anahein, do hereby cestifq that the foregoing resolutioa eoas paased and adopted at a neetiag o£ the ~ity Pianaing Com~isaioa of the City of Anahrim~ heid oa May 15, 1961 at 2:00 o~ciock P.bl.~ by the follovt3ng vo4e of the aenbers thereo£: p.BS; COM2tIg3IC~IBR3: All=ed, Hapgood, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall ar,~ Summers. NQB3: CQI~lMI3SEOIZBR3: None. AHggt~T; OOAAII9SIOtd.@t3: Gauer. IN WITNH~S ~H~P^~'~ a have hereuato aet my fiaad this 15th day of May, '1961. , ~-P~ G~~ I SBCRS APIAHBIM CITY P ~COFWI8SI~1 i ~ VC?rA -~- , ~ i RSSOULTION N0. 265 i ~ ,;;` ~;;: `~ ;~ . ;:j' i i ~ ' _ ;------ -_.._._~__.________---~._._.__._.__.,,______-___.,_~__....._. ---~~ rti-. . . . , . ._, _., . _ .. . .. , ... . - . .~._ ~ ! ~ ~ . . _