PC 1960-1961-272A RB30LUTIOH OP TEffi CITY PIANNING COMKI3SI0.N OF THB CITY OP ANAfIBIM THAT F~TITION P0~2 CONDITIONAL USE PHRMIT NO. 122 BE BHNIED ;" WHERHA3, the City Piann3ng Commission of the Citp of Anahe3m did•receive a aerifi~ '~ Petition f~r Condi4ional Use Permi4 from Loma Vista Investments, Inc., 10668 Cranks Ro~a'd i Culver City9 California, Owner; Martha M. Montgomery, 1807 Verde Place, Anaheim, Calif,,'Lessee,; of certain rea! property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, 3~ate of ; California, as described in Bxhibit "A" or as follows: Lot No. 8 of Tract No. 2300. ; a ~ ; and : ':-y WFIDRBAS; the•City Planning Commission did hold a pubiic hearing at the City Hall in ~~ the City o: Anaheim on May 29, 1961 at 2:OU o~clock P.M., notice nf said public hearing having beea duly given as required by }aw and ia accordance ~eith the provi- ,i sions of the Analxeim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.64, to hear and consider evidence for and ag~inst said proposed conditional use aad to investigate and make finaingg and recom~ea- dations in connection therewith; and WFIIlRBAS, said Commission~ after due inspection,investigat3on, and study made by it- _ self and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said heariag, does find and determiee the following facts: 1. That the p=oposed use i,y,_ properly one for which a Condit'_aaal Use Pezmit -. is suthorized by this Code, to wit: a day nu;sery achool 2. That the proposed use wiil sdtiersely affect the adjoining laad uses and the growth and development of the are,a in which it ia propoaed to be located. 3• Tha~ ~he entise burxoundin~ a$ea'is deveYopedl foE ~3xngle famalyr ses3deatr~tal use and is cl2asifsod in ~the R-1, Or-e Pamiiy Re~3des~tisl, Zoae, Thes~fare, 1~ wotxYd no~ be desirable ~o es~abl3sh_$he xequESted nse of sub3ect psop~:x4q ~a the R-1, One Pamily Resi- den~sal, 2one at 4he presea~` ~ime. ~. T~3~~ aS4hough $he ch€ld::en would ba supesviaed, the occutpaacy of 4he p±~emxaes ,~ bq appaoximaLe3y ffift~~ea ch3ldr~n wouYd ~create a ao~.se fac~o~ and wau~d aotr rie compa~i~le "'Y"~'~= w~ith the exis$1ag sem~dea~3a1 development, ' , 5. 7Ch~~ vesbaY oppos~lticsn~ 3n addi~3.on to to~St~~en oppaci43osa, weAe sec~gded aga3n3~ subj~c~ petit~?on, ! ;.. ~• G1 -1- - -- __ ._~ . - . ~ ~,. _____ _ _ _._..__~--.__... .,_ -.._ ., , . ~, ~ ~ ; ~~ ;"-:~ NOW, TEIDRHPORE, BB IT RBSOLVBD that the Anaheim Gity Planniag Commission hereby denies CON1DxT30NAL USB PBRMET N0, Y22 FOIt A DA% NURSBRY SCHOOL on L~he basas of Lrie afoge- men~3oned f~szdMngs, THd PORBGOING RBSOLUTION is signed and approved by me 3~ 29 h day of Ma~, Y46Y. CHAI ANAHHIM CITY P I~TG CO-AfI33I0N ATTBST: .~-/ V (~- .~ SB ANAHEIM CITY P NG CONAfISSI~I STA'~' OP CALIPORNIA ) COUNTY OP OItANGH ) s8. CITY OP ANAHEIM ) I, JRAN PAGH , Secretary of the City Plar,niag Commisaion of the City c,f Anaheim, do hereby certLfy that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted et u meeting of the Ci~y Piaan3ng CoBmission of the Citq of Anaheim, held aa May 29, 1961 at 2:00 o'Clock P.M., by the followiag vo4e of the membere thereof: AY&9: COi~4~lI9SIC1NBR8: Marcoux, Morris, Mungali, Perrq, Summers, NQS3: CO~AA4IS9Y0~ffit3: None, ABSHNT: CU29~ISSIONl~t3:- Allred~ Gauer, Hapgood. I~J YIITNBS~ WfIDRHOP, l: have here~::to aet my hsad this 29~h day of May, 1861. . ~ SIICRBTARY IM CITY PIANNI CQMNISSION VC2-D RHSOLUTION N0. 272 -2- - . r..-.: . -_I__. _. _.~.__'__"_____~_~_--~-l-`.~_.__..~_~~_~.._, .... .. ____" ......__...._. .._....... , .. .~_._~r__ . . . . ., . . . . . ._ . ~.r.i.y ~ . . . . ~ .. - .: . •i4::Yq : . I . . . . .._ . .