PC 1960-1961-278A RS90LUTI~i OP 1l9B CITY PI1lNiiING COP9SISSICt~i OF Tf~ CITY 0P ANAHSIM THAT PBTITION PQR i-ARIANGB N0.1366 BB DHNIED t~4ffii~A3, the City Planning Commisaioa of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified petitioa for Variance froat William A. Behr~ke, 2156 South Harbor Bouievard, Anaheim, California, Owner of certain xeal property situated in the City of AnaP~eim, Couaty of Oraage~ State of Calffornia~ as described ia ~hibit "A" or se foll~tvs; !.~chibit "A" on file in the office of the Planning Department. ; and WFIDRBA~, the Citq Planning Commisaion did hold a public heariag at the City Aali in the City of Anaheim~oa May 29, 19E~1 at 2:O1.~ o'cloct P.~i., not3ce of said public hearing having been duly given as required by7ax a»:t ia accordance wi4h the provi- sions of the Anaheim N,unicipal Code, Chapter 18.68~ to hear and conaider evidence for aad agaiast said proposed variance and to inveatigate asx8 make fiaclinga and recommenaaLions in connection theiewith; aad iVF~R&1S, said Commisaion, after due inepection, investigatioa,and atudq made by it- aelf and in its behalf, and af~er.due conaideration of all evidence aad reporte offesed as said hesring, does find aad determine the following facta: •1. That the petitioner requesta a variance fron the Anaheim Municipal Code: 9ection 18.16.010 to permit light commezcial sales in a builcling propo3ed fo: construction on subject property. 2, That there are no except3ozu~1 or extraordinary circumstances or conditioas applicable to the property involved ~ir ~o #he intended uae of the property that do not apply gene~ally to the propertq or class o£ uae in the saffie vicini4y and zone. 3, That the requested variance i5 nn+ neceasasy for the preaervation aad en3oyment of a aubstantial oropagiq right poaseased Z~y other property i'a the same viciaifiy and zone, and denied ta the propertq ia queation. • 4. That the.requested variaace wi11 be materialiq detrimentai to the public cveifare or in,~uri'ous to.the property or improvemeats in such viciaity and zone in wh3.ch the property~ia located. g, That the proposed use of the proper4y is intended in c on,junction with Condi- tional Use Permit No. 121. Therefore, the subject variance is committed to the actions ~ taken upon ~aid Conditional Use Permit application. 6. That no ome appeared in opposition tu sub,ject petiti.on. . V-1 -1- ~:' ~ ~:;< ; _ , . ,.,.. .:. ,.. . s,~:. __ -~- ---•--_._~,_ - . . .,.. -±,= . i ~ _-. . . .__ ----- ~-: ,. -- ------ _ . --_ -------- _ : _---- --- - _ .. _ - .___..._~._____._ __.~---------.. --- . _ - - - - -- ~: t t, ~; ^ j :,., ..~ ~`~ ;~ ' ~, . . (:.. ~ E NOW, TfiHRBPORH, BE IT ~tB.4ULVBD that the Maheim City Pianning Commission hezeby denies VARIANCB N0. 1366 POdt PBRt~lISSION OP LIQiT COMMBRCI/~.L SALBS IN R BUILDING PROPOSBD + P~t CONSTRUCTION ON SUBJHCT PROPffi2TY on the basis of 4he aFo~rementioned findings. i j THE PORSGOING RB30LUTION is signed attd approved by me is 29t, day of May, 19GY, I i ~ I `if.C.., .~ IRMAN IM CITY P ING CQMIstI3 ION • A1TE8T:~ ~ 3B Y ANAHgIDq CITY PLlNNI COh4AI33I0P1 STATB OP CALIPO~TIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGg ) 88. CIT3t OP ANAHBIM ) I~ J~N PAGB , Secretary of the City Piawniag Commis::':;a of the City of Anaheia~ do hereby certify that th~ foregoing resoiution was gassed and adopted at a mee#ing of •~he C3ty Plaaaing Co~isaion of the City of Anaheim, held on May~ 29, 1961 at 2:00 o'Clock P,M„ by the foliowing vote of the membera thereof: A`lB~a C~fI9SI018ffit8: Mazcoux, Morris~ Mungall, perry, Summers. s". VC2-D i RHSOLUTION N0. 278 ~ . _~ _'~ ~ ~ . . . . .. .. -. ~ . . ..re ~ . • NQE3: CQ~4dI39I0iV$Rg; None, AB3SI~1T: COh9MI99I0NN~t3: Allred, Cauez ~ Fiapgood. IN WITNBS$ WHBRHOP~ I have heseunto aet mq hand this 29tih daq of May~ 1961. SBCRB ~1NAI~IM CITY BIANN CUD4KIS3ION ~2_ r- ..__._.----_.__._~..._.._----~. .....--------~-- '. ..