PC 1960-1961-279r{'~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~..,/ .~ RBSOLUTION NO 279, SHR'ISS 1960-61 A RBffiOLUTION OP THS CITY pL4NNING CQaOAISSIO~I QP THH CITY OP ANAHSIIH RBC~iDIN^v TO THS C2TY COUNCIL OF THB CITY QP ANAF~IM THAT pBTITION FOR RHCIA33IPICATION N0. 60-61-90 BH C,RANTED 1~FIERBA3, the City Pianning Commisaion of the City of Anaheiai did receive a Oerified Petitioa for Reclasaification from RAYMOND G, and BSTBLLH K..SPSHAR, 1532 Le~con Avenue, Anaheim. California, Owners, proposing reclsssification of the following described proper- ty: The east 5 acres of the wesY 15 acres oi the nosth 20 acres of Lot 15 in Block "g" of the Kr.aemer Tract, in the City of Anahe3m, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 12, pages 87 and 88, Miscellaneous Rec~xds of Los Angeles County, CaSifornia ; and kl~i~BA3, the City Planning Commaission did hold. a public hearing at the ~ity Hall in the City of 1~-nheim on June 12, 1961 at 2:00 o'clock P.M.~ notice of said public hearing having been duly giv'en as required by]ax aad in accordance xith fhe provi- aions of the Anaheim Municipai Code~ Chapter 18.72, to hear and consider evideace for and against said proposed reclassificatioa aad to investieate and mate fiadings snd secosmea- dations in connection theretvith; and Wt~RBA3, said Commisaioa, after due iaspectioa,iaveatigation, aad atudy made by it- self and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evideace aad reportn offered at said hearing, does find aad determine the following facta: 1. That the petitianer proposes a reclassification of the above t.~acribed pro- perty from the R A, Residential Agricultural, Zone to the M-1, Light Manuiacturing, Zone and th P-L R kin Landsc~pin . Zone.to be utilized for light manufacturing and commerciai use bu re $s c~ d from,xesiden~ia1 us r tge sa1e of al oholic bev rages. ~. 3~ha~ ~he proposed reclaafl~f~catioa of sub,~ec~ property ~s aecesasry or dpsirable for the orderly and proper developmeat of the coanunitq. 3. That the proposed reciassif3cation of aub3e'ck propet•ty doea properly relate to the zanea and their permitted uses locfilly estabiiahed ia clo~e proxiaity to subject property and to the zoaea a.nd thei.r permitted usea generaliy established through- out the community. 4. That the proposed reclassification of aub,ject propertq doea require dedication for and staadard improvem~nt of abuttiag atreeta becsase said property does relate to and abut upoa streets aad highways wh3ch are nroaased to c~zry the type and quantity of traffic, which wiii be geaerated by the permibted uaea, ia •accord- ance with the circulation element of tfle Generai Plaa. 5. That no one appeared in opposition to subjact petition. R-1. -1- ..;,: ,. ; - ,~ ^- -..- ~ ' ---- . __,._. ._ - - . "._ ~' . ... •_ . , ._,._ . __ _---- ' i ~ ~ t •I - . f i# ~~ ~ °~ NOW, TIiBRBFORB, BB IT RHSOLVHD that the Anaheim City Ylanning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that• Petition for Reclassifir,etion ~ No, 60-61-90 be approved and, by so doing, that Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude the above described property fzom the R A, RHSIDSN~IAL ' AGRICULTURAL zone and to iizcorporate said described property in the M-1, LIGHT MANUPAC- i TURING, ZONB and the P-L, YARKIWG IANDSCAPING, ZONB, upon the following conditions which I are hereby found to be a necessary presequisite to the proposed use of the subject property 'i in order to preserve the safety and general~welfare of_the Citizens of Anaheim: , 1. Dedic~tion of 45 feet £rom the monumented centerline of Anaheim Road (20 feet existing). 2, Preparation of street improvement plans and iristallation of all improvementa, in :~ccordance with apgro•~ed standard plaas on file in the office of the City Hngineer~ at i the time of development, ~~ 3, Payment oi $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes at the time of develop- , ment. ' 4, Provision of utility easements along exteaior boundaries as determined by the . Director of Public Utilities. 5. Time limitation of ninety (90) daya fos $he accamplishment of Items 1 and 4. 6, Recosdation of deed res4rictions res4sicting use of subject~ property for purposes of ' residential use ~s ~he saie of alcoholic beverages. ~, 7. Submission of development plaas for approval by the City Council before issuance of Building Permits., Tf~ PORIIGOII~G RBSaLlTTION is signed and approved by me t s 12th day of June, 1961. ~ I ANAHH ITY PIl1NNING CQbA1ISSI0Is ATTE9T: SBCRST ANAHBIM CITY P CO~4YfI$SION STATE OP CALIPORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGH ) sa. CITY OP ANAHHIM ) I, JH!',N PAGB , Secretary of the City Planniry3 Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoiag reaolution was passed and adopted at a mee43ng of the City Plarming Commission of the City of Aaah~im, held on June 12, 1961 at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the foilowing vote of the memhers thereof: ~ AYB3: COhAtI3SI0N7HEtS: A11red, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall, Perry, Summers. NOB3: CQFAS13SIONBR3: None. ABSBNT: COI~A4I3SIONH1t3: Cnairaan Gauer, HaQgood. IN WITNS33 WHBRBOP, I have hereunto set my hand this 12th day of June, 1961. ~ SSQtSTAR IM CITY PIANNING QtiA~1I3SI0N R 2-A RHSOLUTION,NO. 279 -2-- _ ____ ._ ~ ~ . _. - ----~----_ .__ .._-,__- . ---° -- - -- --- - -~ ~, :;a _ ~ ~ : __ . . . ..._.._.._ _ . __..__