PC 1960-1961-282' z. '~ ~ ~~ "'. ~, '-..J R9SOLUTIQN N0. 282. SHRIHS 1960-61 A F~Sf)LUTION OP TH8 CITY PIAHIdIHG COI~SI9SI~i OP 1g18 CITY OP ~AU~lBIM THAT PBTITION POR_VARYANCS H0. 1370 HS D.HNIED ~3, the City PSsaaing Commiaeion of the City of Aaaheim did reseive a v~trified Fe4itiiou for Vasisace fsor~ Theresia $ittelberger, 516 Bruce Street, AnaHeim, Cali'fornia, Owner of certain reai property situated in the City of A~aheim~ Countp of Orarige, 3tate of Califoraia; aa.deacribe@ ia 8ahibit "A" or as follo~-e: Lot 15 in Biock "B° of Tract No. 372 as ner map recorded in.book 15, page 18 of Miscellaneous Maps; records of,Orange County, ~alifornia . ; and ~ V1f~R13A8, the City Planning Co~amisaioa did hold a pubiic hearing at the.City Hall ia ' the Ciry of Aaaheim~on' . June 12, 1961 ~4 2;00 o~ciock P.M.,.ao~ice of eaid ;~ public heariag ha~iag been duly.givea as required by]aa and i~ accordance tvith the piovi- eioas of t8e f.uaheim Municipal Code~'Chapter 18.68~ to hesr aad conaider evideace for aad ageinst said propoaed'variaace and to inveatigate aad eage findix~ga and recomffieadatione ' in caanection lherewitlx;;and _ qi'r~llt8A3~ sa~d Commiss3oa,:a.ter d~e iaepectioa, inveafiigatioa~amd atudy made bq it-~ s~elf.attd 3a ita behalf~ aad aftex due conaideration of alf evidence ,ind.reparta offesed ea ~sid hesring, doea find And determine the foliowiag fact~: . y •1...That the pe#itioncr requesta a variance €rom the A,naheim Idunicipal Code: , Sectioa 28.24,0Y0 tro permit the expansion of a secotid dweiliag.un,it on sutiject property; ~.+ Section 18:24:030:(3) to peTmi.t.encroachmen~t.of 21 £eet into the required ~ear yard; , Section 18.24.039 (4-b) to permit lot area oi 2,725_squase feet per dwelling unit; and Section 28.80.U80 ta permi4 the es~ablishment of a dwelling unif containing a liveable f3oor azea of 623.square feet. ~` 2. T~tA~ the seqnes~ted va43a~ce av9:5.~ be. mmger.~9lgq det~imen8~a1 ta the public welfare . ' os injur3ou3;to ~*he.propergy or ampEOqemen~s :.n ancfi.v~.e3a~iLy -and zone in wh3ch the pro- pes~q is Poc~ted~ ~ . 3. Tha~; ~he reques4ed v~riainee._wsYl adsres~e9.~! affect $he Comprehenstve Genera~l Plan. i? 4. Tha~ ~he exi~~iag stEU~tnre on 4he reaa off $he aub,jec$ property is not suitable for sesiden~asl guTpr,~e and mLtauYd:, h~e, abandoned, . 5. That the proposad second .dwel•l~ng una~t~ ~touYd conta~ .an r~nsufti~oient: amoun4 of ; liveable floos space. • --• , - - - - ? 6, That a~eshal opposi~iono in addi~ion ta.a petition of protest c~ontainiag fortq ` signatures, was recorded aga3ast SGb,jL~C$ pe$$t10Ao, ~y 7, Tha4 a petit3or of suppos~, con~aining four s~gnatures, vras recorded in favor of ` subject peti4ion, ;;~ _._._ _ __ __ ....._ ._m _~.,. :~~.....,.~ ._ ,___-- -,. .. . , . .. _.. - ,. - ` z, . ;,~ - -.. __ = t-s: _ : : _ J~ :, ~ . .. ;. ~ ., ~~ ~~~ ~_) NOW, THHRHpORE~ BB IT ABSOLVHD that the Anaheim City P4anniag Coe~misa~on hereby denies V~It~,4NCH N0. 1370,£0±~ th~ IlXPANSEON OP A SHCOPID DWHZLING UNET ON SUBJSCT PROPffitTY, PffitMIT ENCROACI$AHNT OF 2Y PHBT 1'I`ITO TAII RHQUIRBD~ R~l#R YARD, S~HRMIT LOT AItBA OP 2,725 3QUAR8 PHBT p8R D6'aBLE.ENG UNI~ and PERMET HSTABLISFAlHNT OP A U6VRILLING UN~T CONTAINdNG A LYVBABLB PLOOR AR13A ~P 623 SQUAR43 PHHT a ~ttae ba~~s of th~e ~€~ -e oaed f 3ndinge, TF~ PORBGOIIdG RHSOI,UTI0~1 ~s s~gned and approved me $ x~ 12th day of JunP, 1961. ~ t~i ;~ Y,i . t :' ~ 'A L~ ~,{ '~ i A1T+~8T: • 0~- SB Y ANAHHIM CITY P II~G COMMISSIOed STATB OP C~ILIPORNIA ) CdUNTY OP QRAPIGS ) 9s. CITY OF ANAF~IM ) . I, ,TBAN 1'AGE , Secre4ary of the C3ty Plasming Comniasion of the City of A~aheim, do hereby certify thar the foregoin~ reooiut3.on wsss pasaed and adop:ed at a ~ee•~ia-g of the Gity Planaing Co~ission of the ~ity of Anaheim, heid on J~~ 12~ 19b1 ,<•; 2:00 o'Clock P.M,~ by the following vote of the me~b~xs thereof: AYH3: C~I35IONffit3: A1~Yred, M.~pcou.~c, Moaras, Mun~all~ Perr:~~ Summe~s.. Nt1.S~u: CQI~4IS9~Ia~'HEtB: None. ,~ ~::;_~.'; (~SI93IONBRB: Chaisman Gauer ~ Hspgoo~i, i'.: r:3'F.~tS3S WHIi12SOP, Y hav~ hereuat~ ae4 my hand $~s Y~~da day. of June, Y961. ; SBCRB Y ANAI~IM CIT3t P NG COAMI5:4It?N ~( ~ t . ~ ; • ~ JZ~:-~ F. k' x~soL~Tacrr No, zs2 _ ~_ v. ~.'._ _. ~_. ~ . _. .. ..~ - e -2- ~ ~ ~~ ~~ -~------- -~ .-- --. _. __ - - ~,:: : __`-.- ;r - .