PC 1960-1961-284., ~ `;~- ~~•" ? ' ` l~~ '~1 RBSOLUTION N0. 284, SHRIBS 196Q-61 A RH90LUTIOd~I 0~+ Tf~ CITY PIAta1ING CQI+~I~SI~I OP TI~ CI3'~.' OP AIdAYSIAt 'TFIAT PHTITION P(1§t CONDITIONAL USE_P~tMIT N0. 12g , ;~w."!TBD Wt~E2BA9, the City Pianaing C~mmiasioa of the City of Anaheim did secei.ve s vcrificd ~etit~~n ~Eor Cond~ional U~e permi~ from Nicholas J. and Lillian Dovalis, 920 3outh agno a yenue, ahes.m, aliiorn a of certain real property ~ituated ia the Citq of Anaheim~ Counby of OranQe, SL~ta dg California, as described.in Bxhibit "A" or as iollowa: T#iat portion of the southweat quarter ~ of the Southwest quar4er of'Bection 18, in Township,4 sduth, Range 10 West, San Hernardino Base aad Meri3ian,.described as f.oilows: BegisiaiAg at a poir.t on the west ]me of said. Bection 18~ diatant 288 feet north froni the southwast corner theraof and runni~g theace. north along said west line, 144 feet; 4heace east p'arallel with the south line af esid :~ Section 18 294 feet; thence soeth pazs11e1 with the west line of said Section. 144'feet 5 thence wes~ parallel uiith the south line of said Section 294 feet to the point .of begiaa~ng „,, ;, .. <,,°•,~ WF~R8A3, the City Planniag Comm3asion did hold a pubiic hearia~ nt t$e City Iia]:T 3a` 'j the City a~ Anaheim on June 12, 1961 et 2:00 o'clock P.Id,;~aoliee of`eaid •`t public~ h'esii~g ha~ting been duly given as required by ]ava and in accordeaee 4rith the provi ` aions o~~the A~aheim Mwzicipal Code, Chaptes .18.64, to hear and coasider evydeace for~'and • ; against sai~i proposed conditional use aad to iavestigate and make fiadinge and reaotemen- ; dations in connection ~bherewith; and , FiI~IDR8A3, said Commission~ after due iaspeation,iaveatigation, and atudq made by i4- % aelf and in ita b2half~ and aftier due conaicleration of ali evideuce and reporte offered ~ nt said he~riag~ dora find aad determias the f~.+llowiag fac#e: 1. That the p:opoaed use ;s properiq oae for which a~oadi~ional Uee ~rait ~ is authorized by this Code, to wit:a waik-up restaurant. • I. 2. 'That tk~e proposed use w:.].1 no~ adversely afFect ~he ad,~oiaiag Saad usea aad ~ ghe growth aad developmeati of the area in which it is propoaed to be iocated•. ~ 3, Tha{ the size and 0hape of the aite propoaed for the uae i,~; adsquate to ,~ ~h11ow the fuli d'eveSopmeat oP the propnaed uae in a manner not detrimental to the ]p~rti- + cular area nor to the peace~ health, safetq, aad geaerai weifare of the citizeae of 4he 4 City of Maheia. • ~ 4. That the ~raffic generated by the proposed use ;~~11 ao~ impoeE an usld'ue bur- den upon the etreeta asad h3ghww~qe designed and faproved to esrry the Lra4'fic ia the aree, f 5. That,the granting nf the Conditional Use Permit under the coaditiona i~foaed~ + i€ any, wili_ rio4' be d'etrimentai to the, peace, heaith~ aefety, sad geaer~l Keiffaze of the ~ citizena_of the Ci4y of Aaahei.m,. ~ 6. Tha~ the aub~ect property was recisesi£ied from the R:A~ Reaidentiai As. icultural; Zone ~o ~he C-1, Neighborhood Cominerciai, Zoae by Pefiition for Recle,eaification No. 5?-Sk-S. Inciuded ia said petition is the 129 foot by 254 foot parcei abutting to the south uf aub3ect property of:~aid reclasaific a tion. Condition No. 2 of Ordinance No. 1215~ by which sa3d '~ property was reciaesified~ atipulatea that a six (6) foot concrete bJ.ock wall be conatructed ;. I along the north and eas~ property lines where the aub3ect property abuts reaidentiai property; ' said wail to be made a par.t of building and not a part of street work and to be coustructed`'• ~~; before final inapect3on of the building ia made. - ~i 7. That, aithough the petitioner requeata a Conditional Use Fesmit fos a waik ug ' restouras~t, the piot plan submitted also pr~poses a ahnpping center. The parking re,quired~.:,; 49 for the reatauraat, excluding the dining area, is 17 parking apacea and for ~he~,d3~i»~~+a:kC~~~ ~~~k; and the proposed~ahopping ceates ~5.additional parking apacea~ making a total:~~ '~$~~~~~~~.. '~ spaces. Tne plot plan shows 37 parking spaces or 15 Sesa than required bps~~ode~K~.~,r~i ~~A~~'~~~q.Fr-g,r{' requests.that the additional'required parking be provided at the rear oF the par~cgZ~,~R~~h~,~-qYG7 <~~, sub,~ect property to the south. Hovrever, the existing buildiaga on the pprc~g1:.a,b,~i$~,i~,~'~o~zt~t~~i~~;~ s~t~i re ui e, by C~~ `the proviaion of31~' pasking epaces, whereas oniy Z0 sp9c~s a~,e~ ~- ~~~, "' eee - Moreover~;the parkiag required by the walk-up restalzraht~dan be•, , provided on aub,~ect propesty. The petitioner, therefore, agseea that the total ~eyui~,e~ent, r;, of 52 spaces on subject.p;operty, and ]~73/epaces on the property abutting to~the south, making i a total ofy3l~f parkfag.apaces, shall be provided by biack-toppina and/or atriping on the sub- ~! 3eat and the~abuttfng property to the soutih in accordance with Code reqniremettta. : S. That.no one appeared ia oppos~tion to sub,ject pe•bitio~-. i C~1 -1- .:: ., . .. _ _ _ ~. ~~_._~....._~ __..-__ _ _ __ ._~ r- . -, . , ,: ; ~ ... a 1 t .~ ~ I ~ ,~~ t _ ;__.1 . i '; _~ L..l ` ~` ' ~ N06V, ~"'~tBPORB, ' BH IT RF~StaLVED that the Anaheim City Plaanix~g Commission hereby i ~~ pproves , GQND~TIQATAL: U$S P~RM~T ,rp: 1~9 • a ~ , upon the falloxing coaditions which ~ are hereby four~d to;be a aeceMiary pxerequisite to the proposed use of the sub,~ect pro- i t;' • ~y}p, pes ty in order.;to ,preserve the: $afety. a.nd,;,ge~ierai ,xelfare of the Cit~reas of Aaaheim: ~ _ __. ._ ; ~~3 ~ 1. Aevelopment sut~atantially in accoiQaRce wit~ plans submi~4ed with the gubj~ct.pztition. i ~ 2; 2, Provision of scventeeri (17) p&rki3lg spac~s for the walk-up restauran4 and three (3) ,,~ park.ing spaces ~'or- t2~e dini~lB.;a~~a ~~ ~estaura~it oh th4 s.ubjec~ property. It is hereby ~ #j pa~ki~g requfxemeu.ts for the proposed shopping stipulated that; in acCordar{ee r~~,tti Co¢e .~, center on aub3ect prbperty; p~rkirig ~ay be p~ov~ded, in part, on the proper#y abutting t~; to the soutri 'wi~h the condi'~~on tliat ~ the ~ ca~atiiiied pasking on the txao properties shall meet ~ `~' the Code park~ng requirements. 3. Proarision of a si5c (6) fo.ot masonry wall on the north aad east boundaries of subject property'as requiied by'Ci~p Couneii Ordinaace No. 1215,. 4. Dedication of 53 feet'f;om;the monumeated centerliae of Msgaolia Avenue (SO feet existing), 5. Payment of $2,00 per f;on~ foot fos street lighting purposes. T}~ PatBGOING RHSpLUTI03~1 is aigned and approved by ae th h day of Jur{e, 1961. ~ ,•y?/l.~.~i VI RMAN ITY PLAFiNING COtll~lI93ION AT1B9T: ~ ~ w ~- SIT Y ANA1iBIM CITY P NG COMMISSIO~T 8 OP CALIPORiSTA 3 . COUNTY OF OR~WGB 3 se. CITY OP ANR}ffiI~ ~ I, ~~?AN PAGB , Secretary of the City Plannisg Comaiesioa of the Citq of Aaaheim, do hereby certifq that i~c foregoing reaolution reas paased aeid aCopted at a meeting of the City Plaaaing Comaiss3oa o~ ~L4~e Citq of baahei~, held oa J~e 12, 1961 at 2:00 o'cioct P.M,~ by the foilowing wte of the aesbers thereof: pYBg; CqA+lygg;(Yiffi~S: A,lired, Marcoux~ ;6os.sis, Mungall, Besry, 5nmmess. F~ NOB$: C~AlI3SIONBR3: None. • f. ABgHNT; op1~44Ig3I~IDtg: Chai=maa Gauer, Hapgood. g . ,. . . . . . . . . .. - . . _ . . . . . . S IN WITAID35 DI~iBRBOP~ I have hereunto set aq haad-thie 12th day of.June, :196~. ; ~;, i` , 's' j; „ x S Y ANqHBIId CI IANNII~IG CQPQlI~3IQV ~ `~.-..._-. VC?rA 2_ RHSOLUTION N0. ?A4 _._. _.._._ _. . _ . . _ ,. ... . , . . . ~~ ~._._ _ , ~~. --~=: . . . . . . _ .,v__. . _.. __ ' _serss i, _ _.... . . _