PC 1960-1961-287A R890LUfiI0d~I OP Tf~ CTTY PIAHI~IING :.(~1[I3SI~I OF TH8 ~ITY OF AKAHBIIi THAT PBTITION PQIt CONDITI~VAL U9B PffiIIdIT NO 133 BS CatANTBD Wt~t8A3, the C~.Ly Planning Commiasion of !he City af Anaheia did receive a verified Petition for Coaditional Use Permit froa CHURCH OP JESUS CHItIST, 2448 flrange,Avenue~. Anaheim~ Califoraia, (lwner; Reverend James Heaps, 2448 Orange Avenue, Anaheim, Califoraia,pgent. of certain real property aituated in the City of Anatsein~ Couaty of Orange. State of California~ as deacribed in Bxhibit '~A" or as follaus:Al1 that certain Sand situated ia.the State of California, County of Orange~ described as follow3; Lot 21 of Tract No. 796, as ahown on a Map thereof recorded in Bouk 24, page 28 of Miscellaneous Mapa, records of Orange County, California. EXCBPTING that portion along the west line ther~of included in YVebster Avenue. ; aad INF~RSAS, the City Piannittg Commiasion did hold a public hearing st the C3ty Hail in the City of Anaheim on June 12, 1961 at 2:00 o'clock P.M.~ notice o£ asid public hearing haviag been duly givea as required by3aN and ia accordance xith the provi- sioas of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.64, to hear and consider evidence for aad againat ~aid proposed conditioaai uae and to iavestigate aad mmke fiadinga and recoamen- dat3ona in connection therewith; aad WEIDItBA3~ aaid Co~oission~ after duG iaspection~inveatigatioa, aad etudq aade by it- ~ aelf aud 3n ita behalf, attd after due consideratioa of all evideuce and reporte offered at said hearing~ doea fiad aad deter~ine the followiag facta: 1. That the propoaed use ~,_ properiy one~or which a Coaditionai Uae Pe=~it j ia suthorized by th3s Cods, to ~vit: a church, 2. That the proposed uae will no~ adveraely affect the ad,~~iniag laad uaea and ; the grorrth and developmeat of the ffirea ia which it is lo~s:ed: ' j 3. T'hat the size aad ahape of the site propoaed for the uae 3R c~dequsLe to a11ow the full developmeat of the proposed use in a nanaer not detrimeaLei :o the pnrti- cular area nor to the peace~ health~ safetq~ aad generai Melf~re of the citizeas a: !he City of Aaaheim. i 4. That the tzaffic generated bq !he propoaed use wili not impoae an undue bur- ~ den upon the aLreeta aad highwaqa desigaed aad proposed to earry the traffic ia the srea. ; 5. Tliat the granicing of the Conditionai Vse Permit under the conditioaa iapoaed, if any, riil not be detrimeatal to the peace, heaith, safety, and geaeral xelfare of the ~ citizens of the Citq of Anaheim. ~ 6. That the aub,~ect petition was filed at the directive of the City Council, and. ` that the City Attorney's Office had ruled that in as much as the aub,ject parcel ia a lot in ~ a recorded subdivisioa, a specific exception to Section 18.16.030 (4-b),~unCer thz authority ~ of Section:z8.64.070, would be proper,, and the establishmeat of the church at it~ pre- : sent site ahould be accomplished by a Conditional Use Permit. • .. :i 7. That no one appeared in opposition to subject petition. . :~ ' ~ C-1 -1- -- __..._ _ . . _ _ _____ ~ -----r- ---- - -- _ ~_~- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I - --- -- ___ -----~- ~ ---- -~-- _._.~..., eM KlLSULUTION NU. ~~~, StlkiiHS 196e-61 ~~ ..._._~..~----._-=--"---._... __.. _... . . . . .. . . . . _ .. ._ t ~ I. g~f,~ ~igRBFORB, BH IT RESOLVBD that the Anaheim City Ylanning Commission hereby approves ~onctitional Use Permit No, 133 , upon the follo-ving conditions which are hereby found to b~e a necessary prerequisite 4o the proposed use cf the subject pro- perty in order to.preserve the safety and gener~l welfare of the Citizens uf Anaheim: le That the dedication and street improve~r.Pnts of Webster Street be waived, but only until such time as the'r.ema.index of Webster St~eet is improved. TF~ ppRHGOIbiG RHSOI,UTION is signed and approved by e this 1 th day of June, 1961. ..C,, ,,:2.~.....•V CAp gtQpN pNAAHIM CITY ~'~11NIiIHG CQF~SI33ION ATTHST: .v~-/ ~~ CL..~ ~y AIVAHBIM CITY PIANPi~.^: COD4(ISSIQN ~~ STATB OR CALIPORNIA ) COUNL'Y OP ORANG}3 ) ss. CITY OP ANAHHIb4 ) I, JHAN PAGH , Secretary of 4he City P~anning ~omniasion of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution rras passed and adopted at a aeeting of the City Planaing Commission of the City of Anahe:~n, held on June 1'L, 1961 at 2:00 o'clock F.M „'by the foliowing vote of t~e nembers thereof: pyBS: CoF4+lI$3IO~Iffit8: Allsedo Mascoux, btorris, Mungall, Perry, Summers. 1I0B3: CQ~IISSIOPffiR5: None. AgggNT; COMMI3SIONS~2S: Chairman Gauer, Hapgood. IN EVITPIBSS INH~iRBOP, I have hereunto set nsy hand this 12th day of June, 1961. ~\ \ .<~._~r ~--~ cti_G `..~'' SIT Y ANAHBYM CITY P CQFRdI35I~! VC2-.A RESOLUTION Na. 287 ~~ `r ~ _. ..._ - ___ --- -~ ~ __ rx~ -2- w-------- __ .. -- -- , . _ ._r..