PC 1960-1961-292\ .'y c !'~ -~ i RBSOLVPION N0. 2~2: SBRIHS 1960-61 ~ A RHSOLUTION CR '~~ CITY PIANNING COAA(I3SI~I OF THH CITY OP ANAHBIM THAT PBTITION POR nARIANCB N0. 1371 BB GRANTED WH~tBAS, the City Y~lanning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified petition for Variance froa PONALD P, RBA, et al, 305 $ast 17th Street, Santa Ana, Caiifornia, Owner of certain real property situated in the City of Auahe±m. County of Orange, State of Cxlifornis~ as described in Hxhibit "A" or as foilows: „$,4nibit '.'A" on file in the office of the Planning Department. ~ ; an3 WEffiRHAB, the Citq Planning Commisaion did hold a public hearing at the City Hali in the City of Anaheim oa June 26, 1961 at 2:00 o'clock P.M.~ notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required bylnw and in accordance w3.th the provi- sions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.68~ to hear and co*~sider evid~ence for and against said propoaed variance and to investigate and make finc;.iuge and recommendations in connectioa tlierewith; aad YI~fBtbBAS~ said Commiasion, after due inepectioa, investigation~and atudy made bl it- self and in ita behalf, and after due consideration of al1 evidence and reports offered as said hearing~ does find and determiae the following facts: •1. T'nat the petitioner requests a variance from 4he Anaheim Nunicipal Code: 9ection 18.16.010 to permit the development nf an apaztment-motel. 2. That t3exe axe exceptaonal or extraordinary circumstancea or coaditions applicable to the gropert~y involved or to the intended uae of the property that do not apply generally to 'che Pr~perty or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. 3, That the xequested variance is necessary for the preaervation aad ea,~oymeat of a eubstantial property right possessed by other property in the sa~ie viciaity and zone, and denied to the property ia question. • 4. That the r_~:q:~ested variance r~ill no be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or 3mprovements in auch v~ciaity and zone in whi.ch the property is located. 5. That the requested variance will not adversely affect the Compreheasive General Plan. 6, That xhe requested variance is filed in accordance with the variance policy estz.b?ished by the City Council for the Disneyland area as delimited en the General Plan~ and is compatible with the development in the surrounding area. 7. That the subject property of Petition for Variance No. Z314 is hereby amended, in accordance with the petitionerls reqaest, as stipulated in Pinding No, 6 of Resolution No, 132, Series 1960-61, which granted Petition for Variance No. 1314, to exclude all areas except the westerl.y 150 feet of the southerly 291 feet of subject property. 8. That the p=opoaed deveiopment of the subject pnoperty of Petition for Variance No, 1269 is hereby deciared nuil and ~oid on the basie that the petitioner has not ful- filled the conditions attached to Resolution No. 22, Ser:es 19b0-61, which granted said petition. 9. That no one appeared in opposition.to sub~ect petition. , ! . ~ i ; t ~ V-1 -1- .._~ r __ . _ __ __.. _ _ r,: ; • • > , ' ~ ~ ~: ~ , t r ~. (__~ ~~ ~ NOW, THHRBFa.RS, 'BS IT RBSOLVSD that the Anaheim City PSaaning Commission hereby { approves Variance No. 1371 , upon the foliowing conditions which ii are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject pro- ~~ ' perty in order to preserve the safety and general rrelfare of the Citizens of Anaheim; ~ 1. Dedication of sixty (60) feet from the monumented centerline of Katella Avenue (40 feet ~ j ? existing), 2. Dedication to the City of Anaheim of the sixty (60) foot strip ex~ending northerly from Ratella Avenue, as shown on the plot plan submitted with the subject petition, for street purposes with the provision of a modified cul-de-sac of a design n.nd at a location satisfactory to'the City Hngineez. 3. Preparation of street improvemeat plans and instiAllation of all improvements in accordance with the approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Hngineer for Patella Avenue and the dedicated street shown on the plot plan submitted with the subject petition. 4. Payment of $2,00 per front foot for street lighting purposes for the dedicated stxee: shown on the plot plari submitted~wi~h the sub3ect petition, or the'installation of stree4 lights on the dedicated street at locations stipulated by the Direc`or of Public Utilifiies, 5. Payment of $25,00 per dwelling unit Park and Recreation fee to be collected as par~ of Building permit. 6. Provision of areas for trash storage and pick-up. 7, Bevelohment snbstant:fali~ in accordance with plans presented. 8, Yrovision of a six (6) foat masonry wall surrounding subje~t property except for that area reserved for ingress and egress to the subject property. 9, Time iimita~~ion of one hundred eighty (180) days for the ac ishment of Item Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and S. Tfffi PORHGClING RHSOIATION is signed and approved by m this th day oF June, 1961. ~ C RMAN IM CIT3C PIANNING CQAAlI33ION ATTBST: -~- / ~'.~ SB Y ANAHSIM CITY P G CQAIISSI~i 3TATB OP CALIPOItNIA ) . COUNTY OP ORANGS ) ss. CITY OF ANAHHIM ) I, JBAN PAGE, ~ 3ecretary of the City Plsaning Co~iesion of the City of pnaheim. do hereby certify that the foregoiag resolutioa was paesed and adopted at a mceting of the City Plaaning Coamoiaaion of the City of aaaheia. held on June 26, 1961 at 2:00 o`cloct P,M., by the foilow3ng vote of the aeabera thereof: pyBg; CpNQATggi~~g; Hapgood, Morris, Mungall, Pebley, Perry and Summers. NQB3: COhAlI3SIO2~tS: None. AB$BNT; dOAA(13SION~t$:Allred, Gauer, Marcnux. IN plITNBSS WliBRHOP, I have hereuato set ny haad this 26th day of June, 1961. % cc' S Y ANAHBIM CITY P ING CONflAY3SI~i VC~-A -2- RHSOlUTION N0. 292