PC 1960-1961-300~ ;~` ~ '~~ ; +~, _..m,- . =.. ..~..~,,,...~..~._._._._._.Y.___ _..._..__~....,..~..~ ._.._._._,_.....~.~,.,. ._____ ~.,u,~..P~.~l~.-.;~._...____._ ` i " ~: . ~ +' ~ .'.. , {4 ~.y,, ,~-'~ . `~`.~° : ~ ~ ~ _ ~~; ItBSOLVd'ION NO 300, SSRIBS 1960-61 A RBSOLOTI~i OF Tf~ CITY pLANNING C~8IISSI~I ~P ~~TY ~~~I~ ggCpRQ,~ipING T(D Tf~ CITY COUtJCEL OP THB CITY OF ANA}~IM TAAT pg~TTpH ppg ggCipggIpICpTION N0. 60-6l-109 BB APPROVHD YIHffit9A3, the City Pianaing Commisaion of the C:tty of Anshei~ dia raceive a oerified Petition for Reclassification fxom 8h4rIA K. and THOMAS J. WILLIS, c/o Georgia C. Manestar, 9752 ~a4elia Avenue, Anaheim, California, Qwners, psoposing reciassification of the follow- ing property: Legal description on file in the office of the Plannzng Department ; and q1F~ltRA3, the City Planning Comnisa3.on did hoid a pubiie heariag nt the Ci4y Hall in the City of Anaheim on June 26, 1961 at 2:00 o'clock P.}1., notice of said pubiic hearing having been duly givea as required by]aa and ia accordaace ~rith the provi- sions of the Anaheim Pluaicipai Code, Chapter 18.72, to hear und conaider evideace for an~ against said proposed reclaosificatioa aad to investigate aad make findings and seco~men- dations in connection th~rewith; r~ad .. WHffitHA3, said Commiasioa, after da~e iaspection,iaveatigation, aad atudq made by it- self aad in ita behaif, and after due consideration of ali evideace and reposts offerecf at said l.zearia6, does find and determ€ne the foilowing facte: 1. That 4he petitioner proposes a reclassificatioa of the above described pro~- pertiy,from tIle R-A. Rgsidenti~l A ricultural Zone to the C-3, Heavy Commercial, 2one restric~ed to ~he bowling alley an~ cocktail ~ounge and/or any other C-1, Neighborhood Commerc ai use, aecesaar or 2, 1fhat the propo~ed reciaeaificatiou of sub3ect property 3s 7 desirable for the orderly and proper development of the coaauaity. 3. That the proposed reclasaification of sub,~ect property doea properly relate to fihe zones and their permitted usea locaily estabiiahed ia close proaimity to subject property aad to the zonea and their permitted uses g~nerally e~tabiiahed lhrauBh- ouL• the ao~unity. ~ ' 4. ~at the proposed reciassificatioa of sub~ect psopesty doea require dedicatioa for and standard iaprovemeat of abutting atreets becaa~ae said proparty does relate to and abut upon atreets and highways which are nrooosed to carry t1~ type and quantity of traffic~ xhich tio311 be geaerated by the pernitte8 uaeg~ in •accord- anae with the circulation elemeAt of the Geaerai Pina. 5. That no one appeased in opposition to subject petition. ~, R-1 _1_ _____-_-°------_- ~~,, -- ---•--- ~ --------_..._~__._ __...._..__ _ __ ..~ _ --~ ,~•a , • - __ - . ,. ,. . ._ . T_ . ~-~. _°-- ~ i, .. , - i ,;_ ~ ~ ., .. ~ .~ ~ ' ~r~ ; j i NC1W, 1HBR.BFORB, BB IT RHSOLVIID 4hat the AnaY-eim City Planning Commission hereby , recommends to the City C~unc~l of the City of Anaheim that Petition for Reclassification ~ No. 60~b1-109 be appro~•Ed and, by so doing, that Titie 18-2oning of thE Anaheim ~ Municipal Code be amended to exclude the above described prcperty from the R-A, Residentiai j Agricultural zone and to incorporate said described property in the C-3, Heavy Commercial I ' zone, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a neces- ~ sary~pzesequisite to the prAposEd use of the subject property in order to preserve the i safety and general welfare of the Citizens of Anaheim: I 1. Developinettt substantially in accordance with p~,ans presented, ~i 2, Recordr,.tion of dEed restrictions limitit~g the C-3, Heavy Commercial, use of the subject propertp'to the bowling alley with a Cocktail lottnge and/or any G1, Neighborhood Commeiciai, use. ' 3, l~edication of 53 feet frbd~ the,monumented centerline of Dowling Street (20 feet existing), 4. Paymes}t of $2,00 per front foot for street lightifng purposes on Dowling Street at the tia~e of develop-ge~-t. 5, Provision o£'~utility e~semerits atotig exterior b'oundaries as determined by the Director of Public titil3ties. • 6. Prepaia~3~on,of ,$treet,improvemerit plai~s and installation of all improvements for Dowling Street at ttie~iime of dev~lopmen:. 7. Time 13mitation of niaet?f L90) days for the accomplishment of Iteas No. 2, 3, and S, 8, Provision of a six (6) fcot landscaped strip abutting the planned highway right-of-way ii~1e of sub'ect propertyo and 4he provision of five (5) foot by five (5) feot tree wells a~ forty (4~) foot s.ntervals adjacent to the plnnned highwa ht-of-way line, and the installation~of street trees therein. Ali portions o id par y not filled an with cot~tr~#e shull be pzoperly landscaped in the manner ovi3ed £o herein, Plans for said land3ca?:ing and water supply includin~ the.spacing f street rees and shrubs~ shall be sytiject to tha approva]. of ~~ie Superin endent of Park Main enance, ~TIiB PORBGOING RHSOLUTION is signed'and app ved b~ e 26th day oi June~ 1961. . /~A~.~. ~.' ~ • ATTBST: ' r~ ~/ ~ $B ANAFIBIM CITY P ING C~i SI~N .. STA OP CALIPORNIA ) COUNTY OP ORAIVGB ) ss. CITY OP ANAHBIM ) I, J$AN PAGH , Secretary of the City Planning Commisaion of the Citq of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing reaoiution'was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City P1aTming Commisaion of 4he City of Anaheim, held on June 26, 1961 at 2:00 o~clock P.M., by th~~ folloming vote of the members thereof: ` AYBS: C~'AiISSIONffitS: Hapgood, Morris~ Mungall, Pebiey, Perry, Summers. ~;~ . '•~ NOB3: COl~i13SI~'V~tS: None. s~ ABSENT: CObRdI3SI0RIDR8: Ailred, Ganer, Marcoux, ;l IN WIINBS9 WHBRBOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 26th day of June, 1961, ~ SBCRB ANAHBIM CITY PLANN CObAlI33IqN I R2-A j It&SOLUTION N0. 300 ~ __ ._. -- - - ~ ~m -2_- ,l - - -~--_._.___. - '..,_...~__."__:...___, _ _ . ~„ -- . --