PC 1960-1961-301~< ::.. ~. ~ • ~ ~ ) (--~ ` R~3SpLUTION NO 301 SBRIHc ~o~n_at A RBSOLUTIOd~i OF THB CITY PIANNINFGG C~U[I~SION OP Tf~ CITY ~P AHAE~IM RHCQAQ4ffi~iDIIdG TO THS CITY COUNCIL OF TFffi CITY OF ANAI~IM THAT pg~lTIpN ppR ggClpggIpICATION NO 60-61-110_BE_.DHNIHD ` WFffit8A3, the City PZaaaing Commisaioa of the City of Anaheim did receive a~esified Petition for Reclassification from S. M. BIACI{LY, $07 North Woods.Avenue, Fullerton, California, Owner; Thomas Birmingham, 139 North Nicholas Avenue, PulYerton, California, Agent, psoposing reclassification of the foliowing described property: Lots 84 and 85 of Tract No. 1775, in the City of Anaheim, as shoum on a map thereof recorded in book 50, page 15, Miscelianeous Maps, zeco=ds of said Orange County. ~ and WHBRBA3, the ~ity Plaane 6Comm61aion did hold atp2600COhc1oct8PaM.tha tice of~sa d the City of Anaheim on J4 public hearing havimg beea duly given as required by]ax and in accordaYtce rai~h the provi- sions of xhe Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.72, to hear and consider evidence for and agoinst suid proposed reclassificatioa and to investigate and mate fiadings aad reco~meg- dations in connectioa therewith; and Wi~QdHA3, said Commisa3on~ after dne iaepection~iaveatigation, and etudq aade by it- self and in ita behalf, and after due con~ideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and d,etermine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes a reclasaificatioa of the above deacribed pro- perty from tne R-1, One Pamily Residentiai, Zone•to the C~1, NeighUorhood Commerciai, Zone, 2. That the propo~ed reciasaification of sub3ect ~roper4q ~8_utl.t- neceeaary or desirable for the orderly and proper developmeat of the cox~sxuni:y. 3. That the proposed zeclassification of aub3ect property doea not p=operly relate to the zones and t+aeir permitted usea locaily e~tabiiahed in close p=oxiaitr to subject property and to the zoaes and their permitted uses generally establiahed through- out the co~unity. 4. That the subject property is located in the R-1~ One Pamily Residential, Zone and is surrounded by single family residentiaZ development, ~herefore, the highest and best use Of the subject property is for two sirigle family segidences. 5, That a petition of protest containing 66 signatures, in addition to verbal opposition, was recorded against subject petition, R-1 _1_ ^ _.Y --r------------- ~.-- so . -- . .. . . _ _, ~'a l ..~ . . . .. _. ` ~L-~,"~~~ ,~A. f ~~ `1 ! N04V, THBRBPORB, BB IT RHSOLVED that the Aaaheim City Planning Commiasion hereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that Petition for Reclassification No. 60-61-110 be denied and, by so doing, that Title 18-Zoning of the Aaaheim Municipal Code not be amended to exciude the above described property from the R-1, One Pamily Residential, zone aad to~incorporate said deacribed property in the C-i, Neighborbood Commercial, zone: THH PQRHGOING RHSOLUTION is sigaed and approved ~ me '~his 6th day of June, 1961. ~ `~'i~ICH CHAI ANI~Ii~! CITI! PIANNING CQMAfISSIOdV ATTB3T: .f~-'`~ ~ S$Q! TARY ANAHBIM CIx7i P ING CQ~MI33ION '~ATB OP GALIPQRNIA ) COUNTY OP ORANGH ) sc,. i CITY OP ANAt~IM ) I, J~N PAGH , 3ecretarq of the City Planaing Commissitia of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was pass~d and adopted at a meeti:-g of the Citq Planaing Co~issioa of the City of Aaaheim~ held on June 26, 1961 at 2:00 o`clock P.M.~ 6y the follotving vote of the members thereof: AYE3: C0~4AI39IONS.R8: Hapgcoil, Morris, Mungall, Pebley, Perry and Summers: NOH9: CaMh4Y3SI0NBR8: None. AH3ffidT: COMMI3SIONBRS: Allred, Gauer~ Marcoux, IN WITNB9S IdHBABOP~ I have hereunto aet mq haad this 26th day of Jun,e, 1961. ~ ~ Y ANAHBIM C TY YNG CQt~SI$$I~1N R2-D RHSOLUTION N0. 3Q1 -2- ~ ... 1 ! .,.__....._~...--' ~ ___A'_'__._____~__'...._..._ _.._.,__"'_"-.T___~_.__.___ '= _ ._. _..~ . , .~. . . . - , . , . '.~..-_ ..__.____....-~._... .. . _ ..~__ . . . ' . . . . ~...,.~ . . . . . :~ - ,. v,r19 ~:..r.,