PC 1961-1962-111_ ~ ~ . •, ~ ~ ~ , t~ = .~ T~ '; 'OJ -` .~ ~ .4 °k ,.-. ~, ~r; ~ RHSOLUTION N0. 111. S~RIBS 1961-b2 A RHSOLUTIad~l OP Tt~ CITY PIAIatING CQh9dI8SI03i OF TFffi CITY OP ANAHBIM THAT PHTITION POIt CONDITIONAL USS PSRMIT NO 166 SH GRAN'Tffi1 W1~ffiRBAB, the City Planniag Coamisaioa of the City of Anshnia did receive a verified Petition for Conditioaal Uae Permit froa ARSBNB OHANIAN, 821 North West Street Anaheim, California, Owner; B. Richard Crane, 511 South Harbor Boulevard, Pullerton,Cali~ornia,Agent of aertain reai propertq situated in the City o€ Anaheim~ County of Oraage, 3Late of California, as described in Sxhibit "A" or as follora: Legal description, Bxhibit "A", on file in the office of the Planning Department ; an~ WI~RBp3, E,;~e City Planaing Commiseioa did hold a pubiic hearittig a! 4hc C3tq Hn11 3~ the City of Anaheim on October 18~ 1981, a4 2:00 o~clock p.M.~ noticc of m~i.A publ3c hearing having bEen duly givea as required by ffia aaG ia aFcordaace trith the ~ro.~i.- aiona of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18,64~ 4o henr and Consider evideace for aaQ againet seid propoaed conditional use and ico investigate and ma~e findings and reeomme~~ datione ~.n co~nec4ion there~ith; and ' WtIDRBAg, said Commiesion~ after due iasp~ction,inve~tigation, aad etudy made ~y i~- aelf and in ita behalf, and after due coneideration of all evidence and reports offesed at eaid hearing, does fiad and determine 4he following facte: 1. That tho proposed use ie property one for which a Conditional Use permit is authorized by this Code, to wit; operate ambulance service in con- ~ianction with the aick room rental equipment showroom in a.n exieting atructure Sn sub~1 ect r ert Z: Th~t ~~ie pr~posed uee wil? no_t_ nd~reraeYy affec4 !he ad,~oini~ng l4ad usea and the growth and deveiopment of the area in which it is propoeed to De located.gdequste to 3. That the size and ahape of the si4e pr,oposed for the use ~,~_ allow the full development of the propoaed uac ~a a me-user aot detr~mentnl to the parti- cular ar~ea nor to the peace, health, safetq~ and general ~relfare Af• !he citizeas of the City of An~heim. ~~ not_ i 4, Th~t the traffic genexated by the pr~poaed use wi__ mpose an uadue bur- den upon the streets and highways deaigned nnd isproved to earry the traffic in the area. S. That the gxanting of the Coaditioaai Uae Permit under the Gonditions i~osed~ if aay, will „ot. be detrimental to the peace~ health, safety, and general ~relfare oE the citizens of the City of Aaaheim. 8. That the ambulance be parked in the sou4hwea4 corner of the parking lot for the safety of pedesttiana. 7. That no one appeared in opposition to sub,ject petition. C-1 -1- ~. . ' --~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~. ;e :~ l . i_ ~. ..._.. . . r.r: ' • : -r.... ....v..._.,... . ms ..,.t ~ . ..,." _ . .. ,. ,. , i .i . .. . . :~~"~~/y''~'~. ~ I ~ `sf:~:~::,.:' a..>.; . ,.. v.. ;, :; ;,~', i ~',1 ~`.. , .~ ~~ f'1 f ~ f '~ `.J' ~, NOW, ~iBRHPORB, BS fT RHSOL\t9D that the Anaheim City Planniag Commissior. ~ezeby appzoves Conaitional Use permi~ No, ls6 ~ upon the foliowiag conditions which are herebp fouad to be a necessary prerequisite to the propoaed use of the sub,~ect pro- perty in order to preaerve the eafety and genezal xelfure of tne Citizena of Anaheim:~ " ~. 1. Development substantially in accordance with Exhibit Nos, I, 2~ and 3, •~ y~ith rho c#ipt~lation that ambulance parking shall be restricted to the southwest corner of the parking lot, ~ j TI~ PQtBGOING RHSOLUTIOH4 ib eiaaed eud eppscived by se this 16th day of October, 1961. r , CHAIRMAN ANAh'EIM CITY PLIHNING COi~4l188ION ,; ATl'Ei9T: ,~ SBCRSTARY ANAHEIA( CITY PLAIa1ING CC~OdISSIaI `; STATE OF CALIFORN7CA ) COi1NTY OP ORANGB ) sa. CITY OP ANAHHIM ) I, JEAN PAGE , Secretar~ of the City Planaing Cowsieaioa of thm City of Aaahein~ do hereby certify that thm foregoing xeaolution r~ae paased anci adopted at a meeting of the Citq Planaing C::~sisaioa of the City of Anaheis~ heid on pctober 16, 196Z, at 2:00 o'clock P.M„ by the folloNis~g trote of the ae~bere thereof: A1(B$: Cm9A183I~iffilB:Allred, Gauer, ;-Iapgood, Murcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Summers. NOB3: COI~A4I33IONBR3: None AB9HNT; OOIQAISSIQdHA$:Morris, Perry. IH WITNB$3 1VHBRBOP, I have hereuslto eet mq haad this l6th day of October, 1961. SB(~tBTARY ANAF~Ld CITY PIANNING COPQ(IBSI~i VC?rA RESOLUTION NQ. 111 _ . _ ,._._. --,---_- _ . ' +~. . ~ . _y_ ~ . :i t j