PC 1961-1962-14~~ 'f~ ( " R RRSOLUTIQN N0. 14, SHRIPS i461-62 A RB50LqTI~I OF THB CITY PLIHNING CQI•~IISSI~1 ~rP TkIB C31'Y OP ANI#HBIA1 T:iAT PBTI7"ION PQR COiYDITIONAL USB P8R1~lIT N0.137 BB GRA.N'!'ED. WI~tBA3, the City Planning Commiasion of.the City of Axta~eim did receive a verified Petition for ConditionaZ Use P~rmit from J~~1 N[;NEM.4NIVr 419 Baat Orangewood Avenue,.Anaheim, California, O~rvnez; Ployd R. Loew, 1223 West 124th Street, Lus Angeles 44,California,.Ageat. of certain real property situa#ed in the City o€ Anaheim, Couaty,of Oraage, $tate of California, as described in Bxhibit "A" or as follo'ao: The, Nlest k~alf of the south half.of, the ~Vest half Qf the southeast quartex of tihe norfhwest quarter oF $ection 26, in Towuship 4 south, Range 10 West, in the Rancha San Juan Cajon de 5anta Aria, C~ty of AnabPim, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 51, page 10, Miecellaneous lfaps, records of said Orange County. ; and EYH~.'~B,AS, th~ City f?lanning Commission did hold.a public hearing at the City Hali in the City af Anaheim on juYy 24, i961 at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said puUlic hearing having been duly given as requised by hw aad in accordance with the provi- S~OY13~~F the Anaheim Municipal ~ode, Chapter 18.64,~to h~sr and consider evidence for and against said prnposed co~.ditional use and to invesfigate and make findinga aad secorr~ea- dotior~s ia connection therewith; and ' VJ'cTBRFiAS, said Commis3ion, after due inspection,investigation~ and stud.y made by it- self a~zd in its behalf, and aftez due consideration of all evidence and reports.offered at cai:i hearing, does find aad determiae the foliowing facts: 1. That the proposed use is properiq one for which a Coaditional Use Permit is as~;:~orized by this Code, to wit: Construct single and two story garden apartment development.. That the proposed use ,~dil not adversely affect the ad,~oining land uses and the ~rowth and development o£ the area in which it ia propoaPd to be located. ~ ' 3. That the size and shape of the site proposed for the use ~§ ade+quate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner aot detrimental to the parti- cular area nor to the peace, health, safety~ aad getter.a! welfare of the citizens o€ th~ City of Anaheim. 4. That the txaffic generated bp the proposed use will not impose an undue bur- den upon the streets and highways desiBned and proposed to cYrry the traffic ia the area. 5. That the granting of the C~nditional Use Permit under the coadit3ons inposed, if any,, ivill no4 be detrimental to the peace, henith, safety, and generef ~ffaxe of' tue citizena af the City of Anaheim. G. That Code, Section 18.16.030 <2-~) 3s herebq wai~ed in order to pexmi~.the con- tinued encx~achmen~ of an existing residence anci gasage 3r.+to the requixed fron~ yiard`'se~r'back ~. of subject pxoperty undes ~the authori~q grarited by Code, Sectson 18.64.070. ' ~~ ` 7. That na one appeared in opposition to subject petition. ~ > C-1 x: ii -1- .r -- ___..._ :- ` _ . _ __.__ . ._ _ -_- ~, ~ t:~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ ~ ": ;1~.~. . . . NOW, 1HBRBPQRB, BB IT RHSOLVBD that the Anaheim City Planning Commission hereby approves CONDTTIONAL US$ PERMIT N0. Y37 , upoa the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequ3sile to the proposed use of the sub3ect pro- perty in order t~ preaerve the safety ar~d geaeral welfare of the Citizeas of pnaheim: 1. Dedica~ion of 45 feet from the irionumen•ted centerline of Orangewood Avenae Z20 feet existing). 2. Preparation of stceet impsavement plans and installation of all improvemen~ts for Clrangewood Avenue in acco•rdance with approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Engineer~ with the exception oatlined in Itiem No. 11. ' 3. Yayment of $2,00 per front foo~t fox street,lighting ~SUrposes on Orangewood Avenue. 4. Paymen4 of $25.00 per dwelling unit Park and Recieation Pee to be collected as part of Build- i:Zg Permit. 5, provision of areas for adequate trash storage and pick-up as de~ermined by the Department of Public Works. 6. Modificatiaa of the exist.ing curb and gutter at the east end of Pearson Avenue for st*eet cleaning purposes and turn-around, with the engineering by the City of Anaheim. 7. Provision of landscaping in the parkway portion of the dedicated street, plans for said lax~d- scaping to be sabmitted to and subject to the approval of the Superintendent of Parkway Main- tenance. 8. Time limitation of one hundred eighty (180) days for the accomplishment of Ttem Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 11. 9. Provision of a six (6) foot mdsonry wall along the west northt and east boundaries of sub- ject nroperty except for the front yazd setback area, w~iere said wall shall be reduced to three and one~-half (3a) feet in height. 10. Develop~ent sub~tantially in accordance with plans presented on Jnly 24, 1961, and marked Hxhibit "A'°, with the exceptions outlined in Item Nos. 5 and 11; and with the revision of the floor plans for the pro~osed one bedroom zpartments; which are proposed to contain a minimum of 660 square feet of liveable floor area, to contain a minimum of 700 square feet of live- able floor area in order to comp]y with Code requirements. 11. Temporary waiWer of the requirement for sidewalk improvements for that portion of the subject property, indicated as °°Not A Part Of This Development" on Hxhibit "A", located on the south- east curner of subject property. Sa:id ~vqiver to be effec*.ive for the maximum time period of two (2) years or erntil the abutting properties to the east of subject ~roperty are developed, subject t•o ihe posting of a bond t~ insure the installation of said sidewalk improvements within said Lwo (2) year period of time or at such time as the abutting properties to the east are de~veloped. TH8 POREGOING RHSOLUTION is signed aad appzoved bq me this 24th day of July, 1961. AITSST; a--~ ~~;.c~t~ Y ANAHHIM CITY PIANN~ G CU'~R~(ISSIQN v T8 OF CALIPORNIA ) COUNTY OP ORANGE ) ss, CITY OP ANAHHIM ) I, JBAN PAGB , Secretary of the City plaaaing Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing r~solut~ion was passed and a~lopted a~ a meeting of the City Planning Commissioa of the City of Anaheim, held oa July 24, 1961 at 2;00 o~cloct P,M., by the following wte of the nenbers thereof: ~~" & AYB3: CQ'R+II33IffiVffit8: Allred, Gauer, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall, Pebley, Perry, `'` ~ Summers. ` ~ NOS3: COhAfI$SIONBR5: None. ~ ~ AB3HNT; ppAlMISSIpN~tg; Hapgood. IN WITI~SS ~dHBRBOP, I have hereuato set ay hand this 24th day oF July, 1961. rG%~/jit~~ .~ i0~~ . SIT Y ANAHSIM CIT% ING CQF4lI3SIO~i VC2-A ' -2'„ RBSOLUTION N0. 14 _ _ . _ ._^ _ ~ .,._.._.,.,._...~.... ,:,, , ... ,..- ,. _ . ._ ~~ i, ~,1' , , -. . _..