PC 1961-1962-170 . .:':'1~-.'._Y:4'+~ti~YU~'x.ut'.'.v.a~r-._.wl.rnm~-a~v. ~:~zen ..i..r~ ...rwau.i.~s/.brqn.v.n.r.i~ ..~ i.~vu.x,cr.v~~....~wr'~c.~~..vu-.. ...~~:.._ ...-\^:... f.sY_s`3k. -`•"., ..._..r,,.-. . •••. .. ~~~- r/ ` $:? ~`,, "~.::: , , f-~; • ~~ l .~, ; ~ RBSOLUTION NO 170, SBRIBS 1965-62 A RB30LUTI~d OP TH$ CITY PIANNING COi~tIS5I~1 OP Ti~ffi CIT3t OF ADIAHBIk RBCasp~I6ING 'TO TI~ CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OP ANA}~Ill THAT Pg1ZTZptJ. pOR RBCIA38IPICATIO~I YdO. 61-62-54 BH APPROVBD. tk~tBA3, the City Piaaning Conm~.seion of 4he City of Aaaheia did zeseive a~erified petiLion for Reclasaification fron HRNEST N, and RENHB J. KAYI3, 13322 Sussex Place, Santa Ana, Caiifornia and NILBS F. and HMILY R. GUICHHT, 320 Olympia Place, Anaheim, California, Owners; David B. Termohlen, 1638 Bast 17th Street, Santa Ana, California, Agent, proposing reclxssification of the following described property:,Legal description marked Bxhibit "A" incorporated in subject petition and referred to herein as though set forth in full ' i YIId wl~BA3, the Citq Piean~.ng Comaeission did hoid a pubiic 2searirng at the ~it~ Hali in the Citq of Anaheim on December 11, 1961 at 2:00 o~clock P.K,~ notice of said pubiic hearing having been duly given as required bylax and ia accordance rrith the provi- aior~s of the Wnaheia Municipal CAde, Chaptex 18.72~ to hear and consider evidence fo= and ~ against said proposed recl~tsaification aad to investigate and aate fi.ndiaga aad recoaaen- dations in connec•tion therewith; and Wi}~RBA3, ssid Commiasion, after due inapection~iaveatigation, and atudy ~ade by it- self and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence aad reporta offered at said hearing, doea find and determine the folloWing facts: 1. That the petitioner proposea a reciassificatioa of the above deacribed pro- perty from tne R-A, RHSIDBNTIAL AGRICULTURAL, ZONB to the C-1, NBIGABORHOOD CO~AlBACIAL, ~pNg, (Restricted to Business and Professional Offices, oniy). 2. Thafi the propored seclassifl.cation of sub,~ect property ~~_ aeceasar~ oz desirable for the orderly aad proper development of the co~aunity. 3. That the proposed zeclassification of &ub,ject psoperty does properly relate to the zoasa and their permitted uses locally establiahed in ciose proxisity to sub3ect propertq and to the zones and their permitted uaes ~eaerally estabiished through- out the co~unity. 4, That the proposPd reciassificatioa of aub,~ect property daea' require dedication. for and standard improveaeat of abu4tiag atreets because said property does relate to and abut upon atreets and highways rrhich ar~ roposed to cerr7 t2ue type and q•:~antitq of tra~fic, ~ahich x3.i1 be generated by the perai4ted usea~ ia •accord- aace with the circulatios elem.°nt of the :.~eneral Plan. 5. That no one appeared in opposition to subject petition. R-1 -1_ ~~__.__ ....... . :~'~ . l • ~- ._ .._ . .. . _ __ ~~ • i .1 ~ _ ~. _ ... - . .~: ~,,._a ~._.~ a~_.,~ ,.-~-~~-...~.~,.,d~ .,.........._._._._.......,,~ .,..-...~,~-, „-,,,,~..< <„ . .. .,-,.r . .. ...,~a, ,. . , .,,., . . .. .. , ~..,.._~_.,.,~r.~......, ,. ~~__ ,_ . . ., .<. .... . _. . _ . ~ ~~ . ~~;; , , y ~ . % ~ l ~~ NQ~i, 1F1BR8PORB, BB IT RHSOLVBD that the Anaheim City Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council of the City cf Anaheim that Petition for Reclassification No, 61-62-54 be approved and, by so doing, that Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Muaicipal Code be amended to exclude the above de~cribed property fsom the R-A, Residential Agricultural zone and to incorporate said described property in the C-1, Neighborhood Commercial zoae, upon the following conditions which are hereby fouad to be a neces- sary prerequisite to •2he proposed use of 4he subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizeas of Anaheim• 1. Development substantially itt accordance with Bxhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 2, Installation of a six (6) foot masonry wall along ~he east boundary of subject property and the installation of a six (G) foot ornamental masonry wall along the north boundary of subject property. ' 3, provision of tree wells zn the parkway portion of the subject property abutting La Falma Avenue and the provision of a six (6) foot ].andscaping strip abutting the front property line of subject property, plans for said landscaping to be ssbmitted to and subject to the.approval of the Super}ntendent of Parkway Maintenance and said land- scaping to be installed prior to Final Building Inspection, 4. Recordation of C-l, Neighborhood Commerc~al, zone deed restrictions lia~iting use of subject property to business and professional offices only. 5. Dedication of 53 feec frop the monumented centerliae of La Palrua A~renue (50 feet existing). ' 6. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes on La Palma Avenue. 7. Installation of sidewalks and driveways on La Palma Avenue in accordance with the adopted standard plans on file in the Office of the City Bngineer. 8. Provision of a five (5) foot utility easement along the westerly boundary of subject property to adequately serve the subject property and other properties. 9. Frovision of trash storage areas as deteFmined by the Department of Public Works, Sanitation Division, which are adequate in si2e, accessible to trash-truck pick-up, and adequately enclosed by a s~?.id fence or wall. 10. Time lii~~'_tation of one hundred eighty (180) days for the accomplishment of Item Nos, 4~ 5~ 6, 9, a~d 8. THH FORHGOING RBSOLUTION is,signed and approved by me this lith day of December, 1961. CH11~ ANAI~IM CITY NPII --, . NG COhAlI ATTEST: ~ SB Y ANAHBIM CITY p ING CQ~4~II33ION STA OP CALIFDRNIA ) COUNTY OP ORqNGg ) ss. CITY OP ANAHHIM ) I, JHAN PAGB , Secretary of the City Planning Commiss3on of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoittg resolution'was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Plaimiag Commission of the City o€ Anahe€m, held on December 11, 1961 at 2;00 o~clock P,M „ by the following vote of the members thereof; AYB3: CQ~AfI33I0NBRS: Allred, Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux, Pebley, perrq, Ssmmers. N~: CO[~!I$SIONBRS; None. ABSBNTo COFAlI35IOAI~t3: Mungall. IN WI3i~1BS3 WHBRHOF, I have hereuntc set my hand this ilth day of December, 1961. ~ ' SB Y ANqHBIP! CITY P AYv CQAAfI33I0N R2-A -~-- RHSOLUTION N0. 170 .- _. ~ , , ° --- - - - - -~ - --- - - ,._ . . . , i . _ _..~.._._, . . _.. ._... , ~_. ~ ~, ._