PC 1961-1962-30- :. j.i. . ~ ~~ M~., S ~~ RBS~LUT~027 N0: 30, SHRIHS Y961=62 A RESOLUTIOti OF 1~ CITY PSAkIdING Cd~lI9SI~1 OP T!~ CIITY OP ANAF~IM ;~~j~D~I~IG ~t~~OLUTION N0. 1?8, SBRIHS 1960-E1, AND GRANTING PBTITION FOR CONDITIONAL USB PIf~RBA3, the City ~Planning Commissioa of the City of Aaahein did receive a.eerified Petition for Conditional Uae Pe=mit ~rom ~IM COMMUNITY CONQtBGATIONAL CHURCH, 515 Nortrh Placentia Avenue; Anaheim, California, O.vner of certain real~property aituated 3n Lhe C34q of Anaheim~ Couaty of Orange, 34ate of Califoraia~ as described in Hxhibit 14R,01 or as fol.loas; Hxhib3.t "A" on file in the office of the Planning Departmen4. 9 8~ Wf~RBAS, the City~Ylaaning Commission did hold'a pubiic heariag at the City }Iaii in the ~ity of Anaheim on .August 7~ 1961 at i:00 o~clock P.M., so4~ce of said pubiic hearing hav~ng beea duiq givea.as required by ~w and ia ~ccordance ~ith the provi- sioas of the Anaheim Municipai Code', Chapter 18.64, ta hear and consider ev3deace for aad, agaiast said propaaed coaditional use and to iavestigata and ma7~e findinga and reco~en- dstions in conaection thereMrith; and HfWEHA3~ sa3d Commiasioa. after due inspectioa.invemtigation~ and study a~ade~by it- reif aad in its behalf~ and ~fter due consideration of all evidence and reporte offered at said heariag~ does find•end deteraine the`follo~ing fac4s: 1. That the propoaed u~e ~,$ •_ properly oae for tehich a Conditioaal Uae.Perait is suthorized bq thie Code~ to sait: expansion of church facilities. 2. lhat the propoae~ uae 1 not adv~e=aely ~affect the adioiaing laad u~es and the gro~rth and development of the area ia ah3ch it is proposed to be iacated. 3. That the size and ehape of the aite'propoeed for 4he uae ~ adequ~te to allox the full development of the proposed use ia a aa-nner nat dietrimental to the parti- ealar area nor to the peace, health, safPty, aad geaergl welfare of the citizeas of the City of Anaheici. 4. That the #raffic ~znerated by t&e proposed uae v~3.11 not impoae an undua bur- dea upo~ the streete and highrtays deaigned and 'proposed to urry the tragfic 3a #he area. 5. ~at the graating of. the Coaditionai Use Permit und~s the conditi~ns iapoaed~ if auy. ~il.not be detrimenlal to the peace, leeaith, safety~ aad geaeral~meifare of the citizena of the City of Aaaheim. 6. That Resolution'No, 178, Sexies 1960-61, is heseby rescinded and Conditional Use Permit t7o. 102 is hereby gsanted for that property descxibed and referreci4 o herein, 7. Tha4 no one appeared in opp~sition to,subject peti4ion. C-1 n i i~. f: ~° _ .__--~- _.a~:i ~~:n, -1- .____~ -, . . _ --i---- _ ,. , ! _~ ~- . : ,. _. . . . l ~ . ! ~', ~ ~ ~ a'. ~ NCM-. ~t8P0RB, 'BS IT RBSOLVED that the Anaheim City Planaing Commiasion hereby approves Conditional Use Permit No. 102 ~ upon the folloMing conditions ryhich sre hereby found to be a necessary pserequisite to the proposed use of the anb,~ect pro- perty in order to pteserve the eafety and general welfare of the Citizens of Anaheim: 1, Development in two stages substantially in accordance with plans presented and marked Bxhibit "jrr~ 2. Dedication of 53 feet from the moawmented centerline of Placentia Avenue (30 feet existing), 3, Dedication of 32 feet from the monumented centerline of Sycamore.Street (24.75 feet existing) for a distance of 456.70 feet measured from tHe centerline of Placentia Avenue. 4, Dedicatioa of 32 feet from the monumented r_~enterline of Sycamore Street (24.75 feet exsiting) for 4he westerly 205.95 feet bf stibject propESty at such time as the improve- ment bond, required by Condition No. 9 ex~>i=es or psior to the installation of street improvements as required by Condition Nq, 5 5. Preparation of strFet improvement plans and installation of all improvements in accordance with the approved standard plans on file in the Office of the City Sngineer on both streets. 6. Paymen~ of $2.00 per front foo~ for street ligh4ing pur~oses on both stree#s, 7. Construction of a six (6) foot masonry wall on the north property line, or the posting of a bond for a~period of two (2) years from the ef£ective date of this resolution to insure construc~ion of said wall when the abutting property is developed for residential pusposes, At ~the conclu5:ton. of said two (2) year period of time, if the abutting pro- perty has not been developed for residential purposes, a request for an extension of time, pxoperty filed, maX be submitted to the City Council•for consideration, The petitioner shall have the option of incorporating the bond for the reguired wail along the westerly 200 feet ui the northerlp property line into the bond required by Condition No. 8, 8. Constraction of a four (4) foot masonry wail•ten (10) feet north of.and parallei to the sou4h property line abutting S~camore Street the full length of the parking area as shwon on Bxhibit"1'°, except for those areas zeserved for ingress and egress, or the.posting of a bond fox a period of two (2).years from the effec4ive date of the resolution to insure construction of said wall when the parking area has been a psoved for utilization hy the. chusch as indicated as Stage No. 2 on the p?ot plan dated ~July 17, 1961. At the conclusion of said two (2) year period of time, i€ the parking area has not been improved, a request for an. extension of time, properly filed, may be submitted to the City Councii for cro n- sideration. The petitioner shall have the option of incorporating the_bond for the re- quired wall along the westerlq 205,95 feet of the southerly propexty line into the bond required hexein. 9, Installation of a ten (10) foot landscaped strip along Sycamore Street, plans for said landscaping to be submitted to and subject to the approval of the Supes:ntendent of Park- way Maintenance. 10. Posting of a two (2) year improvemeat bond for the improveue nts, and the payment for street lighting at $2.00 per front foot on the westerly 205,95 feet of subjecc property me~:ured along Sycamore Street~ £or the satisfaction of Condition No. 5, 6, 7~ 8~ and 9. 11. Time lsmitation of one hundred and eigh:y (180 days far the accomplishm t of xtem Nos. 2~ 3~ 4~ 5~ 6~ i~ 8~ 9~ and 10. ATTE~T• CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMI ON ~ ~,/ THH PORHGOING RBSOLUTION is signed and ap ~oved SECRBTAR AHBIM CITY G COMMISSION by me this 7th day of August, 1961. ~ STATS LIP~tNIA ) . ' COUNT ORANGB ) ss. CITY ANABHIM ) I~ Jean Page , gecretary of the City Planning Co~-isaion of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certifq that the forego3.ng resolution Mra3 paased and adopted at a meetiag of the C3.ty Pianning Comnissioa of„the City of Anaheia~ heid on August 7, 1961 at 2:00 o~clock P.M.~ by'the foliowing vote of the aeabers thereof: AYB3: CQ~AfI33I~IERS: Allred, Gauer~ Marcoux, Morris, Mungall, pebley, Perry, Summers. NOBS: CO~ASI3SIOHBRS: None. . A89BNT: ODA4~tI3SI0NH(t$; Hapgood, IN WITNBS3 it~FiHRIIOP,•I have hereuato se4 my haad this 7th day of August, 1961, S$~ IFi I1R 'ING CQ~613SION VC7.~l! _2+ RBSOLUTT_ON N0. 30 ,k . ~ _~.,_._.. , ,:.; ~ • - -- -- _ _. ,. _ ~ "~ i i~"~,. _ . . .. _.