PC 1961-1962-45~ 'f t ~ RSSOLUTZON NO. 45 ~ CRRTRC t 9~j,L~,_„~~ ~ ` A RB$OLU1Z~i OP 14~ CYTY PIANNII~FG Cd~Ud38SI~I 0~ THH CITY OP ANAHHIM . i THAT PBTITION PQR VARIANCB N0. 1392 Hg DBNIBD ';`.; ~BAS~ the City Pianning Commission of the City of pnaheim did receive a verified 't Petitioa for Variance froa EDWARD L. and IRIS H. BLLIQTT, 2453 West Grant Street, Corvallis, Oregon, Owners; Vera B. Oster, 709 South Los Angeles Street, Anaheim, California, Agent, ~ of certaia resi property aituated in the City of Aaahein~ Couaty of Orange~ State of California~ as described in 8xhibit "A" or as follopa; Lot 7 in Block 2 of the 8nterprise ~~ Tract ; and WE~RBA3, the Citq Planning Commission did hold a pubiic hearing at the City Hall ia the City of Anaheim on August 21, 1961 at 2:00 o'clock P.M., n~tice of said public hearing haviag been duly given as required by]aw and in accordaace with the provi- _eiona of the Anaheim Muaicipal Code, Chapter 18.68~ to hear and coasider evidence for and againat sa~d propoaed variaace and to inveatigate and aakE fiAdinga aad recommendatioaa in connection therewith; and 1VFIDttBA3, oaid Commissioa, after due inapection, iuveatigation,aad atudq made by it- aelf attd in its behalf, and after due conaideration of ali evideace aad reporte oftered as aaid hearing, doea fiad nnd determiae the following facta: •1, That lthe petitioner requea4s a variancc from the /lnahcim Nuaicipal Code: 8ection 18.28.010 (1; to establish a professional office in an exiating residence in the R-2, Ztvo Pamily Residential, Zone, and Sectioa 18.04.030 (1-b-1) in order to provide four parking spaces rather than the required seven parking spaces, 2. That there are no axceptionai or extrnordiaary eircumataacre ox condiQ3~ne appficable t~ the propar4y iavolved or to the inteaded usc of 4he propexty khat do r,,.,t apply generally to the property or clasa of uae in the same vicinity nad zoae. 3. That the xequested variaace is.,°t necessary for the preaervatioa aad en,~oyneaS: of a eubstsutial property right posaesaed bq other propesty in the same vicinitq and zone, and denied to the property in questioa. . 4. That a cammei~cial yenture in an existing reaidence is not conpatible with t}se , abuttiag reaidential development. S. That no one appeared in opy~sition to aub,~ect petition. V-1 _1_ NOiV, THBRBPORB, BB lT RBSOLVHD that•the Anahei~ City .1~aaing Cammis~ion hereby deniee Variance No. 1392 fo= THH BSTABLISHMENT OP A PROPHSSIOfdAL OFPICO IN AN EXISTING RESIDBNTIAL ZONS ANfD TO PRO~IDS PCUR PAA&ENG SPA.CSv RATHB~ THA.Ci TtIH R&QUIRffi SBVEN, on the basis of the aforemen:ioned findings. TFffi PORBG^ING RH30LUTION is signed aad approved by me this 2].s~ clay of August, 1961. CHA ANAHH~P I1dG CQ'~4dI UN AITBAT: ~ ' Y ANAHBIAS CI P7J1HI~iI1~ C~ fI TATS OP CALIPO~RNIA ) C6UNTY OP QtiANGB ) s8. CFTY OP ANAHAIM ) I, Jean Page , Seczetary of 4he Citq Piaaniag Cum~3sai~a of the Citq e€ Anahzin~ do hexeby certify that the foregoing resoiution v;~s paeaed and ad+~p~ed at a f~eeting of the City Pianning Co~issioa o£ the City of Anaheia~ he3d on Apgust 2i, 1961 at 2:00 o'Clock P.M.~ bp tL-e foilorring vote of the eaembers ihereof; AYB3: C~9+SISSI02iffit8: Ailred, Gauer~ Mascoua, Pebley. N~B3: ~Ot~1IS9I0~P11ffi23: Hapgood, .Nungall, 3ummers. AB3BPIT: COF4AIS3IOA1SR8: Morris, Perry. IN WITNB3S Wf~RBOP, I have hereuato aet mq be~3 this 21st day of August, 1961. ~ •~ ~ ; • S Y AYVAI~IM CIT9t ~TliTtiG CC~+PAbS.C~~~ ~ • ~ VC2-D '' -2- j kesolution No. 4~ ~ ; ~ i i ,, ..__---~--_,___._ _..__ --- .. _.___._ _... ..-_ ---._...._ _ ___-.------ ~y. ~ _ ..__ ......_. _. . ~ ~. - --- - -~'g ~ k . _ _ _ .. _ . .. --•. . ;, ... ;~~ ~.~ , ._. _ .____..