PC 1961-1962-54{ r ~ i Y ~ ~ ~ !~ A ~ ~ 1 ..~,, 9 ;t t~,;r ~ RBSOLUTION NO 54 SHRIHS 1961-6~_ i," A RBSOLUTIOPI OP TF~ CITY PIAPiA1ING C~OdISSIOti OP TI~ CITY CP ANAHBIJ~ '` ItSCC~ffi~ING TO Tt~ CITY COUNCIL OP ~ CITY OP ANAtIBIM TAAT PHTITION POR RBCIAS~IPICATION N0: 61-b2-16 SE APPROVHD y;: WHffitBAg, the City Pienaing Commisaioa of~the City of Anahei~ did recei~ve a oerified ;,,~ Petition for Reclassificatia~t from Itinker Development Corporation, P. 0. uox 2025, Anaheim, - California, Q~ames,proposing reclassification of the,following described property: Hxhibit i;~j °'pp9 on £ile in the office a£ ti:a Planning Department. ~:,1 vs • :~i; !i' ','~ ; and WI~ffiRBAS, t'~e City ~'i~~iag Co~issioc did hqld a public hraring at Lfie P,~.ty f~ll i.n ',~ ~ the City of Anaheim oa August 21, 1961 at 2:00 e~cloct P.M.~ ao4ice of ae~id '~ public heariag having been dulq givea as required bq~]ax anr! in accordance with the prov~- sions of the Anaheim Muaicipal Code, Chapter 18.72~ to hesr and consider evidence for and ~ against said proPosed reclasaification and to investigate and make findings snd recomen- dations in connectioa therewith; and ~'~ ' WtffiRAAg, said Commisaion, after due inapection,iaveatigation, and studq made by it- ?j self and in its behalf, and after due conaideratioa of all evidence ancl reporta offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facta: `;i 1. That the petitioner proposes a reclassification of the abe~e described pro- ;~ perty from tfle R-A, RHSIDHNTIAL AGRICULTURAL, ZONH to the C-1, NHIGHRORHOOD COMN]3RCIAL, ZONH. 2. That the propoaed reclaasificatioa of sub,~ect propertp ~g,~_ aeceesar~ or ' '.~ desirable for the orderly aad proper developmeat of the comaunity. I~ 3. That the proposed reciassification of avb3ect propprty does properly relate to the zones and their permi4ted uses locally estabiiahed in close p=oxi.sity to i~ subject property and to the zones and their permitted uses generally eatabliahed thro~sgYi- out the community. j;~ 4. That the p=opased reclassification of sub,ject praper4y doea require `~,~ ;,~ dedication for aad staadurd improveaent of abutting atreeta becauae said property ,;) does relate to and abut upon streets aad highw~qs which are ,,,s~o~P~ to carz7 t2ie ~~ type and quantity of tra,ffic, ~ehich wili be genesatea bq the persitted usea, in •~ccord- ;•~ ance with the circulation element of the General Plan. `{ 5. That no one appeared in opposition to subject petition. _ ;',~ ''~ i ; ;~ :'j ?.; ^, ; `, ~ 'r i,f :~ : J i.' ;I, ~ r.~ ."i ,. R-~ -1 ' r ;i ;x ;; _. _.. ___.. _ ,..__ ----._______ --~ - _---... _ _ .._ _.__ . __... ...- --- . _ . :,t _._ _ . ~, .. ~ ~:d i ' ~. , , .... ''1 c :;~r ~, ~ o.. ~~ NOW, THBRBFORH, BE IT RBSOLVBD that the Anaheim City Planni~ig Conuni.sion hereby recommends to the City Gounci2 of the City of AiiaheiM tha. ;:~etition for Reclussification No. 61-62-16 be approved and, by so doing, thw~ x:t1e 18-Zuning of tiie Ar.aheim Municipai Coue be amended to exclude the above describrd property from the R-A, RBSIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL zone and to incorporate said described property ~m the C-1, NHIt~HBCRIi00D COMMHRCIAL zone, upon the following conditions which ase hereby found to be a neces- sary prerequisite to the pzoposed use of the subject proper4y in order to pseserve the safety an3 t;eneral welfare of the Citizens of Anaheim: 1, Provi~ion of a s3.x (6) foot landscaped strip paralLel to a,id abutting the no:therly properiy line and the westerly property line after dedication of the new strert proposed to aUut the existing westerly property line, plan~ for said landscapiLg to be submitted to and subject to the approval of the Superintendent of Parkway Mainteaance aad the installation of said landscaping to te accomplished ~;:ior to the Piaal Building Inspection. 2. Development substantially in accordance with Bxhibit Nos. 1 and 2 with the exception of the required landscaping. 3. Dedication of 64 feet for new street as shown on plot plan. 4. Preparation of street improvement plans and i_n,~iallation of all improvQments for the new street, in accordaace with the apprn;ed standard plans on file in the office of the City Bngineer. 5. Payment of $2.00 per front foot tor street lighting purposes along Lincoln Avenue and the new street, oz the installatir,u of ornamental street lights in conjunctiou with the street lighting plan for Tract No. 3886 to the satisfaction of the Director ~f Public Utilities. 6. Time iiwitation of ninety (90) days for the accomplishment of Item Nos. 1 and 2. THB PQRBGOING RHSOLUTIJN ia signed and appro~red by me this 21st day of August, 1961. ATTB3T: SEC ANAIiBI!6 CITY SI~tNNING C~4dISSION S OP CALIPORNIA ) COUNTY OP ORANGB ) ss. CITY OP t1NAHHIM ) ~~q CHAIRMAN IM CITY PLANNING CdhafISSIO '~ I~ Jean Page , Secretary of the City Planniag Co~ission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that ~he for~~going resolution was passed and adopted at a me~~ing of the City Platming Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on Auqust 21: 1961 ari 2:00 ~'clock P.M., by the .following vote of the members thereo£: AYAS~ COAA4ISSIONHRS: Allred, Ga4er, Hapgood, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Summers NOB3: COA4`IISSIONffit5: None. ABSL'NT: CObAfI3SI0I~t3: Morxis, Perry, IN WITNHS3 FtlHP1tBOP, I have hereunto set my nand :hi.s 21st day of Augsst, 1961. R 2-A Resolntion No. 54 -2-- TARY IM CI YLANNING CQ-AlISSION ~ ~' ~ v ~'.._ __... ..._..._ _ . ~i ~ . . . _ ..._._. . a ~.,~._,~j ~~ ~ ~