PC 1961-1962-55I ~'~! ~. f ~ L.,, . ~A r.. t ~. ~ ~ RBSOLUTIbN N0. 55. SBRIBS 1961-62 A R930F.TTE'I~1 OA Tf~ CITY PIAIdTiIIY~v C~DtTSSI~I OP THB CITY OF ANAI~IM RBCtXrJi~IrZIIPFG TO Tl~ CITY CaITId~IL , OP Tf~ CITY OP ANAHBIM TAAT 3~H~La'I@1 P~°. RBCIA3$IFYCATION IdO. 61-62-17 HS APPROVEB iQ~tHA3~ the Ci43+ 2~Zsnaiag Commiseioa of the City of Aaaheis did zaeeive a rer3fied Pe~kition for Reclassi€i~cation fi'rom NHAI.S R. ZUIDBMA and BERNICB FIDSON, 602 South Huclid bvenue, Anaheim, California, Owners, Bernard Gottlieb, 411 No=th Harbor Blv'd., Santa.Ana, Gafifornia, Agen~ proposing reclassification of the following described property: Exhibit "A" on file in the office of the Planning Department. i i1~d ~BAB, the Citq Pianniag Conmiaeic,n di8 hoid a gubiic hesr3ng at the ~ity Ha11 ia the City of Aaaheim oa August 21; 1961 at 2;00 o'cloct P.M.~ uotice of said pubiic hearing having been duly g3ven as requ3red byaax and ia accordaace uith thr provi- aions of the Anaheim !lunicipai Code~ Chapter 18.72, to hear and coneider evidence for and against said proposed reclasaificatioa aad to investiga4r aad a:,ke fiadiags and secosmen- dationa in connectioa therewit~; and i~t~RBAB, said Commisaion, after due inapection,ianea2igatioa, and atudq made by it- ~elf aad in ita behalf, and after due cosaideration of a11 evidence and reports offered at said hearing, doea €€nd and determine the foflo~aing facts: 1. 3]xat the petitioner proposea a rec.laasificntioa of the above deacribed pro- perty from #he R-A, RBSIDENTIRL AGRICULTURAL, 20IVR to the C-1, NSIGHBORHOOD COl~R1BFtCIAL, ZONH. 2. That the propoaed reciasei£icatioa of s~b~ect property ~_ neceaeary or deaira'ble for the orderly and ~roper clev~lopment of Yhe com~uaity. 3, That the propo~ed reclassification of aubJect property doea properly relate to the zouea and the3r permittt~3 uses locaily establiahed in cloae proziait~ to subject property and to the zoaeo and their permitted uaes geaermliy eatabiiahed through- o~at the cormuunity. • 4. That the proposed reciaecification of au63ect property doea require dedication for and standsard improveaeat of abutting atreeta becauae aaid prnpertr does reiate to and abut upon ai:reets and highrtays which are ~ ~~ ,~ to carr~ tP~e type and quanti4y of traffic, ~ehich uiil be generated by the pesa:tted usea~ ia •accord- ance with tti~ circulatioa eleaent of the General Plan. 5. That no one appeared in opposition to subject petition. R-1 -1- :.: - . . _. __ r9 ~ ~._T.._` _' "'_...-~_'_ __' -...._._.... . ~._. .... .._ . ; 1.. . ...- . .. ._ _ .. ~_._..... .q ~J ~ ~_~ ~ N(~tl, THBRHPORB, BB IT ItBSOLVHD that the Anaheim City Plaaning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that Petition for Reciassification No, 61~-62-17 be approved and, by so doing, that Title 18-Zuning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude the above described property from the R-A, R&SIDHNTIAL AGRICULTURAL zone and to incorporate said described property in the C-1, NBIGHBCRHOOD COMMBRCIAL zone, upon the fallo•rving conditions which are hereby found to be a, neces- sary prerequisite to thP pr~posed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of Anaheim: 1. Development substantially in accordance with Hxhibit Nos. 1 and 2, j 2, Installation of a six (6) foot landscaped $etback abutting the planned highway right- of-waq line and installation of landscaping in the parkway portion of the dedicated '. streets, plans for said landscagi.*.g to be submitted to and subject to the approval of the Superinteadent of Paskway Maintenance and landscaping to be installed prior to Final Building Inspectiou. 3. Recordation of deed restrictions limiting use of subject property to business and professional offices only. ~ 4. Limitation to one (1) sign with the maximum size of three (3) square feet attached to i, a.nd parallel with the face of the office building. 5. Installation of a'six (6) foot masonry wall along the east and north 5oundasies of subject property, or the posting of a bond for wall construetion on the north boundary line of subject property with a two (2) year time limitation. 6. Dedication of 53 feet fr.om the monumeated centerline of Huclid qvenue (30 feet existing). 7, Preparation of street improvement plans and installation of all improvements for Buclid Avenue, in accordance with the approved standard plasss or file in the office of the City 8ngineer. • . 8. Paym n~ of $2.OQ per fr~nt foot for street lightin~ pprposes on Buc~lid Avenue. 9, ov~s on ot u~i~li~~ ea €m n s~l~ng e~xter~oi boun ar ~s as det rmined o be ne ssar b ~ie }rec~o~ c ~ ic ~ i~§~~.e~ o ~ eq~~ e ~ oer~e ~e ~SUb~ef~ ~r~ger~y ar~d,~~ier ~~$p~rty 10. ime imi a ion o nine y ays or e a comp is en ,o e s. ,5, ,., , an Tf~ PQRHGOING RBSOLUTION is signed aind approved by me this 21st day of August, 1961, ATfB9T: SIT Y~A ~IM ITY P° ING CQA4d~93I-~I QP CALIFQR.'tiIA. ) COUNTY OP ORANG'd ) as. CI:f'1 OP ANAJ.~IM ) CHA IM CITY PLANNING Cah4YlISSI I, Jean Page , Sacretary of the City Piaaning Commission of the L'itp of' Anaheim, do hereby certify tihat the foregoing =eaolutioa was passed and adaNted at a meeting of the City Plasming Commission of the City of Anaheim, hel~l un Anguct 21, 19h1 at 2:00 o~cloc& P,M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYB3: CO(~MISSIONffitS: /411red, Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux, Mungttll, Pebley, 5ummers. NOBS: f'CMAdISSI0NBR3: None. AIlSRNT: C(Y~SMIB~ION~l3: Morris, Perry~. fi•+ IN WI1NH59 kiFffiRBOP, I have hereuato s~t my hand this•21st day of August, 1~61. ~ ~ i # ~ i ~.~ ~ . . ~ a;~ ~. ~:~ S TAR?'' ANAHEIM TY ~ ING C 39 ~ -~'i i •r y , Y ' R2-A -2-- • ; Resolution No. 55 ~ ` ~: . .--~_.~_:.+__-,--•--------- -_._--~__._.~.___-.~_. _ __.._..__. _ _ .. .__.. _ - ~ , i ~_._____.. ~ _ _ . . - --- - ~