PC 1961-1962-82ki: r;. ,~ =~:, ,,.. r RBSOLUTIOi7 NO $2 SERIFS 1961-62 il~ffiiBAg, the City Fianning Conmieaion of the City ef Anr.hei~ did receiYe m~~rfficE Petition £:,r Reclassification from MANCIL F, and HHNR7fSTTA BBLL, 3434 Orange Avenue, Anaheim, California, Owners;",john Goilian, 6310 West Coast Highway, Newpo;t Beach, Cali- fornia, Agent; proposing r_eclassification of the following described property: The West J.44 feet of the east 306.78 feet of the west one-half of the north one-half of the north one-half of the northwest quarter of the southwest quartex of Section 1•4, in Townsh{p 4 South, Range i1,West, in the Rancho Los Coyotes, as shown on a map th~:reof :ec~zded in book 51, page 7, et seq., Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange rvunty. e ~ ~3A3, the Ci4y Plaaning Coaiasion did hold a public hearing st the Ci4y Holl in the City of Anaheim on September 18, 1961 at 2:00 o'clock ?.M., aotieQ of.said public hear3,ng having been duly given sa required b~]aer aad in accardaace rrith th: provi- eiona of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.T2, to hear and cone3der evidence ffor and against said proposed reclaasificatioa aad to iaveatigate and sake findinga sad s~coaea- dationa in connectioa thereN3.th; aad i },. ;~ ~ • ~ ,~ . '~= ~ ..~ A RBSOLUTI~i OP Tf~ CITY YIJIHNIAKs C~4fISSIdti OP 'TI~ QTY OP ANAE~IAi RBC~PO~TiDING TO 3'f~ CITY COUNCIL OP T4iB CIZ'Y OP ANAf~IFI TF~11T PSTITION POR REC*..A38IPICATION Ii0 61-62-22 BS APPROVan WF~RBAS~ said Cop~mias3,oa, after due iaspe~tion,ianestigation, ~ad stud~ aacte by i#- aeif and in ita behalf, sad after due consideration of all evideace and seporta offered at said heariag~ does find and~de.terniue the follorri.ng facta: 1. That the pe#iticner propnaes a reclaaaificetioa of the above 6eacsibeu pro- pcrty from tSe R-A, RHSID.flNTiAL AGRICULTURAL, ZONH ~~o the R-3, MULTIPLB PAMILY RBSIDENTIP_L, ZONH. 2, Tha: the propoaed reciaeaificatiun of aub,~ect pruyerty ~_ aeceasuy or deairable for the orderly aad proper developm~eat of the comaunity. 3. That the propoaed reclssoifica4ion of aub,~ect property doea properly r~late.to the zonea and their permft4ed uees locaily eatabliahed in•cloee proaisity to aub;~ct propertq and to the zoaea aad their permitted uscs geaerally eatablishcl throu~h- Gut th~ co~unity. 4. That ~he propoaed reclaeaiffeatioa of aub3ect property doaa requisx dedicatiaa f~r ~nd atandard inproveoeat of abuttin~ atreeta becouse esid propsrty doea reiate fio and abut upon streeta and highxaya which pre y~nosed to csrr~.tba Lype and quantity nx traffio, Mhich will be genert4ed by the persitted ueea~ in •accord- ance with the circul~ticn ele~eat of the General PYaa. 5. That no one appeared in opposi~ion to subject petition. R-1 -1- ; `ti %K ;ra -- !~ _ ~,,,. _..~----'---~ ---___-----~--,~ ~_ -. ------._..~. _.~, R ...._. ~. . .. _ . - .. . . o~'v ' ~~ . , .. _ . . . . 1_`.. i ~~ o ~ Y ~'` -~:~~~::~:-~~ , ~ _ __ _ : . ~..~__._.._ ..._ .. - --~ _.. _ .._... _~ . i . . F i ~ ;^ ~ r. NCkl, 1HBR.BpORB, BB IT RBSOLVHD that the Anaheim City Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Cour,cil of the City of Anaheim that Petition for Reclassification ;~ No. 61-62-22 be approved and, by so doing, that Title 18-Boning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude the above described property from the R~A, Residential z. Agricultural zone and to incorporate said described property in the R-3, Multiple Family Residential zone, upon tb.e following conditions which are hereby found to be a neces- " se~ry prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the ?- safety and gener.al welfare of the Citizens of Anaheim: ~ 1. Development substantially in accordance with Bxhibit Nos. 1, 2, and 3, ~ 2. Provision of enclosed trash storage areas subject to the approval of the Chief Building Inspector prior to Pinal Building Inspection. 3. Provision of a six (6) foot masonry wall along the east and south boundaries of subject property prior to Pinal Buildin; Inspection. 4, Provision of a six (6) foot masonry wall, or the posting of a tv;o (2) year bond thereFOr, along the west boundary of subject pr~~;erty prior to Pinal Building Inspection. 5. D~Qication of 45 feet from the monumented centerline of Orange Avenue (15 feet existing), 6. Pregaration of street improvement plans and installation of all improvements for Orange Avenue, in accordance wi4h the approved standard plans cn file in the Office of the City Bngineer. • 7. Payment af $2,00 per front foot for street lighting puxposes on Orange Avenue, 8. Payment m•f $25.00 per dwelling unit Park and Recreation Fee to be collected as part of Building Permit. . 9, Time limitation of ninety (90) days for the accomplishment of Item Nos. 5, 6, and 7. THB FOREGOYNG RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 18th day of September, 1961. i CHAI ANAHIiIM CITY pIANNING C01~41I ' A1TH3T: -.C.Ge.// 3HC ARY ANAHBIM CITY P ING C~4KI3SION ST TE OP CALIPORNIA ) CWNTY OP ORANGB ) as. CITY OP ANAI~IM ) I, JBAN PAGE ~ Secretary of the City Planning Commisaion of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resoiution'was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Pla:ming Commission of the City of Anraheim, held on Sep:ember 18, 1961 at 2;00 o~clock P.M., by the following vote of the memhers thereof; A~: COA4rfISSIONBRS: Allred, Cauer, Hapgood, Marcoux, Mungali, Pebley, Perry, Summers. NQE3: CQbAlISSIONBRSS: None. ' ABSHNT: COM.~II3~uI0NBtt3: Morris, IN WITNB3S WI~RSOP, I have hereunto se: my hand this 18th 4ay of September, 1961. ~ R2-A -i-- R3.i0LUTI0N N0. 82 ~/ ~ ~ SHCRS ANqIiBItd CITY P PIG COMMYSBIQN _~_ . --1s:~