PC 1961-1962-9~ j (~i. I :~~ ~~' I t J ,~ ~ {..~ C~ :~ RBSOLUTION NO 9„ SERIES_1961-62 1 '~-` A RBSOLUTI~I QP THB CITY PIANNING C01~0[ISSIOFi OP ~ CITY •OP f-NAHSIII ~~ ~' ABCq~WBNDIiVG TO Tf~ CITY CdUIVCIL OP ~ CITY OP ANA}~BIAI THAT '-°` PBTIITON FOR RHCIA38IPICATIOi~i~ N0: 61-62-1 BB APPROVED ~a'~' AiF]~tBAg, the City Plaaaing Commiesioa of the Citq of Anahei8 did Teeei9e a~eri£ied ' 'tf!` petitioa for Reclasaifi~at9.oa from VICTOR B. SAYRH, 530 Via Lido Nord, Newport Beach, ,y,j °='= California, Owner; Pacific Southwest Realty Compaay,.P. 0. Box 2097, Terminal A:u-ex, ~ Los Angeles 54, California, Agent, proposing reclassifitation of the foliowing described 4 r;~ property: Lot 12 of Tract No. 3258, in.the City of Anaheim, County+~of Orange, State of a; 5:' I California, as per map recorded in book 99, pages 19 and 20 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the ;`" office of the county recorder• of said county. i ~ Wl~RBpB, the Citq Pianning Co~is~ior. did hold o pulilic heariag at ~he City Hali ia the City of Anaheim on July`10, 1961 ' at 2:00 o~c3oct P.~.~ no4lce of said publi'c hearing having been duly given a~ ,.equirecl by ~p and ~tt accordaace xith , the provi- aiona of the Aaaheim Mu~cipal Code, Chapter 18.72, to hear ond considxr•evideace for aad againat said proposed reclassification and to inveatigate and aste fiadinga and recomaea- dationa ia ca-,nection therewith; and ~IFffitBAg~ said Com~aieaion~ sfter due iaspectio~;?.>:,veatigatioa, snd etu8y wnde by it- aeif and ia i4a behalf, end aftes du~ consideratioa of~sil evideace taC reporta offer~ad Q~ said heariag~ doea find aad determine the foilowl.ng facta: 1. ~fiat the pet~tioner propo~ea~ a reclaesification of the aboee dsacribed pro- perty from tIIe R-A, Residential Agricultural,~ Zone to the C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, Zone. 2. Thmt the propoeed reciaeaific~tion of aub,~ect propes~y ~._ aecesear~ or deairabia fos the orderiy snd proper developmen4 08 the coawaity.' • . 3. That the propcrsed recl4seifics4~.on of eub,~eot property dae~ F~~-per1P relate to the zonea and their pernitted ueza localiq establiehed ia•closs pr.ozi~i.@r t~ aub,~ect property es-d t~ tbe zoaes and their permit4ed uaes geaeraliy eatabl3shed tt~rough- otat tha co~uni4y. ~ 4. That the prop~sed reeiaeei£~cstiose nf aub,~ect property doea requise dedication for and atandard impzoveaen~ of sbattiag atreeta becawe eaid proparty oea reinte to and rbut upoa etreeta aad highrraya r,hi.ch ~re uroposed !o cass~•the tqpe ~ad quantity o8 tr4ffic, which vriii be generated by the peraitted uses~ .in •oe~ardt- nsce with the circalatio~ element of the G~aerni Piea. • 5. That no one appeared in opposition to subject petition. R-1 -!- - `.,;;: _ __ _~.~~-.- ---~.__..~.__.____.. ..,~ - -- --- - - : _.~ ~_. _ ____...._.,- , . , ~ ' , _ . . . . . _ _____ .. r . . ..._._ . . .~3~ ~ ~ . . . . . . . . . , . _ .., . .. . ,. i ~ :~ ; -- :~: ~ ~ ~ . ,.. AYB3: COM~-tISSIONBRS: qllred, Morris, N~ungall, Pebleq, Yerzy, Summers, N~: CObAlISSIONffit3: None. ABSBNT: ~OAfl~(Ig3I~Nffitg: Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux. IN WITNB33 WFffiRHOP, I have h~reunto aet my hand this lOth day of July, 1961. SHQtB '~ ANAHHIM CITY P C~FAlI9310N ~; R2~A '2'- i f ~; RB90LUTION N0. 9 i ,.: } .~.. _` __ _ ~ - -- . i --~-------__-__---__.-____~.~.-° . ---, - , --- -~ _ . aK.r; , ' , -..,,.„, ~ ,.,:,,... ._ , . _ _ _ ?~ . i, . ~... .--_.._ _ _ ...................._.,n.,.~.M......~.,....,.v.~r,s~.o~o.rn:z.._..._r:h:''_..-:f~....,_...._:..,.....,..- r{t' l . ~ ~ NON1,_ 1HEREPORE, BB IT RESOLVIiD ',•.hat the Anaheim City Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that Petition for Reclassification No. 61-62-1 be approved and, by so doing, that Tit1e 18-2oning of the f~naheim Municipal Code be aa~ended to exclude the above described property from the.P,-A, Residential pgricultural zone and to incorporate $aid described property in the C-1, Neighborhood Commercial zone, upon the following conditions which are hereby found fo be a neces- sary prerequiszte to the pronosed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of Anaheim; 1. Development substantially in ac~ordance with plans presented. 2. Subject to the aE~prova~ of Petitibn for Variance No. 1376. 3. Payment of $2.00 p~ar front foot for street lighting purposes on Katella Avenue and Humor Drive. 4. Compliance with the approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Bngineer for•:~~ the in'stalla'tion i+f ariveorays. 5. Tim? limitation o£ ninety'(90) days for the accomplishment of Item Nos. 3 and 4. , 6. Provision of landscaping in accordance with plans presented, said landscaping to be submitted to and approved by the Superintendent of Parkway Maintenance. Tf~ PQRHGOZNG RBSOLUTION is sigued and approved by me this YOtri day of July, 1961. . ICB IRM11N ANAHS CITY PIANNING CQAlMIS5ION ATTB3T: Y CQ~9d 5~ EON OP ORAN(~3 ) 8s. CITY OP ANAHgIM ) ~i~ SB t ANAtIBIM CI' p 1 V~G-~ STA B P CALIFORNIA ) COUN I+ JF~.u PAG$ , Secretary of the City Planning Cnmmiasion of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certi¢y that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Ci4y Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on July 10, 1961 at 2;00 o~clock P.M., by the foilowing vote of the member+~ thereof: