PC 1961-1962-91~g1~ f j ~ 9~ ,.• ~ _ ~.'~ . ~~ : -~7 ~ ~ ~ _ ~r ~ r~ ' ~, ~ :.~ ~nJTIdQi NO 91 SERIHS 1961-62 A RB90LUTI~I OP THB CITY YIAZIlVING C~II~SE@i OP TAS CITY OP AN16iiBIA1 THAT PBTITION P~tt C02iDiTIQi11AL US18 P~tI~SIT NO. 162 SH GRANTBD. 7df~itBh3, the City Ylanniag Commiasioa of tbe City of Aaaheio did receive a verified Petitioa for Conditional Use Pesmit froa RAYMOYD G, and ALICB H. SIMPSQN, 2441 Riverside Drive, Santa Ana,'California, Owners of certain reai property si4uated ia the City of l4naheia. Couaty o~' Orange~ 9ta4e of California, as described ia ~xhibit "A" or as follows: Legal description, IDchibit "A", on file in the office of the Planning Department ; SIId y7HBRBA3~ the City Planning Commissioa did hold a public hearin~ at the City Hail ia the City of Anaheim on September 18, 1961 at 2;00 o*cloct Y,M.~ ~otice of said pubiic hearing having been duly given as required bylax aad in accordance ~.th the provi- sions of the Anaheim Municipai Code, Chapter 18.64, to hear and coneider evidesce for and against said proposed coaditionai uae and to iavestigate aad ~ake findir~ga and recommen- dations in connection therewith; a.ad AfFIDRBRS, esid Commission~ aftes due inspection,iavestigation~ and etndy uade by it- seif aad in its behalf. and after due coasideratioa of all evidence aad reports offered at said hearirtg, does find and determine the folicuing fac4s: 1. That the proposed use properly one,for ~vhich a Goaditionai ~Tae Perr~it is authorized by this Code~ to ~rit• o establish an existing,trailer park as a conforming use 2, Tttat the proposed use 1 nwi ~ d no+pe a~verse~.B Xs '~ect°~he adjoiniag land r~sea and the growth and devei^pment o£ the area in which it ia proposed to be located. 3. Tt-at the size aad shape of the site propoaed fos the use '4 ad,eq~abe to ailow the full developmeat of the pro~os~~d use in a n~uaer not detrimeatai ~c ¢he part'i-: cular a=ea nor to•the peace~ heaith,~safety. snd geaesal ~elfare of the citiuas of the City of Aaaheim, 4. That the t=affic generated by the propoaed use wiil~ .+~+ impoae aa undue bur- den upon the atreets and high~rays deaigned and 3mproved 4o esrry.t2te traffic ia the area. 5. 'lhat the graAting of the Coaditional Uae Permit under the coaditions iaposed, if swy, wili not be detrimeatai t~o the peace, heaith~ safetq, sad geaeral xclfmre of the citizeas of the City of Aaaheim. 6. That no one appeared in opposition to subject petition. C-1 ~ ~_--------- ---__... _ ;,~, ~ --- -- ~t7, ~ 1 -1- _. . ----_____ ..___.__.. __._._._.__.___.,.~ I ~s , ~ , ~ ' ~ .~ ~~ ~ , , ~,~ , ~... ~ ~~~ NCIb-, ZHBF~PORB, SS IT RBSOLVED that the Anahein City Plaaniag Coamisaion hereby approves Conditional Use Permit No. 162 ~ upon the foli~ring conditioas Nhich are hereby fou~d to Y,~ a neceaeary prerequiai4e to the psopoaed uae of the sub,~ect pro- per4y ia otdes td`preaerve the eafety aa~ genersl rrelfare of the Citizeas of Ansheia: 1. Development substanticlly in accordance with Exhibits 1, 2, and 3. ~ p~g~=pp ysgg~,~~p is si`eted aad spproved by me this 18th day of September, 1961 ATt88T: Y ANAFffiIli CYTY PIANI~j~NG COQ~OAYSSI~+i V 9TATB OP CALIPORNIA ) COIJNTY OP OitANGH ) es. ' CITY OP AIdAHBIM ) i, JHAN PAGH ~ 8eeretsr~ of the City Plaaaing+•Co~ismioa of the City of Aaahein, do hereby certify that the fosesoia~ reaolutioa aa~ passed ead adopted at a `: neetiag of the City Planaing Co~iesion of the City of Aaaheia~ heid oa Septembe~ 18, 1961 st 2:00 o~cloct P.N.. by•the following vote of the mesbera thereof: AYHB: COINtI83I~IIDiB: Alired, Gauer, Hap~ood, Marcoux, Mungali,Pebley, Per.ry, Summes. N083: COA4dI33I0I~Et$: None. AB~BNT: QOMMIl9SION~tB: Morris. IN WI1T7888 Y~i~R80P~ x have hereuato set my haaa this 18th day of Septetnber,1961. ~ ANN~IN CITY S IPR3 C~01I83I6`7 VCZ-sR '~' RBSOLUTION N0. 41 _ -~-------~__._~_.__._------.__._.._. ____._____....---,--- __..._~~ _. r;if . ~ ~ - ------- ------ .. _.._-- ' ' ,; _.._.._ _ . _ _ . . ~ .,- _ _. ~ ~ _ _.__ . .