PC 1961-1962-304. ~ . . ~ _ ~ ~'i ~ ' . . _ ..... ._.. ,...,+,7r _.._... ... ,..,.,r...,..,.._._..Y.._ ..............~ ..,..,., ~~M..zn~n.~...K....~......,..,,....,~_~~.,......~...~-.-.- .' w..,_..,.:,,,, ......»,~~ ._.,. ... ..~. , . . -.H...... ... ~ e ~ ~, ~~~ ~ ~ {~ ~,1 RESOLUTION 1d0. 304, SERIES 1961-62 A RESOT.UTION OF THE CITY FLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AAIAHEIIV[ ., THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE NQ. 1471 BE GRANTED WH~REAS, the City PlanninR Commission of the City of Ane4eim did ceceive a verified Petition for Varience f:omROBERT H> and PATRICIA Ao HUDSON, 1001 Irene Place, Anaheim, Calif.ornia, Owner of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheimy County of Orange~~ 5tate of California, as described in Exhibit "A" or as follows: Lot Noo 50 of Tract 2326 and further described as 1001 Irene Place ; end WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public heedng at the City Hell in the City of Aneheim on April 309 1962~ et 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of seid pu!rlic hearing haeing been duly givm as required by law and in accotdence wlth Qhe pmvisions of the Annheim Municipel Code, Chapter 18.68,to heae and conaider evidence for end egeinst said pcoposed vaeience artd to investiQute and meke findings and tecommendations io connec- tion the:ewith;•end WFiEREAS, soid Commisaion, efter due inepectlon, investigetion, end etudy mede by itselE ond ia its behalf, end after due consideration of e11 evidence and repads offered as snld hearing, dces find and detetmine the followiag fects: 1. That the.peti4ioner requests a vpcience from the Maheim Municipal Code: Section I8.24.030 (3~ t0 permit an encrdachment of 22~-feet into the required rear yard to CONSTRUCT A pROPOSED FAMILY ROON1 AND A PROPOSED GARAGEa 2, Thet there aze exceptional o~ extraordinery circumstences or conditiona appliceble to the pmpedy involved or to the intended use of the property thet do not epply generelly to the property or cless ~f use in the same vicinity end zone. • 3. Thet the requested varience is neces~eary for lhe.presecvatlon and enjoyment of a s~bstentiol property right possessed by other property irt the seme vIcinity end zone, and denied to the pmperty in question. 4. That the requested varience will not be matedelly detcimental to the public welfere or injurious to tlie pmp- erty or improvements in such vicieity °nd zone in which the property is located. ~ ' 5. That the requested variance will not adveraely affect the Comprehensive Generel Plan. 6. That no one appeared in opposition to sub~ect petition. ~ VI-G -1- -. . _. ti ~ .._. . _ .__..:.. . _. ,.._'. . ._ -~ . - ~y •- - -- -; ~-: , ~ ~ ~ ~ ;~ ~` ~ ' ; ~ _ ,~,~.; «:, ,.<,..,~_..~..____~_._...._....~.,,.,. _ : - ~~ t.~ ~`,} '{~ NOW, THEREFORE, BB IT RESOLVED that the Anehaim City Plaaning Commission dces hereby grent eubject Petitlon for Verience, upon the following conditiona which eee hereby fouad to be a neceasery pte~equiaite to the pro- posed use of the subject propetty in order to p~eserve the sefety end general welfeie of the Citizens of the City of Anehelm. 1. Development substantially in aicordance with Exhibit Nos..l and 2. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is ai~ted end epproved by me thia 30th day of Qpril~ 1462. ATTEST: CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY P~.ANNING CQMMISSIO _~ ~ ~J SECRETARY APIAHEA4[ C1TY PLANNING COMMISSIQN STATE OF CALIF012NIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) es. CTTY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Ann Krebs ~,. Seccetery of thP City Plenning Commias;on of the City of Aneheim, do he~eby certify that thc '-•e- going :esoluticn was pasaed and a3c~o:ed at a meeting oE the City Pleaning Commission of 4he City of Anahelm, held on April 30~ 1962~ et 2:00 o'cloc4 P.M., by the following vote of the members theceof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Ailred9 Camp, Chavos~ Gauea~r Hapgood~ Marcoux, MungaYl, Pebley, Perry. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Nc~ne> AHSENT: COMI~tISSiONERS: None. IN WITNESS WNEREOF, I have heceunto set my head this 30th day of Aprily I962. RE50LUTION NO. 304 V2-G w - t ~ ~ .. _, . _ f: _ .. ... - ~.. .:~: ,___ __ . '~ ~ . /~!'ry ~~ v SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COM'dIS5I0N -2- __ ._.._.__ , _ ~ . ' _ ---