PC 1961-1962-317; .,~ i' ~~ - . ~ , ~ -- a,,,: . . _ ~ ~ . RESOLUTION NO. 317. SERIES 1961_G2 A RESOLUTION QF THE CITY PLANNIDIG COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PEc2MIT 232 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission of the~ City of Meheim did receive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Permit from S. Vo HUNSAKER and SONS~ Post Uff ice Box 1216, Fleetwood Annex, Covina, Calif- ~', ornia, Owner of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, ,`, State of California, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein ~ as ttough set forth in full ; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold e public hearing at the City Hell in the City of Anehetm on May 14~ 1962~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice oE said public hearing having been duly given es required 6y lew end in accordence with the provIsions of the Meheim MunIcipel code, Chepter 18.64, to hearend consider evidence fur end ageinst seid proposed conditionel use end to inveatigete and make findings end recommendations in connection therewith; end WHEREAS, seid Commission, aEter due inspectlon, investigetion, and study made by itself end in its behelf, and •efter due consideration oE all evidence end mports oEfered at seid hearing, doea find end detecmine the following facts: 1. Thet the proposed use is properly one for which a Conditionel.Use Permit is euthorized by this Code, to wit: establish a private recreational facility. 2. Thet the pzoposed use will not edversely effect the adjoIning land uses end the growth and development of the azea in which it is proposed to be loceted. 3. Thet the size-and shape of the site pcoposed for the use is adequete to allow the full development of the proposed use in e menner not detrimental to the perticuler area nor to the paece, health, sefety, end general welfere of the Citizens of the City of A„aheim. 4. Thet tlie grenting of the Conditionel Use Permit under the condittons imposed, if any, will not be detrimentel to the peace, heelth, safety, and genewl welfere of the Citizens of the City of Aneheim. 5. 7hat the traffic generated by the proposed use will not impose an undue burden upon the streets and highways designed and proposed to carry the traffic in the area. 6. That no one appeared in opposition to sub~ect petition. Cl-G _1_ ~ . ~ I ~~,, ~ ~,~ r ~'. ; . __. _ . ..____.._ .____... ~ ' _',.""'3 . 1 a ~ . ~~~`, ;'~/ . `5~ . , , . .''t::'`~„`• . ~ d. :~` '~ .I . ~ _„_. . .....:: .. _:. ~} y ______.__..~---.._ _ ___.._.._ ,. .. ,: ._,• ~.~~ Y:~:;: -.~;,,-_.__.._....~....,_..~_..__.._~...._.,..._.._ .. . .._ _ . c~P't~kki IASI , .~r9 e~~'l. z. ~. . ~ , {~ SC~i81ULE C ~ • . ~ ` ~ ' Y ' ~ Tha land roforrod to in fhir poGry is siivatad in t4o Courrly of ~na~ ~tg od Snv,~1~3~ ~` ; Staim of CaGfvmia, tu-d dosaibod as foilcwa: • ,~,, : #i;:. E`; • Paraal 1: Lota 1 to 11, iuolnssiw, oP ~~ Ito. %tSf~T~ na a~ac~n ca s~-p reeaa~dc8 • {~.~ . in Eaog u2, ~ca i6 aaa 17 or ~.ocaunaco,us ~~a, recoran a~ crnn8o ~aa~n~, ~ c~.lstorns,a. . ~ theresSrors all oil~ gs~a~ nfa~ralc ar.8 ]~rfls~xarbaa eubatriaaos lyina *,~1~+ a a~h oi 5f3a t3se aur~c+,co oY aa18 lnffi~ bu~ wit~cat tho r~rt of auxYac~ eatrq Yc~r tho gurpo~c o~ cvalrn,~laS, ~~45, ~'~ ~~', ~'~~lT~ Pro~tiaS ior, r~avia3, FroQuaint3 ar n.s~ as. Faraal 2: Z'kzat portia~ o~ f.h~ Sarthvoa~ ~uartnr oY the.Port!serat qrar~or eY 8c~tia~ 7~ ~c~nahip ~ Bouth, Fiaaao 10 ~;ECt, 8. ~. B. !h E1., in tho F«~~ho Zca Cayc+~a~~ ~ caid f3~atiaa im shawa oa a np rceortiE~ in Boo2c 5~-~ F? ;sro 16 oS PSieeellaaa~azt.o B:ahrs~ rea~ oP Orangs eaun~yr~ CcU.iPornic, d~ecribc~ e.~ ~aZ].wos ~,~}.nning at ~ha F7ort,~weat corner o~ Lot l~ Tra~t Ao. 2;67~ as mhava aa a L^s~ rca~ ia Dook ]12~ p~a 16 e~d 17 ot' Liiacnllanccna t~spaa rasord~es of ~ Gc.~sty, amlit0rnig.~t thcnec 2Iarth 0° 46' 0?" T;~at alar~ th~ Aox~hc~ly prel.~;atic~ 03' N1cy oY~a'va c~ cai8 ~p ot Traet Yio. 2g67~ a diatunoe of 60.C3 fce~ to tAa ~reo p~iat o? b~ ++T+Tpf thcaes ea~ ~ ~imiisy~ alc~g uaid ccurso a diatanao oY 65.12 ~a'uj the~na Ilorth ~l° 07' Q9" ~at a dia*,.anao o! 21.E8 ~~at to a r_x~int c~ a~nc~~-~~~ aurno eo~Qnvm to .~a Fl~ea~t ~.sving a ra8lua oS 23~.~ Yoc't~ a ra~ir~l. Iine tc+ cai$ ~oint bcarn 8arth 37° 13~~ gg° EJe~tj theaca, Sonth. ~ut~rly aleq, asia eurvc fi.arcr~r.~ a aEn'~a1. aa~,r].ee oY 2~to 19~ ~a n3 etr¢ diataaeS~~iP 120.56 ~ec,t ~o tho boQt•+~ cP a c~a~,~ curvo c~csvcs to t~,~ Scuir.~cat h:vin~ a r^..d~.Lrs oY' 1g.Ga Pc~:, ~ s^...~1.~.7. lieo ~o flr~.i.d b:: n~{z~ 08 ac~s~ ourvQ beara gaut.h 1.2° ~tg' 30" E338tj t~nae, ac~..*.y ^~tcr~y ol~ ca3fl accr~a~3 curv~ tricu~h a cc~~ral ar.~l.c o~ '76° ~7' !;3" an asa Qia~tanao C.t 20.C3 ~a~ ~o tho y,~in~ oP tct^3enay rai~h a liao ~esrix.a Seu+„h 0°.~s6° ~9° L~atf t~enao, a1~3 aci8 earr..~o Qc~tli 0° !s6' S0" L~aat a diut.~snae oP 13.23 Yco~; 4.~.ie~eos Sc~fih 83° 3~i' 2gp E'3at ~sMsl].al v3th ~he ~7orth lino oP nair3 Lot' b in ~'rsa~ IIo. c~37, a diatuaeo oY 133.82 ~~:ert ~o ~ t~o ~rue poiat aP bc~ianiqg. . . . ~apti~a3 tres ausfd F3rca1 2, ~a ~.~1.~.~3 aro-Fa~:rtrth ia~ereat in al]. oil, ~^sa, po~role~a a,^.3 other ~,,3rca~b~ cab~toscca a~ cav~-~ to W. I3. C1.orY ~y 8cicd tb- cas~lc~'. ~ovw~.b~r t3, i;~'3 ira ~3ooy k~}3, 538a ~S o2 ~c~. ' . Also cr¢cp~is~3 ~rc~ f,*~e rc~sir,d~r c~° eaid Farnat 2, aU. o31d ~ffif sainora7.a r.s~ . Y~+t'irccarbca cubst~cca lyi'~, b:.las~ a B~G~ oP ~L'~J vsrtiayl. Pcrt i'rczt tV~c+ ~Yarso . oP aoi8 1affi, bu~C vit ~rrst ~TMO ri~, ~ oY ot3st~cr.ao en~ry ~~ ~kho ~ut~oao cs8' nzr.~o., ~ Yor, dFlvelo111ng, mi~iE ;, bar9-nCi ~~a ~~~6~ R~'~3'ACtit~ ~ar, re~eTS3ngy p~'~ ~xiQi~ or s2rLo~kiry~ oa,i.a substaaaes. ~~_._..._....~._.__ -------- . _ :;r,;r.l ~ . . : ~ ~ E': -_._~ _.... .-~ . , ~ ~ . . ~~.: .~-... . . , . . 6 '1 ',~ . S ~ I ~ --t' .:~~~--+-~-~ ; S 1 '.~ : J . ~IS! ~ ~~ l~~ NOW, TFiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Aneheim City Planning Commissinn does hereby great subject Petition for Conditionel Use Permit, upon the following conditions :vhich are hereby found to be e necessary pserequisite to the proposed use of the subject p:operty in otder to presecve the safety end general welfere of the Citizens of the City of Aneheim: ' 1. Development.substantially in accnrdanc~ with Exhibit No. 1. 2. Dedication of Moraga Street from the south~ast corner of Tract No. 2567 to the north-, west corner of sub~ect proper±y. 3. Time limitation of one hundred and eighty (180) days f~r the completion of Item No.2, THE FOREGOING RESGJ.UTION is signed end approved by me this 14th day of May~ 1962. ATTEST: ~ ' CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSI SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Ann Krebs~ 5eccetery of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Aneheim, do hereby certify that the fo:egoing resolntion wes pessed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on May 14~ 1962~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vo4e of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS:Camp, Chavos~_Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Perry. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Allred. ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havehereunto set my hand this 14th day of May~ 1962. . SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLU'TION NO. 317 C2-G ,. .. ,...-..._._ ~_~_._._..__---._.... .__.-'---~ ._._.......... _..~::i . , -2- __.._ . ~ ~ -~._.- ----'--- --......_.. . i.x