PC 1961-1962-3231' / . ~ ' ` ~_~; ~ ~ ~ ~~'~ :~' ~1 ~~ o • " ` r ~ F.~ RESOLUTION N0. 323. SERIES Y961-62 A RESOLUTION OP' THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY GF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ~~0 BE GRANTFD WHEREAS, the City Planning Cammission of the City of Maheim did receive a verified Petltion Eor Conditioael Use Permitfrom gARRY A. and EVELYN I. DETTSCCiMAN~ 11231 Haster Street, Anahein, C~lif ornia, Owners; BOB UNGER.a CHIP CHASIN, 354 Orangewood Avenue4 Anaheim9California, /:gent of c~rta~.n real property situated in the City of Anaheim9 County of Orange, State of Caiifor^±3, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in fu11 ; and WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Ha;! in the City of Aneheim on May 14' 1962q at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public hearing heving been duly given es required by lew and in accordence with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipel code, Chepter 18.64, to hear and consider evidence for and against said pcoposed conditionel use end to investigate and meke findings end recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, seid Commission, after due inspection, investigation, and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideretion of all evidence end ceports offered at said hearing, does find end determine the following facts: 1. Thet the proposed use is pcoperly one for which a Conditionel .Use Pennit is uuthorized by this Code, to wiE: a two story planned unit multiple fdmily residential developmenta 2. That the proposed use will not adversely affect the adjoining lund uses end the growth and development of the area in which it is proposed to be located. 3. Thet the size and shepe of f.he site pcoposed for the use is adequete to allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimentel to the perticuler erea nor to the peace, health, safety, end general welfere of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 4. That the grenting of the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Cilizens of the City of Aneheim. 5. Thai the traffic generated by the proposed use will not impose an undup burden upon the streets and highways designed and proposed to carry the traffic in the areao 6. That no one appeared in opposition to subject petitiono Cl-G ` , --~-----..__- - --._ .. ..__ r- _ , _ . ~; . ~ -1- ~ ~. ~+ 5 ~~ ~ t +.r ~.~; ~y~~~. ~ '~~•~ :11~ I ~ • ~~` ~ ~~ The lond reterred to in this report is in the stahz oE Cali[ornia, cnunty ot Orari~e. PAF.CEL 7.: THe South one-half of bhe Southeast quarter of ~he North- • easz i~uur~er nf the Northea~t quarter of .^-ection 27, in Township ~F South, Ran~e 10 ~4est, in the. narie~,~ Swn -?+~?~ Ca jnn de San~ta Ana, in the eity of Anaheim, as shovm on a map thereof .reeo,rcled in bootc 51, pa~e'7 ot seq., Mtscellaneous i~aps, recoxoe of said Orange County; EXCEPTING the North ~half ot the fol~.owir.~: Be~innin~ at a point on the Nor~h lina of the Southeast quarte~ of the NorL-heast quarY.ei• of $ecl:ion 27, in Tevmship 4 South, Ran~e 10 t•Tes~ of Yaid rancho, ~ai~ point of' b~~3r.nin~ bein~ 35 fect; lde~L o' tne i3ort-heast corner of' the Southeaat qua: ter of tYe NorLhea:,b a~;arter oi snid section; thence South ,o.:i•~ llel t;o the Ea~t line ci . s~id sec~ion, 10 feeti; ~Ylence i~lost pa~•allcl to the I~or~h line ~~~ ~::e Sou~heast quar~er oP ~'~: 2~orbbcust qu~rL-er oP said c:ection, 2J 3~~~~~~11 ~ e n » ,_~ G~ND. USE FE ~",. ,..~ 2.~ 11 . .: : ~ , 218772-HL . Page 2 ~ ~ . . ~~ _ _ _ _ _.._ __ (_j .:_) E~~~~~'~' «~„ f ~ ~ . .._ _ ~.__.... . , - -- ' . . ; _ ;. + ~ : feet; thence North para11e1 to the East lino of said section, 20 teeb;. ~, thence nast parallel to the North line of tl7e Southeast quarter oF ~ the Northeast quart,er of said section, 20 feet; thence South parallel to the East line of said section, 10 feet to tk:e polnt of , beginning. PARCEL 2: An undivided one~-third interest ~r~ and to the follotving: .~ ;; Be~inning at a poinb on ~ho North line of the Sout~east quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 27, in 'Poti~mship 4 South, r~an~o 10 l~iest, in the. Hancho San Juan Ca,~on de Santa A..„s, in the city oP ' Anahelm, as shoti~m on a map thereof rccos~f:ed in Loolt 51, page 7 et ~. seq., P•91sce11uneous NIaps, recor~ds oi' said Ortxn~;e Gounty, :,aid noint , o£ beginnin~ being 35 feet t~fest of the Northeast ~sorner of the Southeast quaxter of the I~ortheast quarter o£ said sectian; vhencs South parallel ~o the ~as~ 1~.nc of said ecctian, 10 reet; thenco . l~lest parallel to the North 11rie of the Soi;thea~t ~uarter of th~ ~lortheast qu~.rter of said section, 20.feet:; thence North parallel ~ te, tk:e East l:l:ne of said section, 20 feet; thence East parallel to the North 13ne of the :;outhea~t quarter oi' the Northeast quarter of said sectiior., 20 feet; thence Sourh parai7.°1 to the East line of . saicl section, 10'feet to the point of be~~.nnin(~. __...._.,~~__ _.____ ' T""' _"' ____"'....._..,..~'___'_._.,_. ~. _,. ...:!~. . ._. _ ~ .~ ~, ~\. . -~ . . . . _ .. ~-,':7 ' 1 . ~ . . .. A ` .'" ~ ~1 ~~:~~ ~:.9 ~~~ , ~. . . _. ' NOW9 THEREFORE9.BE.IT 8ESO1.vr~.D that .the Anaheim.City.Plannin.~Commission does hereby grant sub~ect petition for Conditional Uee P.ermit9 tipon .the fdllowing conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the pr.oposed.use of the subject property in order to preserve the safety an@ general .welfare of the Citizens of the City of An~eim: 1. Development substantially in accordance with Exhibit No. 1, except as amended hereino 2o Dedication af f.orty-f.i~e.(45) feet.from.the monumented centerl.ine of.HaF~.~r 5treet (30 feet existing). 3n Preparation.of street improvement plans and 3n=tallaticn of ~:: ;ur:~;~,-„~;;; ;;,; ;;;;~Q~ Street sub~ect to the app.roval of the City Engineer and in accordance with the adopted standard plens on file in the office of the City Engi:~eero 4. Payment of $2000 per front foot for s±reet lighting purposes on Hester Street.. 5. Payment of a Park and Recreatinn f ee of $25a00 per dwelling. unit to be collected as part of the Building Permito 6. Subject to the approval of Petition for Reclassif icatlon Noo 6'lwfi2-103a 7. Installation of fire hydrants as required by the City of Anaheim Fire Marshallo 8~ Provision of trash storage areas as determined by the Department of Public Works, Sanita- tion Division, and which are adequate in size accessible to trash~truck picku~, and adequately enclosed by a solid fence or wall prior to Final Building Inspectiono 9o Time limitation of one hundred eighty (180) days for the accomplishmenti of Iter~ Nosa 2, 39 4~ and 6n 10, Completion of the interior wall of the propased carports with stucco, installation of proper bumper yuards to protec± the interior walls from damage, end the installation of storage cabinets in the carport areaso 11~ .Installation of landscaping in the parkway portion of the Haster Street right~-of-way, plans for said landscaping to be submitted to and subject to the approval of the Superintendent of Parkway Maintenance, and sai~ lands.^,apinq to be installed prior to Final Building Inspectiono 12o Development of subject property with a minimum of f ive dif£erent elevations, sub~ect to the approval of the Architectural Control.Committee, provided that the three builaings front- ing~on Haster.Street9 shall be constructed with three different elevationsa ~,,. :~, THE FOR[~iOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 14th day of May, 1962a al,r~,~,,v~~ ;c, ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISS ATTESTa c~~~yc/ _ L~!~2~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY P ANNING COMMTSSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) C()UNTY OF ORANGE )ss. CITY AF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebsy Secretary of the City Planning Commission of th:e Cit; of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Cortunission of the City of Anaheiln, held on Nlay 14, 1962, at 2e00 o'clock PoMo, by the following vote of the members thereofe • AYES COMMISSIONERSe Camp, Chavos9 Gauery Hapgood, Marcoux, Munga119 Pebley, Perry~ NOESs COMMISSIONERSi None. ABSEN?: COMMISSIONERSa Allredo IN WITNESS WHERL-OF, I have hereunto set my hand this 14th day of May~ 1962a ~~~l "1~ ~~~ ~%G~d SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NOs 323 C2-G --_ __ _ _ .__~ .~ ---._ _._.. _ __ ._.___.._.. . _ __ _ .._ .. ........... c ,. , ~ ~