PC 1961-1962-332: J ~ I , fi ~~ IE I I ~ '3~, ~ ~ . i ~ ~ 7~ ., ~'' ~ ~ , ~ ~ .. '~.~ ^' - "'~ , RESOLUTION NO 332' SEFiIES 1961-62 '~,,:~` A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEiM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 14g2 BE GRANTED ~ WHEREAS, the City Planning Commieaion of the City of Aneheim did eecelve a vedfied Petition for Varience from LAFRANCE E. TERRELL, 1307 North Jasmine Placeq Anaheimq California, Owner of certain• real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California as followsg;Lot•Noo64inTract 2197 and further described as 1307 North Jasmine Place, Anaheim, California ; and WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission did hold a publlc headng at the City Hell in the City of Anaheim on l~lay 28~ 1962~ at 2:00 o'clack P.M., notice of said public headng having 6een duly given es required by law and in acrnrdence with thc ptovisiona of the Aneheim Municipel Code, Chapter 18.68, to hear and consider evidence for end egainst said proposed varience and to inves~igate and meke findinge and cecommendations in connec- tion therewith; and WEiEREAS, said Commieaion, efter due inspection, investigetion, snd study made by itseif end in ite behalf, and aEter due considetetion of ell evidence aind reports offered es aeid headng, doea find end detecmine the :ollowing fec4s: 1, Thet the petitioaer tequests a veriance from the Aneheim Municipel Code: Section 18.24,030 (2) and (3) to permit the conversion of an existing garage into a bedroom and connection thereof to an existing single family residenceo 2. That the:e ere exceptional or extreocdinery ci~cumstences or coaditiona epplicable to the prope=ty involved or to the intended use of !he propetty that do not apply gene:ally to the property or claes of use in the same vicinity end zone. 3. That the requested varience is necesaery fot the presecvution end enfoyment of a substential property right possessed by other property in the aeme vicinity end zone, end denied to the pmperty in question. 4. Thet the requested variance wlll not be metedally detrimentel to the publia welfate or inJurious to the prop- erty or imp:ovements in such vicinity and zone in which the propeety is loceted. ' S. That tha requested varience will not edvecsely effect the Compreheasive Generel Plen. 6. That no one appeared in opposition to suuject petition. -1- _ _. . .. .___ _ -- ---._._...-- --_. .; __._ _ . _ __ __ _ _-...__.._._. _, li _ ~..::-_._--...._._:_ _ ~ ~ D 7 ~~'S \.~~~ ~ 1 f ~ ~~ ~ - ~ fiq '. . + `;u ! ~jr , ~ ~ ~'~ NaW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Anaheim City Plenning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Varieace, upon the following conditions which ere heieby found !o be a necessary prerequisite to the pro- posed use of the subject pcoperty in order to preserve the safety end generel welfece of the Citiaens of the City of Anaheim. 1. Development subs~antially in accordance with Exhibit No. 1 and with the provision of a gutter to be installed on the south side of sub~ect carport for drainage to the east~of said carport. THE FOREGOING RFSOLUTION is signed and epproved by me this 28th day of May~ 1962. ATTEST: ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIO I ~~~~/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CTfY OF ANAHEIM ) I' Ann Krebs~ Seccetery of the City Planning Commission of the City of Aneheim, do heceby certify thet the fore- gaing resolution wes pessed and adopted at e meeting of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on May 26~ 1962~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer~ Hapgood, Marcoux; Mungall, Pebley, Perry. NOES: COMMISSIOI3ERS: None. , ABSENT: C0~7MISSIONERS: None. IN WITNFSS WHEREOF, I have he:eunto set my hend this 28th day of May, 1962. . SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0.,332 V2-G - - . .....____ ::~ ~i . ~w -2- . ~ _ .._.__.. __. ..