PC 1962-1963-521~ i ~ ~", ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ I ~~ RESOLUTION NO. 521~ SERIES 1962-63 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMYT 314 gE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commlasion of the City of Meheim did receive Q verified Pet~tion foe Conditionel Use Permit fmm S, D. VAAIDRUFF, 2973 West Roine, Anaheim, California, Owner; ROHFRT I.. SALEN, 921 West 17th 5treet, Santa Ana, California, Agent of certain real property s~tuated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California as described in Exhibit "A" ~ attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full ; and WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission did hold a pnblic headng et the City Hell in the City of Anaheim on October 29~ 1962~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public headng heviag ~een duly given as required by law and in accocdance with the provisions of the Mehei~ Municipel code, Chepte~ 18.64, to heer and cons:der evidence for and against said proposed cronditionel use and to investigate and make findiegs end recommmdetions in connection the:ewith; end GHEREAS, seid CommIssion, a€:se due inspecUon, 3uvoailgaUon, a~d otudy madz by Itself end in IQe beneli, and aEter due consideration of all evidence and repods offered et aeid heedng, does find and determine the following facta: 1. Thet the proposed use is properly one for which e Conditionel.Uae Permit is authorized by this Code, to wit: a deluxe planned-unit development. 2. Thet the proposed use will not advecsely offect the edjoining lend uses and the growth end development of the area in which it is p:oposed to be located. 3. That the size and shape of the site proposed for the use is adequete to allow the full development of the proposed~,use in a manner not detdmental to the particuler acea nor to the peace, haalth, sefery, and generel welfece ' of the Citizens of the City of Meheim. 4. Thet the grenting of the Conditional Use Permit undet the copditions impoaed, if eny, will not be detrimental ta the peace, health, safery, and general welfare of tha Citizena of the City oE Aneheim. ~ 5. That the traffic generated.by the propo'sed use will not impose an undue burden upon the streets and highways designed and impraved to carry the traffic 3n the area. . 6. That no one appeared in opposition to subject petition. Cl-G e ' T> , .~: ~ . .. ~ :':it2L -1- r^t r ..._.__._-.._._. _. _ _~__..._ _. ---_ __.__ . . __._,_,..:..... . _..~__ _..... .------___,. __ _.. ___.,. , -~ -- ~:; c~z~ ~ si ~ ~. ;~;, . , .. , ,.f ;_, ~~~` X~` ~~`~.,,... °~ Oran e Count Titde C'om an ~ ~, ~x ,~ g y ~ y -~ ~~~~~ ~~\`~~ ~~l/~:!~ . Mllltl STREET AT FIFTH, ~llflTll AMII, CRLIFORMIA • KIMBEIILr 7•6l92 , ~'. ~ • ~ _ . . ~-~ i~ ' . ~ ~ hr~ '~^-; T, F , t( 7> .~1~~.~ ~.~..~I ~. All that certain land eitua.ted in the State of Calif oraia, County • of Orange~ City of Anaheim, described as followe: Parcel 1. The West 3 acres of the Eaet half of tho South half of ~ the Southweet quarter of the Southwest quarter of Sectioa 13, ,~ ~ Townei3p 4 Sauth, Range 11 West~ in the Rancho Los Coyoteo, ae ~ ehowa on a map recorded in book 51, page 7 of Miecellaaeous Mape~ ~ recorde of Orange County, California. ~ Excepting therefram tke South 303, OQ feet. Parcel 2. The East 3 acres of the Southweet quaatar of the Southwest quarter of the Southwaet quartar of ~ection Y3, Township 4 South, Ranga il West~ in the Raacho Los Coyotea, as ehowa on a map recorded in book 51, page 7 af MieceIIaneoue Mape. record~ of Orange County, California. Except3ng thera£rom tho South 30~.00 feat. parcel 3. Tha North 235. 52 feet of that portion of the South half of the Southweat quartar of the Southweat qnarter of Section 13, Towaship 4 5outh~ Range 11 West. i~ the 2tancho Los Coyotes, as ehowa ~ oa a map recorded in book 51, page 11 of Miecellaneoue Mape, recorde ~ of Orange County, California, lying Wasterly of the following described ~ ~ lina: • ~ Bagianing at a point in the South line of eaid Section 13, eaid point being aacated 464. 20 feet Easterly of the Southweet corner of eaid Sectioa 13= thenca Nortb. 660.18 feet along a line parallel to the West line of eaid Section 13, to a point ia the North l~ne of tho 5outh half of tha Southvieet quarter of the Southweat qua.rter of said 5ection 13. !:I ~ ~ Excepting therefrom tha Weet 399, 00 feet. Parcel 4. The South 176.91 feet of the Northweet quarter of the Southweet quarter of the Southweet quarter of Sectioa 13~ Towaehip 4 5outla. ~nge 11 West. Se B. B. Ec M. Excepting tb.erofrom the ~I)"eat 39g.00 feet. . ~ _ ____ __. ____ -,1---_.___ _~._--.--.--.- - __~._____.._. --- -__.----_-._ _ ~_ ~ _ ~- . ~- _ '~ - ~ . . . i~~ ~ ~~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Maheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subjent Petition for Conditional Use Pe~it, upoa the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite W the proposed use of the subject pcoperty in order to preserve the sefety end general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Aneheim: • L Payment of a Park and Recreation Fee of $29.00 per dweiling unit to be collected as part of the Building Permit. 2. Provision.of standard trash storage areas as determined by the Department of Public Works, Sanitation Division, prior to.Final Huilding Inspection. 3. Installation of fire hydrants, as determined to be necessary by the City of Anaheim Eire Department, to provide adequate fire protection. 4. Subject to the approval of Petition for Reclassif ication No. 62-63-36. 5. Provision of a modif ied cul-de-sac on Eldorado Street subject to the approval of the City Engineer, prior to Fi.nal Building Ir.spection. 6. Development substantially in accor.dance with Exhibit Nos. 1 through 7, with the exception that covered parking spaces be increased to a minimum of ninety (90) as required by the Anaheim Municipal Code. 7. That the access drives adjacent to but outside of subject property along the south property line and along the. east proper.ty line be paved as.indicated on the P1ot Plans, prior to~Final Building Inspection. 8. Provision of a six (6) foot masonry wall along the east and north boundaries of subject property where said property abuts sin~le family residences, the height of said wall to be measured frbm the'firiished grade of the R-1 property. THE FOREGOIIJG RESOLUTION is signecl and epproved by me thia 29th day of October~ 1962. ATTEST: CHAI[2MAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING C06!MISS SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFQRNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Ann Krebs~ Secretary of the City Plenning CommissIon of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify thet 4he faregoing resolution was pessed and edopted at e meeting of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Aneheim, held oa October 29~ 1962~ et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the membecs thereof: AYFS: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Nungall, Pebley. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Hapgood, Perry. IN WIINESS WHEREOF, I hevehereunto set my hand this 29th day of OCtober~ 1962. RESOLUTION NO. 521 C2-G :~A ' SECRETARY ANAHEIM C1TY PLANNING COMMISSION -2-