PC 1962-1963-558i ~~ '~.? . ..y . . . r . . (`~ . . ( .1~ ~. I RESOLUTION NO. 55B9 SERIES 1962-63 ~~ A RESOLUTION OF ;HE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEiM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE NO. 1538 gE GRANTED WHEREAS, the Ci{y plenning Commission of the City of .Aaaheim did receive e verified PeGtion for Variance '-'F from ISiiMAEI, and SARAH GIJZMAN9 933.1 Cerritos Streety Anaheimy California, Owners;. ID MAMd, 't 925 North Harbor, Santa Anay California, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheimy Coutity of Orangey State of California and described in Exhibit "A" attached ; hereto and referred to herein 3s thouyh set fo•rth in full - ; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commisaion d3d hold a pnbllc headng at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on Deceinber 10~ 19b2y et 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public heering having beea duly given es tequircd by lew and in acrnrdance with the provisione of the Aaeheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.68,fo hear end consider evidence for end ageinst said propoaed varimce and to iaveatigate and make findings and cecomin~deUona la connec- tion therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, efter due inepection, investigetion, ead study mede by itself end in its behelf, ' and efter due coasideration of atl evidence and ceporte offered as eaid headng, doea flnd end deteemlae the following facts: 1. That the petitioner requeste a varience from the Anaheim Municipel Code: SeCtiott 18d16a030 (4-b~ ~ which requires'that R-Ay Residential Agrfcultural, Zoned properi;ies, other than designated parcels in a subdi•~risiono sha'l1 have an area of one acrey to permit the division of' subject property into two parcels each containing an area of less than one acrea 2. That ihete are exceptionel or extraocdinery citcumstances or conditions eppliceble to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not epply generelly to the p~opecty or clesa of use in the same viciaity end zone. ~ 3. That the requested veriance is necessary for the preaervetion end enJoyment of e substanUal pmperty right possessed by other property in .the .seme viclnity and zone, end denied to the propetty 1n auestion. 4. That the requested verienct~ will not be meterially detrImentel to the public welfete or inJurious to the pmp- erty or improvements in such viclaity and zone in which the propeety is loceted. 5. That the requeated varience wlll not edversely affect the Comprehenaive General Plen. 6e That the petitioner stipuZated that a oomoosition shingle.roof would be constructed on the proposed structureo 7. That no oae appeared in opposition to subject petitiono "~:, :`? Vl•G , _1_ ~s.,:.. o.yJ;:: . . , fi~j~~ - . , ~ ~ ~ . ~~~;'~~ . . . . ~ ' . . . . . . ;6 ;, ' . ~ .. . . ~ ~..~','' ~ . ' . . . . . . . .. . 5~ ,', ' . . ~ ' ~j ~W a •-- ~ - -- ---- - - - • ~ .._.. ~~~ .. .. ...A _ . . .. . -"-'-`----..._.. . ~~~ . ~ ., ' , • , 1.~ ~.. P•IIBA <G.S.) Rev. 1~61 ( `} ~` ~ • • ~ 1 „/ `J ~/% -~ `~ ]~ SECURITY TITLE INSiJRANCE COMPANY a Cali/ornia corpnralion, herrin called tRe Company, Insure4 tlie p:irtic< named os inaured in Schedule A, the heirs, devisces, pe.raonol representativcs of ~uch insurcd. or, if u corporotiun, it. succes.ors by dis~olution, merFcr or conaoudatian, a~aincl loaa or damage not ~sceedin~ thc amount ~huod in ~chedule A, to~clher with custa, nUorne~•s fees and expenses which the Compnny may bceomc obligatc~3 to pay a. ~~rocided in the Conditions and Stipulationa hereo[, which Ihe insured ehnll sustain by reason of the mattcrs numbercd 1 t~i •~ in Yart Three of Schcdule B of this polic}•. CLTA•1961 SCHEDULE A S7ANDARD GOVERAGE Insured: ' . _.:~.~; o~r s ~Tv~.~s ~~~;D ZQIIIJ ASSCC?JlTIOii• ~'oucy ivo: ,~„v.,,. Gonaideration paid for this policy.~ S ti~~:`~ c~ `JJ`~ i; . . '1 ESective datc: rr~~~ ~!}~ ~~V2 at ~~~~ o'cloek~ .M. Amo~ f liebility:~,S Z,~,~~~~,~ eatote or or reFerred to a ~ec Title to the estote or intereat covered by thie policy at the f ie vated in: 7;'.~Il'S~:J IS~tJ~.'11'!:'Z a~Sl~S~ S ~l y\fVLS'T ~J GYLY U.f.iO~ nd is descr beddas~fo I WB policy is i tho State of Celifornia, County of ~~@ ~_~e '~~o~~~i:e:;1~ ;; .:ee~L oF tih~~ partiott of Lo~ 11 0~ ~;ne r. ~1. S~a.~~~o_~ ~°S'~:C~:,~ ~S u^~?O:T~2 on ~ r„~p Lh~reai' rcco~deJ 3iz boc~c rj' ~`sJa~C'J 'Z~j u~=C~ G~4p f=.~3~ce:~.?~::eou:, i,a~s, rocoa-d~ ot aa3d G~•an~a Coun~, descr~~c1 as ~`03.? arra: , ~o~enc2;; a~;: ~l:c Sok~Fzeas~ corner af L•ho t~lar~h~re~L ~;zr.r~c_~ o° Sect~on '! 9, w: `~b:^~~::=p 4 Sou~h, ~~e IO T~7est, Saa .uerna,Mcl~.no ii~~c ~zd :~_e»~?a3~n, ~^:i.c? po:LraL ~.30 lse~; ~ho ccnLe~ 39.ne 1nte~^CrCCL:LOIZ o~ t:7.?::C'_'i: .~i't,?.'GC~ .1''2C's CCl'I''~.u0~ AVCT2112i ~1C:1C0 ~SOili:$ v~° c~9 ji~o I':C5'~: ~~J.~~ ~e~;; ~'!a~; ~i1e cen~er• 32.~.0 0~' :,a2d Cerri~o~ ~lvenue f:o i:?:e i,:- V~.. ~J~:V V:.J : oi ~a3ci eentcr 33ne c•r1L•h t:~e Suuther"s;r prry~lcrk;at3o : or L,z~/~ ~"1'~,~~L`c=1J 12ne of' sa23 Lot l2; L-i~e:~co ~iar~h 0° 0/° c" ~1^f- ~1 V~Zy JOM~Ij:Ci Q~ J M T n • ~~ ~~JVrIV t^'~~Vl~j .1.~-P~' o~,ai:2on anc3 ,.,,asL•ez~~y ].~,no ox s~icl Lov ].i, ~J.00 ~ (cont3nuec3 a~ suoaeed2~ pa~ej E~~.I~~~ :«A,~ . n~o. s 3~ VARIANCE ~ . ~, .. ._.. ~-~ , ~. ,...,.,,...w...v~.,._.~...,~. ....,~..~~~.~..,~...r.~,.n,_.......,,_....._:~•;..~,.,,._ ....~.,_,,>.M.r..~,,.-...,.,.,,... , ,~ ~ ~ 53~ ~ ~~~ ~ S~TLDU~; 1~ (con~inuec7.j ~.^e ~ i;o ~i~c ~r~:e ro~?n ~ aF Ue~3..+~uz9.n~;; ~l~ence Soutlz 8g' 20' S0 ~r ;:e~ ~ ' 7.C~.~9 =c~~ ~:maZl~1 Lo ~?~c cc:z'L'cr. l~ie o~' ~a3d Ce~r:i~~w ~lve:~.ue to ' a`L?':~,;;e:~~ e~~~ve e~r.c~ue .Jo_~lieas~c:rZ;~ aizc3 I1avi~-~;; a=auik~ ofi ?~.00 :~'c-c;;, sa=~ ~oj:2~ oi ::aZ;eno~ bc3.nE; a}~o~.n~ on i:~ o i,~::j,:e:~°3J ls:zc o~ ' r.i~'3.:°'~..^. $i:l'EC't:' S1G 'J~30::72 O:: L3 i'ia,~ a~: 1S'a1C'G ~'i0• `2U~Js +•'C~:Ol'~Ci: ~.I? 'JOO~~ 80, n~~cs lb7 ~o !~~, i•?:iscell.x~e~uc :CapE, :ecorc:s oi' ~~~d C~a~;c Coi:nty; ;;:_c~zce ~.o~~~i1~:4."..lrGi7.y a?or„ sa1:, ci~rvc tiiu~~,~;'sz a ce:.ti~al ~u~~1e o~ ~0° °j~. ~? J'ti ` U10i:~.TLCC O~ c~.>Z} ~CCt~ 'I:11CTtC@ P:Oi'vi2 ~° d7 ~>~ ~~ iY:33 ~~ a.2.~7 f'CG'v .11.011~ i::2~ I'.~3~G.."1J ~.1i1t? Ol 3c1~L`• Crf17.'.'~•£1 v~l'C~'u ~O i;~,:C .ci:.i1~1::it?Si;Cx~ , .,ti ~ ~• ~ ~ ~_, ~ ~.d ~:ap o~ '~acL i3o. 2G53; L-::er:cc 2~cr:.Iz coi~..~ o~ r,,c:, ~i~, a.. ~..ot•rn on ~~ ^° ~~~ L- 120.C0 ~eei; ~o ~he SouL•hea~~er1;~ co:izc~ of ;.ai:~ ~~ a~ QG~;: ~~~~ ~~ ~ j1 r)~° uC p0~~ Ia~ C~; t'sz:.~~ce ~et;~i1 E3~t 1.2~.~0 ~eei: to Llie L~~ ~ ' , o= be~:c~ZnM,k; ~ T3~= ''~ • ~c 1 ! ; ~ i i .i__-~- ~-- e-, T,a ~ ~M~ ~~ rl~ser~hed on tPie Countn.t T~z:: Aasessa:eci~ fio11 ; ~~ _ . . Y ~.~ '~~ ' • NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Anaheim City Planning Commiscion does heseby grent subject P~tition fot Variance, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a neceasery pre:equisite to the pro- posed use of the subject propeity in ordee to preserve the safety end genecel welface of the Cltizens ofthe City of Anaheim. Ia Paymeret of' a Park and Re~reation Fee of 525~00 per d~~relli,r.~ unlt to be collected as part of the Building Pexmito 2o Derrelopment substantially in ~ccordanoe wlth Exhiblt Nosa 19 2, and 30 3~ Recordation of a Record of Surve~v inco•rporating the division of sub~ect property in accordance ~nith Exhibit Noo 2~ 4o Sub3ect to the reclassification of sub~ect property from the R-Ay Residential Agriculturaly Zone ~to ~;he R-1, One Family Residentialy Zone within six (6) months, or prior to Final Bvilding Inspection„ which evex occurs f3rsto THE FORECi0IN6 RESOLUTION !s signed and eppeoved by me thie 1 Oth day of Decembea9 19fi2a ATTEST: .~/l t~~~ G%~-~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY P'LANNIN4 COMM ~ ~ ~~ " _ SECRETt,RY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMI55ION STATE OF CAL1FORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORAN(3E ) ee. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I Ann Krebs Saccetary of the City Planning Commieaion of the City of Mahelm, do hamby cedify that the fore- oing reeolutlonywes paeaed end adopted at a roeeting of the City P1anning Co-~mlaeion of the Clty of Anaheim, held on ~ecember 109 Y9629 at 2:00 o'clock P~M., by the following vote of ths membera theceof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allxed9 Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall' Pebley, Perryn NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Noned ~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Hapgooda IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve he:eunto aet my hend this 'lOth day of December~ 19620 ~:~~.~'~~vl-t~ %~a5~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM`CITY PLANNING COMMISSION 1~ESOLUTION N0. 558 V2.G ' ~ u. ~: f:; f~; . ~ti , ~v's~~ _ __~._ _ :. _ _. ._. .~~' ~ ~ •2- , ~~.. _T~,_. ,...