PC 1962-1963-629. r-. - i. ~l ~ . ' ~ RESOLUTION NO 629, SERIES 1962-63 A RES4LUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Ofi THE CITY OF ANTAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 362 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commis3ion of the City of Anaheim did receive a veri~ed Petitionfor Coaditioael Use Permit from ROGER Wa PANNIER, 1650 West Ball Road, Anaheim, California, Owner; A'X}RT GRID~, 600 North Euclid, Suite 645, Anaheim, California, A~ent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as that portion of Lot No. 25 of the Anaheim Investment Company°s Tract, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 7, pages 33 and 34, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County, more particularly described as tollowsa Beg3nning at the Northwest corner of said lot No,. 25 (said corner also being the intersection o: Bali Road and Euclid Avenue) thence along the North line (Ball Road) of said Lot No. 25, 17orth 89° 26' 50" East 657023 feet to a point, said point also being the Northeast corner of said Lot No. 25 (also being the intersection of Ball Road and Palm Lane) thence along the East line (Palm Lane) of said Lot No. 25, South 0° 00' 50" West, 671.47 feet to a point; said point also being the Southeast corner of said Lot No. 259 thence along the South line of said Lot No. 25, South 89° 34° 27" West, 657.05 feet to a point; said point being the Southwest corner of said Lot No. 25 (also being the intersection of Palm Lane and Euclid Avenue) thence along the ;lest line (L~clid Avenue) of said Lot 25 North 670.02 feet to the true poini of beginning; ~CCEPTIh~G THEREFR~~ivf"the North 200.00 feet of the West 200000 feet; and WHERFJaS- the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on Fetruary 4, 1963, at 2s00 o'clo~k P.M., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as reyuired by.law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim N,unicioal code, Chapter 7.8.64 tc, hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use and to investigate and make f3ndings and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHERER.S, said Commission, eftet due inspection, investigation, and study mede by itself and ia its behalf, and after due consideration of all evideace and reports offete~ at seid heariag, does fiad end determine the following facts: I. Thet the p:oposed uae is properly one for which a Conditional ,Use Permit is euthorized by this Code, to wit: construct a two-story planned-unit multiple family residential development, to waive one- story height limitation, and permit carports in lieu of garages on subject pro ert 2. That the proposed use will aot advecsely affect the adjoining land uses and the growth and devdopmeat of the area in which it is proposed to be located. 3. That the size and shape of the site proposed for the use is adeqaate to allow the full developmeat of tfie proposed use in a menner not detrimental to the particular a:ea nor to the peace, health, safety, and geaeral welf~e of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 4. That the grenting of the Conditionel Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if any, will not be detrimeatal to the pesce, health, seEety, end general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Aneheim. 5. That the traffic generated by the proposed use will not impose an undue burden upon the streets and highweys designed and improved to carry the traffic in the area. 6~ That one person appeared in opposition to subject petition. Cl-G -1- ':4"~ ~ : . ..... ..~.... __... . .. . . _ _ __., _. . _ ~ ~. . _ , __ ,i 1. ~ ~ iL116.n.R (Rev. f.D97 -` ,. r--~-• r--~~ r--~--,; ~~' ~~~~~,~ fl °y~ ft ~ +~ ~.~ .~ ^ ~~ ~ INS'UI~.ANCG COMF~ANY • ~ 825 Norlh Broadway. Santa Ana. Calitornia ', i Tclophono Klmbcrly 7•7251 ~ ! ~ Your No ................................: ... PRELIMIlVARY REPORT . ~_.....,_ .. ......... ' ' i ' Our Order No.....23~7Q1-DZ'1 ............. ; ~ Eoerorr No. 48752-~ ;' • . ~~r ~~~ . ~-^+ ii~i~ tt R ~) ~ . .L .l ~~ 1 • ~ 1 This report is issued preliminary lo recordalion, (inal closing, and i: ~uunce of policy of title insurancr in connaction with this order. Our liabilily is ,olely that expresced in such policy. No separatr_ lia. ~ ; 1 bilily is assumed by this report except that i( no policy is icsued under this order Oie amount paid ; ~~ ~ for this report shall be tho maximum liabilily of the company. i ~ , ~__.SECURITY TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY , I ( . . ..By~,: ~: n............ ~. ~,,.J s: ~•.!•,;,......... ' i i Daced as oE 7:30 A.M. on Januar~ 11, lgG3 "~7ave ° l~Jolven L~ ~ • j~ Vesteo: ~, ~,;, .; . ROG~R PANNIT~, by deed to him dated I•Iay 1, 1953, and H~L~N MART:s' ~, PANNIER, cach as Lo an undivided one-half ini;eres~. ;: ~ ~, , ,i •~ ;~ ;, .• . The land re(erred to in this roport is in the state of California, county oE (h ~.11[;e . ' r,r.:; ` :~ ;• Tha~ portion of Lot 25 of L-h~ Anahe im Invc ~i;men~ Company' s Ta~ac ~, 1 ~~•. as ~hot~rn on a map L•hereof rccorded in boolc 7, pa~es 33 and 34, ~.i ;:~ Idisccllaneous F•iap~, recorcls oi' said U~~an~~ Couni:y, more particula.rly ;; de~ci~lbed as follovt~: `. :i y'. , :~ De~:tnnin~; at ~he Idorthivest; co~ncr of ::aid Lot; 25 (~aid corner also ; ~ beln~ the lnter:;ection of ]3a11 iioad and i.ucl:id Avcnue ) i;hence a1on~ ' ~ ., the Idorth line (Ball Poad) o~ said To~ 25, ;do:.~L•h 89 ~ 26, 5~~~ Easi; f;.: 657.23 fee~ ~o a po:int, said po:LnL a].yo bein~ the Nori:hcast corner ~of !i ~ said I,ot 25 (alao bein~ Lhe in~ers~ci:;.on of ~3a11 Road and Palm L~.na) ~ ; thence a].on~; ~he La~t 11ne (Palm L~n~) uf sa:Ld Lot 25, South 0° 00' S0" -~ i ~~Ies~E, 671.47 feet to a point; ~aid ~oint also being the Southeast . ;~ • :~ ;` . ' ;+ ~ . ~~'*',~` - ~~ ~' ~"'., :,l ' . . . . ~`J~.i -~...~-...-~~ . ..~ i - - ..~... _.. _ L. ': i . . .,. .~_... . _. . ._ . - _......_ -- ; _ . _ _.__._ - .:'~ _ _ _ .i -------- ---..~ -. ._ _ . ar:~ ~ v .t ~ ./~~I ~ _ r----~~ .: -~ ~~.- ~~ 9~-~ _, : : , _. . ____ . . __._ _ __ _ . _ . . _ ._. ~ . _ __ _ __ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~ ~ ~:~ . ~ ~ :~ :,~ ~ ,- -~ ~ ' ' 2397oi-Di~r • rw~e 2 ~i corner of ~ai.d Lot 25, ~izenee al~n~ ~i~c Soui.l~ line of caid 7.~1; 25, Sou'L•h 89 ° 34' 27° S~lesi:, 657.05 fce ~ L-o a point; :;aia ~o~z,t v~:~nr ~hc Sout:~,:c ~t; corner of ~a.id Loi: 25 (also bea.n~ i,hr~ _iltcrcect:ton of Pa1riL~.ne ~ nd ::iiclid , ~ i Avenue ) thence alon~; ~lze [~ie st line (,:,~1~ iia ~v~~zu~ ) of :,uid Lot 25 2iorth ;;~ G7o.02 ~eet Lo the t~ ue po:tnt; of be~innin~; . ,~ , `' ~XCr,PTIldG THLRLT~'IiOI%i i:lze North 200.00 feet oS i:lle t~le~{; 200.00 feet. `~~ +~ NOTi.: Said land is desci~ibed on the ~Count;/ T2x ~1~sessmen~ Roll for i;R e ,,, ~, '~ ' fiscal year' 1962-63 ~3 ~. P. P1o. 129-131-3; CA' 1-022. ' ,., ~ . ' d SUBJi:CT T0: ; ~ l. Second installm~nt o~ t;a.~:es i'or L•lie faacal year 19G2-63, includin~ ~, ~ $6.6g personal propert;~ ~ax, ytGC?.~~. • `~{ ; ~ ,!':~ 2. Priva~Le roads cver and acros,~ the i:a~i;erly 30 feei: and the Southerly ~:_, 30 feet oi said lo~, as inclicated on the map: of sa:Id tract. `; ~; ~, `. ' i 3e Buildin~; resi;rlcl;ion~ coni;~.lned ln ~he a~ca ~rom I!11~~1C:i1'il Invescment ~ ~ Company, a cor~orat;ion, i;o I~Ieiri~n S;;ern, recoLded S~p~eaiber 10, ~ I 1913, ~n boolc 2j~2, na~c ilE9, D,:cas. i ~ ~.i:`; ~ 4. An easement ~or road and inc:Ldcntal purpo:es n; sct fort-h in an ' i ~~~ ', inatrument recorded in boolt 10u7, pa~e~ 30~~, G~'!'icial iiccC~rcls, ' over the ~as{;erif 3o reet and ~hc Southerly ~0 feet oa said. :Latici. ~` 5. A comruuzi~,y o:tl.lease, cover:Ln~ sa:td land and oi;hcr 7.ands, daL-ed ~' ~,;; I~Iareh 1, 1961, el.eeu~:~cl by I~o,r;cz Pann:l.er . a.ncl D~ z~.~~~a I'~,iuzier, aN ~. ormers of sald land ae, t;o an uncliv:Ld~~d one-hal~ inteicst, and Uy ~ ~ o ~her per~0215 as om~es s o:t otizcr 1~..~d~ :i.n i:he conu~uni{;y area, i' ; •i~, as lessors, and by Standa;:~d OJ.1 Compa.ny o~ Cal:ifornJ.a, as lessee, ji ;~ . ~ recordcd Apri1 25, Z9Gi, in boolc 5701, pa~e 376, Off:Lclal Recorda. 6. An easemen~ over said land ~:or ei.',;her oi~ bo~;h po~.e lines, conduiti~ I'~ ~~ ~ and incidental pur~o~e~ a~ set Foa.~~h ln an instrument recorded in ~' r:~ ~,'~~ book 5802, paQe 830, O:Cyici;.l Hecorcls. ';I Said deed provlde3 1;hat {:he nolec o~ ~a.id line eha11 Ue located ~' ~;:~ o~rer 1;he Norther1y.20 fec~ o~' :-;aid ].and; ~' ,~ •" ~CC~PTL'1G TIiTFi~PROti2 the Z~de ~i;erly 170 fee ~. ~~:. , ~ ~' :~~ 7. ~ln eaueraen~ for road aild i;~cidental purr~o~es as ~eL• forth ln an in- ;_ ' strurnen~ recorded in boolc 5~69, p~ ~~e ~304, Oif3.cia1 Record~s over ~!~; i ~Lhe Z~Jes~erly 53.00 ~eei: (a:: measured at; ri~h~ an~les to the ; ) center linc of ~uc13.d Avenuc ). I~ a . ~; 8.• An easement for road and incidental ptu°poaea a~ seL- forth in an in- '~ strument recorded in boolc G12G, pa~e 934, O~ilc2al Records, over ~~. I the Nortl~~rly 53•00 fee{: .(a~ nie3cured at r3~ht an~len from ~he ~ center line of Ba~ll Road). ,~ I~ ;; ~ a . ~-t ~w ~ ~x• a~ ~w ac~ ;~ ~,~ x ;c~ N a~ ;a ~ ~ ~ , ~^ '.i , ~ ' , j.,....--- ,. _...__. ..._-~. _-~-- t , _ ..,.. _, . . - . _.. . _ , .. . _.- . _._.. ._..,~_. . _..._._. --- - _- ~ ~ - - =")'9 , ~ :e: ~ ~ 4 ` ~ ,~~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Conditional Use Pernit, upon the following conditions which ate hereby found to be a necessary pterequisite to :lie proposed use of 2he subject property in order to preserve the safety and genecal welfare of the Citizens of the ~ity of Anaheim: 1. Subject to the reclassification of the subject property to the R-3, Multiple Family Residential Zone approved under Petiti~n for Reclassification No~ 62-63-66. { THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed end approved by me this 4th day of Februar'yy i963. CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~~~J~~~~ SECRETARY ANAHEAS CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ? COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ;. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs~ Secretary oE the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Aneheim, held on February 4~ 1963, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the foliowing vote of the members thereof: AY~~ CONRIISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Perry. N~~~ COMMISSIONERS: Noneo ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Hapgood. IN WI'fNESS WFIEREOF, I havehereunto set my hand this 4th day of Februa?:yy 1963. SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 629 C2-G -2-