PC 1962-1963-810.,_.~ , ,,._~:-~ ~ ..._-, ,.,-.~.r..~, .____-__~.,_._,__.~.....,..,.~._Q~o,__.....",y,..rr.,.~.~e....,_..~.._~.._..d~:,._..~.r.a....,~.x„r-,.o.r -n ~~::<,_.,,:,.. - - ---- ,~~ _ _ . J~. ' j . . ~T~ '~ RESOLUTION NO. 810y SERIES 1962-63 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RECUMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCI:. OF62 63 13~OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITI'JN FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. HE APPROJED wnciZEnS, ine CiEy Pientiing ~ommia6lGii Gi L`~a C..y a: A:~:s~i7 d:3 :acc:v~ a••e:i:i~d °e,::.jaa :e: P.ecta~~::ica- tionfrom WILLIAM Ma 8 MF+RY Eo RAUM, 1950 Hast Sycamore, Maheim, California; Owners; J 8 ~ C DEVIIAPMIIJT WMPANY~ 2127 West Ball Road~ Suite B, Anaheim, California9 Agents of certain i real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange9 State of California, described ? ast That portion of Lot No. '7 of Anaheim Extension, according to a map of Survey made by Mr. ~ Hamel, acknowledged by Alfred Robinson, Trustee, and on file in the office of the Gounty , Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, described as follows: Beginning at the intersec- f tion of the centerlines of Sycamore Street and Placentia Avenue, and running thence Sou~h 74° 29' 35" West along said centerline of Sycamore Street 181e15 feet; thence South 0~ 07' 25" West parallel with said centerline of Placentia Avenue 135070 feet; thence North 7A~ 29' 35" i ~ast parallel with said centerl:ne of Sycamore Street 181015 feet to said centerl9.ne of ! Placentia Avenue; Thence North 0~ 07' 29" East along said centerline of Placentia Avenue 135.70 ; feet to the point of beginn3ng ; i i ; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing et the City Hall in the City of Aneheim on i JUne 24~ 1963 at 7:00 o'clock P.M. notics of seid public hearing having been duly given as required by ~ law ~nd in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chepter 18.72, :o heer and consider evidence ~ for and ageinst said ptoposed reclessificetion and to investigate and meke find'sngs and cecommendetions in connection ~ therewlth; ar.d ~ WriEREAS, seid Commission, aEter due inspection, investigetidn, and study mede by itself end in its behalf, end efter due co~:eideration of ell evidence and repocts offered at said hearing, does find end determine the following fects: 1. Thet the petitloner propases e reclessiEication of the above descdbed property from the R-A, Residential Agricultural, 2one to the C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, Zone to remodel and utilize an existing residence for professional officee. 2. Ti.at the proposed reclessiEicetion of aubject property is necessary and/or desireble [or the ocderiy end pro- per development of the comc:uqitv. 3. That the proposed reclassification of aubject ~roperty does propecly relate to 4he zones sn3 theIr permitted usea locelly established in cloye pr.!ximity to subject propecty and to the zones. end their permitted usea generally•esteb- liahed throughout the community. 4. That the proposed reciassification of subject property does rer~uire dedica~ion for and standard improvement of abutting streets because said property does relate to and abut upon streets and highways9 which are proposed to carry the type and quantity of traffic9 which :vill be geaerated by the permitted uses, in accordance with the circulation element of the General Plan~ • 5. That no one appeared i.n oppositiun to subject petition. R1rA -1- ~ . . .~ .w ___.-~. . ~..~.....,_...w.._.__....~.._ _. ______ . _-- ~ -j~ ~ ~ ~ . . .. ... r~sf ~ - . _._..~...a~ _i......_ ~ ... ~. J .t"}. :.._2 .. . 4 j c. } '' ~ NOw, TF~REft7RE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anah»im City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council of the Gity of Anahe:im that subject Petition fox Reclassifica- tion be approved and9 by so doing9 that Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude the above described property from the R-R, Residential Agricultural, Zone and ta incorporate said described property in the Gi, Neighborhood Commercial, Zone upon the follo~ing conditions.which are hereby found to be a r.Qcessary prerequisite to the propo'sed use of sub3ect property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Anaheim, le That the owners of sub~ect property shall deed to tne City of Anaheim a strip of Z2nd th3rty-two (32) feei in width9 from the centerline of the street9 along Sycamare Street, for street widening purposese 2. That street improvement plans shall be prepared and all engineering requirements af the City of Anaheim along Sycamore Street, such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks9 street grading and pavings drainage facilities, or other appurtenant work shall be completed a; required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the off ice of the City Engineer; and that a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posi:ed with the City ta gt~arantee the installati~n of said engineering requirementso 3. That the sidewalks and driveways shall be installed along State College Doulevard' as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer. 4, That the owners of subject property shall pay to tha City of Anaheim the sum of $2000 per front fcot, along Sycamore Street and State College Boulevard, for street lighting ptu poseso 5e That trash storage areas shal.l be provided in accordance with standard plans o~~ fiie in the office of the Director of Public Works, prior to Final Building Inspectione 6o That the property owners pay the City of Anaheim for installing the curb and gutter along State College Boulevarde 7e That Condition Nos. 1, 29 3~ 4, and 6 above mentionedy shall be complied with within a perior of one hundred and eiyhty (180j days from date hereof9 or $uch further time as tha ~3ty Council may grent. 8o That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the Ci;.y of Anaheim, marked "Exhibit Noso 1 and 2, as amended hereine 9. That parking spaces 1 and 7 shall be relocated to provide a minimum six (6) foot wide st=ip of laridscaping ad~acent to the State College Boulevard and Sycamore Street right-of-raay abutting subject property, excepi; for access drives9 plans for said land•- scapina and all landscaping vi~ible from State College Houlovard and Sycamore StrEet sha11 bc ~~ub~ect to the approval of the Superintendent of Parkway Maintenance, and that said landscaping ta be ins~•allec~ prior to Final Building Inspectiona 10, That all signs, flags, banners, and displays visible from State College Bouievard and Sycamore Street shall be limited to one unlig~hted siyn of not more than eight (S) square feete llo That construction of a six (6) foot masonxy wall be required along the west and south bnundaries of sub3ect property where said walls do not exist prior to F3na1 Building Inspectiony or a bond may be posted to insure the ins~allation of the masonry wall on the south boundary of subject property prior to Final Building Inspectiono 12< That any alteration of the existing structure9 including the installation of any aix-conditioning facilities9 shall be subject to Development Review, providing, however, that no air-conditioning facilities shall be placed on the roof o: +..he existing structure> 13e That planted tree wells shall be provided at approximately forty (40) foot intervals in the Sycamore Avenue and State College Boulevard parkways abutting sub3eci: property; that platts for said tree wells and Iandscaping therein, shall be submitted to and appr~~ed by the ~aperintendent of Parkway Maintenance; and that said tree wells shali be planted prior to Final Building Inspectiono THE bURS;OING RESOLUTION is signed and appro•red by ~;;a this 24th day of June9 1963, REfi4LtJTION TAe 810 R2-A CHAIRMAM ANAH IM CITY PLL1ANM=~~ MMIS FRO T~I -2- .~_.__.__......._..._.~__.---- ~ . ~ '.-_._ __....._....,,_._... 9 . ,,.,. . .. _ .._. __. . , T , . ~ 1,? c 1 ~,~) . '...) ATTESTs SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIOI3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) sse CITY OF AN,At~IM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretarp of the City Plannfng Coromission of the C'_ty of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing sesolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on June 24, 1963, at 2:00 o'clock PoM., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYESs COMMISSIONERSs Allred, Gauer, Pebley, Perry, Rowland, Sideso NOESs COMMISSIONERSs Noneo AB~ENT: COMMISSIONERSs Camp,~ Chavos, Mungallo IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunt~~ set my hand this 5th day of July, 1963e ~/ CRETARY ANAHEIM~CITY P11\NNING COMhM1 RESOLITf ION N0. 810 R3-A -3- ------.-.--~--------~__..._~_..~---_____---.______-_.__._.._____... ,,> ~ , ~ _ ___ .._ . .. -..s: , , _ . _ .