PC 1963-1964-842~'yi*"`r.:. r~'. (~-: q,,:: r~trj ~'~ i4.' :;.'. cc' Y::. i~ ~ ~ ~~!y~ .. F _ ~~ '!.~ y~: RESOLUTION N0.842, SERIES 1963-64 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PiANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEiM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 1592 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission of the City of Aneheim did receive e vedfied Petition for Varience irom HASKELL Ao 8 CAPITOLA Aa KELI.Yy 852 North West Street, Anaheim, California, Owners; BETTY ROBERTSy 723 North Los Angeles, Anaheim, Californiay Agent of certain real property si~tuated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, describad as: The Soutt:easterly 146 feet of the Northwesterly 366 feet of the followings Commencing at the Northwest corner of Lot 38 of Anaheim Extens,ic~~, as shown on a Map of Survey made by Wmo Hamel and filed in the Office of the Coun+,y Rer~r~lPl nf ;~~s Apoeles Cni~r~+,y., C~lif~xnia; and runnina thence Easterly alona the ilortherly line of said :~otp 3280471 feet; thence Southerly on a line parallel with the ;Y~sterly line of Lot 38, 6630073 feet; thence Westerly on a line parallel with the Northerly line of said Loty 328.471 feet t:o a point on the Westerly•line of said Lot 36, thence Northerly along the Westerly line of said Lot9 663oJ73 feet to the place of beginning ; and ~ WHERE~S, t};e City Piannir.g Commission did hold a publlc headng at tt~e City Hell in the City of Anaheim an July 229 1963y at 2:f:u o'alock P.M., notice of seid public heering having been duly given es required by law and in acrnrdence with the ;.ro~isiona of the Aneheim Municipel Code, Cheptei 18.68, to hear and conaider evidence for end egeinet seid p:op^sed variance and to inves~igate end make findings and recommendetions in connec- tion the:ewith; and WHEREAS, seid Commi~~inn, after due inspection, investigetion, and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideretion af :~.li svidence and reports offered as seid hearing, does find and detennine the following fects: 1. That the petitioner requcsts e varience from the Maheim Municipel Code: SectioR 18D20,030 { l~y whiCh requires a front yard of not less than 25% of the depth of the lot; Section 180200030 (2)~ which rorn~iroc a eirlo vgrri nf rn± lo~g than 7(1~ pf th@ wi~t]~ nf i;}~e lots SeCtion 18~20e030 ~4~. which requires a minimum lot width of not less tihan 90 feety to permit the division of subject property into one 66 foot wide lot, attd another 80 foot wide lot, and to permit the constriaction of a single family residence on the 80 foct wide lot with a southerly side yard of six (6) feet rather than the required eight (8) fee•t, and a 57 foot front yard rather than the required 74feet, 2. That there ere exceptional or extreordir.ary circumstences or oonditlona epplicable to the prope~ty involved • ox to the intended use of the propecty that do not opply gene:ally to the property or class of uae in the same vicinity end zone. 3. Thet the requested veriance is necessary for the p:eservation end enjoyment of e substential pcopedy right possessed by other property in i:~e some vielnity end zone, c+nd denied to the pmperty in questlon. 4. Thet the requested verience will not be materially detrimentei to the public welfate or injucious to the pmp~ erty or improvements in r+uch vicir.lty end zone in which the proparty is locsted. • 5. That the requested va.ys:~ce will not edvert~ely affect ~ke Comprehensive Generel Plen. 6o That no one appeared in opposition to sub~ect petitione Vl-G -1- ~."____- -- - i--- ~ . ~ __..----__._._,.,., -~...._...__,__ ............._.,..,, . ~ ~ ~ -' ~: ~ .-1 ~:~` . ._, .",~ NOB', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Maheim City Fiaeining Commission does heceby grnnt subject Petition for Verience, upon ihe following cronditions which ace heceby found to be e necessary prerequisite to the pro- posed use of the subject property in order to preserve the sefety end general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 1. That the sidewalks shall be installed along West Street, as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specificai;ions on file in the office of the City Engineer prior to final building inspection. 2e That a Record of Survey to xecord the approved di~~i~iun of subject property be recorded in the office of the Oranqe County Recorder. ~ 3. That the owners of subject prooerty shatt p?~. ±r, ±ho ~i±}, ~F e.;~ho;m ~~~ „r $25QOQ :or the new unit, to be used.for paxk and recreation purposes, said amountvtoVbe paid at the time the building permit is issued. 4. That Condition Noo 2, above ~entioned, shall be complied with within a period of 180 days from date hereof, or such•furt er time as the Commission may granto 5o That the northerly 80 feet o~ subject property shall be developed subject to revised plans being submitted for Developme~t Review prior to issuance of a.building permit. THE FOkEGOING R~SOLUTION is si~ed and approved by me this lst of August, 1963, s ~ t.liH11t1Y1HN t1iVt'1M~1M l:l'1'Y Yl.¢1N~I11Vli I;VMMIJSIUPI ATTEST: : v - ~~~j~~/ ~ v'~ /~~~~ ' , SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORP:IA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Seccetery of the Cdty Plenning Commission of the City of Aneheim, do hereby certiiy that t4e foce- going resolution wes passed and adopted at a ineeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Ana(ieim, held on . July 22, 1963, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Camp,j Chavos, Gauer, ~fiungall, Pebley, Rowland, Sides. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Nonee ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None.~ ABSTAINs CO~iFM1ISSIONEAS: Allred, Perry. IN WITdVE3S Wi~1ERE0F, I hcve hereunto set my han~ thi~ lst day of August, 1963, . , (~~Z~l/~'L~ ~ ~J~z-'''~v/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 842 V2-G _2_ f',.', .___._...,~- -;'_.___.__.________._.._. ~ , r, ;t u i.