PC 1963-1964-1094~-.;>r;>:: ; `4.':. ~:'; t:: J^ ~, , i: ,; : __;~;M R~SOLUT;ON NO. 10949 Series 1463-64 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMh'IISSION OF TyH~CITY ~F ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR COftDITIOPTAL USE PERMIT N0. `BE DENIED WFi~REAS, the City Plauning Commission of the City of Aneheim did receive e vecified Petitior. for Coaditionel Use Permitfrom VESPER B, WHITE, 12912 9th atreet, Garden;Gieve, California, Owner of certain rAal property situatad in the.C3t~ of Maheim, County of Orange, Staie of California, • described as.that.portion of the South haif .of the Northeast quarter of Section 17q in Township 4 South, Range 10 West, Sarf Bernardi.tf6 Ba~e and Meridiano Beginning at a point in the.South line_of said Northeast quarter ~istant thereon.West 758008 feet from the Southeast corner of sa3d Northeast quarter9 said point of beginning also being on the South.line of .the land describad in the deed to iu~na La Mered'ith and Jo Fe Meredith, recordad ,7uly 31, 1952.in book 2363, page 411 of Official Records9 distant thereon Yisst 98v08 feet fr.om the Southeast corner of said land; and runn."ng thence North Oo 18' We~t ~+ara- llel with.the Easterly line of. said land 4A4a4 feet to the Northerly line of said land; thence Southerl~y 89°.29° 07" West along.said Nor~h line 97o9Ei feet~ thence South Oo 18' East Parailal with ttie Easterly line of eaid land 444094 feet •to the Southerly line or' seid land{ ther.ce South 89° 10° 10" Eant along said 5ou•therly line 97~96 feet tn the point of beginningf and WHEREAS, t1~e Clty Planniag Commiesion did hold a public headng at the City Hall in the ~ity of Anaheim on • at 2:00 o'clock P,M„ notice of eaid public hearing heving beep duly gtven ae requlced by law end ih` eccordnnce wlth the provleione of the Anaheim Muaicipel Code; Chepler 16~64, to hear and coasider evldence for end egainst seid pcopoeed condltionel uae and to invaetigete end make findinaa end rocommendetione !n connection theiewith; and WHEREAS, ^sld Commle~ion, aftar due lnspectlon, lnveati4etlon, mnd study made by it~elf and in !tr behalf, end aEtee due con~lderatlon ot all evldeaFe and eepocts oEfa:ed at sald hearing, doae £!nd end determine the fo11ow1c~Q fact~: 1. Thet tho peo oeed uee ie properly one foe which a Condltional Uee Permit is authorized by thie Code, to wit: establ3eh e churoh~ facillt~y un the rear 223 feet9 and cxeate three R~A, lots with acreas of loea than one ecre each on subiect propertyo , 2o inai ins eize and sh~pe of th'o aite proposed fo•r.the use is inadequate to allow the fuYl development of .the propased use in a manner not de•trimental to the particulsr arQe nor to...the.peach9 he~al~h~ safety' and c~enerel welfere.of the Citizens of the City of Anaheime 3a 'That.the proposed church facility would be. incompatible with the eurrounding single family.d~valopmAnt~ 4o That th6 p•ropoaed circuletion is inadequate and would pose an added traffic problem if a church wae ~pproved for rear portion nf aub~ect propertyo 5e That the propossd use will ~dveraely effect the adioining land uees and the growth and deveiapm~n~ of {~h~ erea 3n w}~icti il: ia pr~pased to be locatedo 6. That one person appeaaed sepresenting 39 persons who signed a peti•t~on oppoeing sub~ect petitiono ~,•~ .:. i •5i~ _ `! ~. i .~ j ~ ~: __. _ ~., ~ ~' ~ `~. i ' ~ ~ .. : _ . . . , s ! ~ i l" ! NOW, THEREFORE, HE TT RESOLVED that tha Anaheim Clty Planning CommlQeioa doea hoteby deny aubJect Petltion for Conditionel Uie Pettalt on the beele of tha afornmentlon~d flndinga. THE FOREQOINa R~SOLUZ'ION !r ~lgned and appeaved by me,thla h day of March, 1964~ / CHAIRMAN ANflHEIM CI PLANNIN6 COMMI9SION ATTEST: ~..~'.~~ j~s~~,,~,~ . SECRETARY ANAHL~iM CITY PLANNINd COMMISSION 9TATE OF CALfFORNIA ) COUNTY OF 0~2ANdE ) ~~~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ) Io Ann 1CteY~o. Se~toE4ry o~ th~ Clty Plenaing Comml~eion of the City of Anaheim, do horeby certlEy tha! the foea• aoing reaoluelon w~~,o pae~ad and ~~opted at a meetlna of the City Plannlna Commleotan o{ thm City of Anahefm, held on Merch 16~ 19h4 , e! 2s00 o~alock P.M~, by ths tollowlns vote of the membe:s th~:eof: ~YES: COMMISSIONERS: A1lredv Cemp, Chavos~ aauer, Mung~ll~ Per•ry~ Aowland. NOES: C4MMI3Si0NERS: Noneo 'ABSENT: COMM13930NER9; Pebley, Sidee~ IN WITNESS WHEI2EOF, I h:ve hereunto oat my hend thio 2bth dey of March9 1964. /_/.l_~i~~~ - - - - _ _-~ SECRETARY ANAHEAi CITY PLANNINQ COMMISSIC:~ E ~:: __ R;; ~2ESOLUTION N0. C2-D .~ 1 p '.~ - --