PC 1963-1964-1149~, ... RESOLUTION NO. 1149~ SERIES 1463-64 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT °ETITIOP: FOR °.~,CL~S~I.^~ICA:SCN ?70. ~3-6?-108 BE APP~iO'vEa ~ WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission of the City of Meheim did receive a vedfied Petition for Reclessifica- tionfrom E1lERETT H< MILLER, P, 0, Box 731, Long Beach, California, Owner; C> Jo Q,UEYREL, McDaniel Engineering Co., P, 0, Box 3668, Anaheim, California, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, describec} as that portion of the sauthwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 17, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, ~ in the Rancho Los Coyotesy as shown on a map recorded in book 51, page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County described as follows: Beai_nning at a point on the west line of said Secti'o'n 17, and on the centerline of Bruokhurst Street, said point being distant North 0° 40' 06" East 913b17 fa:~: aiong said west line from the southwest corner of said Section 17; thence fTOm said point of beginninc easterly at right angles 28Q,00 feet; thence southerly at right ••~~g1'es 232.00 feet; thence westerly at right angles 280040 feet; thence northerly at right angles ~3~?<00 feet along said west line of said Section 17 to t}}e point of beginning; EXCEPTING THERE- ~F3tOM the westerly 60000 feet and the northerly 32000 feet thereof as being reserved for public strAet purposes . ; and WHEREAS, the City Pienning Commission did hold a public hearing et the Ciry Hall in the City of Aneheim on April 27~ 1964~ at 2:00 o'ciock P.M. notice of seid publIc he:.ring heving been duly given es required •bg law and in eccordence with the provisions of the Maheim Manicipal Code, Chapter 18.72, to heai end conslder evidence for and ageinst said ptuposed recles~ification and to investigate and meke ~indinge and recomm~ndetlona in connection therewith; end WHEREAS, said Commission, efter due inspection, investigetion, and study mede by itaelf and in its behelf, end efter due consideration oE all evidence and reports offered at ssid heedng, does $ad end determine the following fects: 1. That the petitioner proposes e reclassification of the ebove descdbed property from the R-A9 Residential Agricultural, Zone to the C-09 Commexcial Office, Znne.to establish a multf-story oFfice build- ' ing on subject propertyo . ~ 2~ That tt,c proppsed reclassification is in conformance with the General Plan~ 3~ That the proposed reclassfficetion of subject property is necessery end/or desicable for the ordecly end pro- per development of the community. 4o That the proposed ceclessificetion of subject property does properly relete to the zones and their pecmitted uses locally established in close proximity to subject property and to the zones and their permitted uses generally estnb- lished throughout the community. 5. That the proposed .reclassification of subject-property does not require dedication fur.but.does.rec}uire standard..improvement.af.abutting streets because said property does relate to.and.abut_upon.streets and highways.which are {~roposed to carry the type....and quantity of traffic, which will be generated by the permiti:ed..uses, in accordance with the circulation element of the General Plan. 6o That no one appeared in opposition to subject petitiono Rx-A .1_ • ~ . } ~. ~, . i ~ ~ ~ ( ~; i ~ • , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plenning Commission does he:eby :ecommend to the City Council of the City of Aneheim that subject Petition for Reclessiflcetion be approved and, by so doing, that Titla 18-zoning of the Aneheim Municipel Code be amended to exclude the ebove descdbed property fmm tlie C-ls Neighborhood Comrnercial, and R-A, Residential Agricultural, Zones, and to incorporate ~aid described property into the C-0, Commercial Office, Zone, upon the following conditions whi~h are fiexaby ic~und to Ue a necessax•y ~,rereG~uisite ta the proposed use o: subj2ct pro~erty in order to preserve the safety and general tvalfare of the citizens of the City of Anaheimo la That street.improvement plans sha11 be prepared and all engineering requirements of the City,of Maheim.along,Brookhur.st and Brookmore Streets9 such as curbs and.gutters9 side- walks9 street grading and.paving9 drainage f acilities, or o±her appurtenant wrork shall be completed,as requirerl..by tha.City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifi- cations on fil.e in the office of the City Engineerg.and that a bond in an amount and form sa~isfactox~r to the City of Anaheim m3y be posted••with the ~ity to guarantee the installation of said engxneering.•requirementso 2o That.the.owner nf.subject pxnperty shall pay to thg•City nf .Maheim the svm of $2.00 per fxont foot alorrg Braokht,QSt and Srookmo~re Streets9 for streEt .lighting purposeso • 3e That Conditiora Noso 1 and 29 above rtsera~ir.Fed9 sha'li be complied with prior to the i:ime that the• Euilding. Pexmit. is . issued Qr with3n a pexiod of 180 riays frwn. date hereof 9, which- ever occurs firsty or such further time as the City Council may grant~ 4o That trash storage areas.,s}ra11 be provided.in accordance with approved plans on file in the office of the Directo•r of -Pi::bi.ic Ylorks9 -pnior to finai building inspectiono • 5o That subject property shalY be developed substantially in accordance with pians and ~speCifications on f31e with the Clt~y of Anaheim, rnarked &xhibit Noso 1 and 2y provided that the ultimate building plans be submitted to the Pianning Cotnfiission and City Council for the proposed eight story structure~ ti'i j 'i I f:i i :1 '~ f ::, .3 ~~ •' ~ t :a , _ :3 ~ l; ~;: -.- ---;;- THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION ia signed end epproved by me this 7 oi tviay' 19640 , ~ i , CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLA ING COMMISSION ATTEST: /SA_GL~i~a/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION 3TATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY CF OR~INGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Ann Krebs~ Secretary of the City Plenning Commission of the City ci Aneheim, do hereby certify that the fore- going resolution wes pessed and edopted at a meeting of the City Plenning C~ommission of the City of Aneheim, held on April 27~ 1964~ et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the memhers thereof: AYES: c;OMMISSI0NER5: Allred, Camp9 Chavos, Gauer, h:ungall, Perry, Rawland. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: . None. ABSENT: CON~MISSIONERS: pebley9 Sides. IN WITP£ESS WHEREOF, I havs h~reunto set my hend this 7th day of May~ 19640 RESOLUTION N0. 1149 ~ R2-A ~~.' :/~!/J'V SECRETARY ANAHEIM CIT:! YLANNING COMMISSION -~- ,~ ` ~ i ~ __._-~ "' " a