PC 1964-1965-1272~ __.___. __ '~ 1 _ _ . f : ~ i .~ RESOLUTION-NO. 1272, Series 19fi4=65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CTfY PLANNING COA~USSION OF THE CITY OF ANAH~Ih[ THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERlQT N0. 595 gE DENIED ':. 'W~ItEAS. tbe dtq Plimnin~ Commissioe of the City of Aaeheim did eeceive a veri$id Petition for Condltiond Use pe~#! $om ,~ERT L. CLARK, 958 Rodeo Road; Fullerton, CaIiforrii'a, °Qpner of certain real pPOperty si'tuattd in the City of Maheim, County of Orange, 5~ato of California, described as"tfie'Noitiherly 83.00 feet of the Southerly 283.00'fee3 of tfie W~sterly 317 fest of the Southwest one-qi~arter of Section 5, Townsh3p 4 South, Range IO lAest."in the Rancho Los Coyotes as shorm on a Map recorded in Book 5l, page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California ; and WHEREAS. the C(qr Pl~naiaQ Commiuion did hold a public hearina et the City Hall ia the City of Aaaheim on llondayp July 20q IaG41 st 2:06 c'c:ac;c P.31., aotiee of soid pubiic ne^ring havinB ~~Y i~~'~ ~+ ~q~~ed by law aad ih accoedance with t6e provisions of the Aa~heim 6lpnidpd Code, Chaptec 18~64, to heu and coa~ider evideace for and against sdd proposed conditiond use ~ad to invesUQate and make findiags aad eecommeadations ia ooanection thereavith: aad WHEREAS, sdd Commi~don, after dne lnspactioa, inveetlgatioa, ond study made by it~elf ~nd ia its behalf, aad efter due co~uidar~tion of all avidence ~ad ceport~ offered at eaid he~rlag, does find and determiae the 5~llowLig feds: 1. That the propoeed nse is properly one for which a Condidonal Use Permit is anthodzed by this Code, to wit: establish a Hofbrau with on-sale bser o. bject property. 2. That due to i:he close proximity of ~the Tastee Fxeez, a albeting place of many youngsters, to the proposed Hofbrau, the use~ would be incompatible with pach other. 3. That due to the_heavy traffic existing at #.he intergection of La Palma Avenue end Brookiwret Street, the proposed use ~d compound an already hazardous situation, since.many drivers trying to avaid the traffic signal, use the shopping center drives. 4. That evidence suhmittad ind;cated insufficient parking for the shopping area. 5. That the granting of the Gonditional Use Permit under the conditions imposad, if an~,.wi11 be detrimental to tha paace, health, safaty, and general rrelfarQ o£ the Citizens of the City.of Aaaheim, 6. That 2 persona appearad representing 5 persons in tha Council Chamber and a pet3tion signed by 31 persons and a letter was received in opposition to subject petition. Cl-D -1- ~ ,; ~ i . , e ~ i ~~.i~ 3 (. .. , ' ~ J +• -~ , NOM, TNEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED W~t t6e An~heim City Pl~mio~ Commis~ioe doe~ h~nb~ deny wbi~ct P~litloa La Conditlon~l Uce P~cmit oa th~ buls of the ~forementioned Eiadinp. TiiE P'OZ€COIIQt) RESOLIJTION is tip~ed ~nd ~pproved bq me.t6is ay of July~ 1964. , "~'" ' • CHAIRMAN ANAHEDI CiTY P G COIfItIISSION ~ ATTEST: i •Y s /~~//%I ~~V~ .~ i SECRETARY AiIAHEW C1TY PLANNIIQd COIpiLSSION . 'r s'PATE 0~ CALIIrORIM ) COUIf1Y OF ORANdE ) u. ? CiTY OF ANAHE01 ) ' I~ Ma 1Cs~,lps~ S~a~hry ot th~ Gtr Pl~rsla~ Cammiuion oE the City of An~hNm, do 6.e~by c.etlly tha t6• tora ~o1s~ n~olatioa wn pw~d ~sd ~dopbd ~t ~ mMtia~ ot the Clty Pl~nafn~ Commistlon of eh~ Citr oE An~heim, hdd aa July 20~ 1964, . ~t ~:00 o'clodc P.M., br t6~ [ollowin~ vot~ of the m~mMes WKroE: AYES: COIOiII~IONERS: C~p, Chavos, Gau~r, Mungall, Perry, Ronland. NOF.S: COIOO~S[O~fERS: Nau. ~ ~ggg,~; ~; Allr~d. III ~PfNF.SS ~F. I It~ h~nanto ~st e~r himd thi~ 30th day of July~ 1%4. RESOWP[ON IiO. 1272 ~ SECRETARY AI(lWE01 ClTY PLANNII~iG COIOQSSION C~D -~