PC 1964-1965-1274i..~ ' 1 RESOLUTION IfO. 1274. Series 1964~65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PI.ANNIId(i C010QSSION OF ~E C1TY OF ANAHEIM THAT PBTITION FOR CONDTfIONAL USE PERI[IT 60 BE (iRANTED NrHEREAS, tbe Gty Pianaiaa t5ommirsion ot !he Ciqr ef Aa~6elm did neeiva ~ ved8ed PatiUon for Wnditi~al Usa Permit6om J. E. AND CALLIE !~e PRUET?, 117 East Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California, Ownersf JERRY M. AND MILDRED BLANSETT, 921 South Hilda, 4naheim, California, Agents of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as Lot No. 114 of Tract PIa. 1429 ; md WHEREAS, the City Pl~anin` Cammisdon did hold a pnblic he~rin~ at the Citq Hall ia the CitY of An~heim an Monday, July 209 1964, ~~ 2~~ o'clock P.M.~ aotice of sdd publlc he~ctaQ havla~ beea du1Y [i~~ ~~9~~ bY laa ~nd ia ~coord~nee with the provisions of the An~heim Mnaidpd code, Ch~pter 18.64, to hear and condder evideace for aad a~da~t ~dd peoposed conditlond wa ~ad to iave~tlQate ~md make fladin~t ~md cecommaadations ia conaectioo therewithi aad WHEREAS. add Commiulon, after dne lnspectloa, investiLatia-~ ~nd studq m~de bq ibelf ~nd in iu bah~lf, ~nd aEter dne oonsider~tion of ~11 widanc~ rmd erpoet~ oHend ~t sdd b~uin`, do~s 8nd ~nd deteemfat tha followln~ hatr. i. Th~t th~ peopopd a~~ !~ peop~elq on~ toe wLleh ~ Conditlond .Us~ P~emit L a~hoelsed bq thl~ Code, to wit:establish a private elementary schoal in an existing residence on subject property~ 2. Th~t th~ peopaed aw wlll aot ~dwnelY ~H~t the ~dJ~°L l~nd we~ ~ed tbe Yeowl6 ~nd d~wlopmeat of the ~ in which it i~ peopos~d to b~ loeated. 3. 11ut th~ sise ~nd s6ape of the sits pcopo~~d for the n~e i~ odequate to dlow the fnll developmaat oE ths propo~ed use in a manner aot det:imental to the p~rticalar aee~ aor to the Qeace, he~lth. safety, and eeneeal welfan of the Citisens of the Gty of M~helm. 4, That the erantiae of We Coadidond Use Peemit nnder the coadiUons impo~ed, if eay, will not be datrimeatal to the peace, hedth, saEety, ~nd geaeral welfare oE the Citlseos of the City of Aaaheim. 5e That no'one appeared in opposition to subject petition. Cl-G '~' 1 t } ~~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RFSOLVED thet the Aaaheim City Pleaniag Commiasion doee heeeby geant aubiect Petltion for Coaditlonal Use Permit, upon the following conditloaa which are hereby fouad to be a neceasory prerequisite to the pm~,oaed use oE the subJect property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of thc Citisean oi the City of Aneheim: le ?hat the awwer of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 53 feet in width9 from the center line of the street, along Lincoln Avenue for street widening purposesa 2~ That trash storage containers shall be providea in accordance xith approved pians on file with the office of the Director of Public iNorks, prior to f inal building inspectione 3a That Condition No. 1, above mentioned, shall be complied w~th prior to the time that the Building Permit is issued or within a period of 180 days from date hereof, whichever occurs first, or such further time as the Co~mnission or City Council may grant. 4o That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim, marked Exhibits 1 and 2. 5o That the residential appearance of the property and structure shall be maintained. 60 7hat all signs and advertising on subject property shall be limited to one eight (B) square foot free-standing sign Yocated in the middle ten percent of the Lincoln Avenue frontage of subject propertyo THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION le aigaed and epproved by me this 30th day of July, 1964e ~ . CHAIRII~AN ANAHEIM CITY NNING COM~NISSION ATTEST: ~i SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFOFtNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) se. CTTY OF ANAHEIM ) t r A~n Kr~~g ~ Scc~etsr~ o: thc Ci ; Plea.ziag CeMafsefon oE the City of AaeheLn, do hereby certify thet the fo~egoiag roeolntion was peased end adopted et e meetlng of the City Planaiag Commiseion of the Ciry of Maheim, held oe July 20, 19649 at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the followiag vote of the manbers thereoE: AYES: COAaNISSIONERS: Chavos9 Gauero Ylungall, Perry, Rowlande NOES: CObA~ISSIONERS: Honeo ABSENT: CON~YlISSIONERS: Allredā€˛ Cemp. IN WIINESS WFiEREOF, I hevehaeunto set my hend tLls 30th day of July9 1964e RESOLUTION NO. 1274 ~~~2~~~ /~~~2.~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION C2-G "Z'