PC 1964-1965-1283• ' ~ ~~ RESOLUTION N0. 1283, SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE C1TY PLANNIIdG COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIIN `THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 1651 BE GRANTED WEIEREAS, the City Plaaning Commissioa of the City of Anaheim did receive e vedfied Petitioa for Variaace from AIRo IKtiD MRSD FRANK DORETl'I, 327 South Olive Street, Anaheim, California, (M~ners of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, describ9d as Lot Noo 11 of Block "L" of Center Tract ; aad WHEREAS, the City P1eAniag Commissioa did hold e public headag et the City Hall ia the City of Aneheim on August 3~ 1964, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice oi said pnblic hearing naving been duly given es required by lew end in eccordence with th~ provisions of the leahelm Municipal Code, Chepter 18.68,to hear end coneider evidence for and egainat seld pro;wsed verlence and to investigate and malce fiadiuga end recommaidetions in conaec- tlon thereaith; end , WtIEREAS, said Commisaion, efter due inspection, investigetIon, end study mede by itself and ia its behalf, aad eiter due coesidereUoa of ell evidence aad tepods oEferod es said hearing, doea find and determine the folioaing facts: 1. Thet the petittoner requests e vadance fr :~ the Meheim Municipel Code; Section 18032~ 120 (1) which requires five garages to permi~ the construction of a fo~th dwelling unit and providing a total of four garages o~ subject propertyo 2o That under the authority of Code Section 18o68e020 and based on the rendering of a 1eg31 opinion af the City Attorney's office~ waiver of the'required 1225 square feet for a single family dwelling unit is hereby granteda 3~ That thero are exceptionel or extraordiaary ciccumetencee or coaditione epplicable to the property iavolved or to the intended use of the pmpesty thet do aot epply geaerelly to the propertp or clasa of use in the seme viciaity ead zone. 4, That the requeated vadance is aeceseary for the pceservatioa end eajoyment of a aubstential property dght poseessed by othe: property in the aeme viciaity and zone, and deaied to the property in queation. 5o That We requested variance will aot be matedally detrimentel to the public welfete or infudoua to the peop. etty or improvemmts in auch viciniry aad zone ia which ffie propeity ie located. 6. That no one appeared in opposithon to sub,~ect petition. Vl-G ~ -1- 1 : ~ , d ~ 3 a ~ __> ~~ I ) NOW, TFIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEU that the Maheim C'.ity Plannina Commiasion doea hereby qraat subject Petittoa for Vodance, upoa the followiug coaditlona wWch ere hereby found to be ~ necesaary preroquisite to the pra posed uae of the aubject property in oeder to preserve the saEety aad geaeral welfere of the CitIzms of We City of Maheim. le Thst trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file with the ~ffi~n ~f ±~o s~i*ector of Pe:~?3c ~Iorksn 2< That the owner of arbject propesty shall pay to the City of Maheim the sum of $25.00 per dwelling uni.t to be used for park and rqn~eation purposes, said amount to be paid at the time the building permit is issued for ~he ns., unit onlye 3. That sub~ect property shall be develop~~d substantial.ly in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City o£ Anaheim, maTked Exhib{t Nos 1, 2, and 3. \ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed aad appmved by me thie 13t f Au~ust, 1964. ~ ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PL G COMMISSION ATTEST: _ ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNtNG COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ' LOUHTY ~JF Q°•APIGE ) e~. CTfY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Ann: Kreb3~` ~. Secretary of the City Plenning Commisaion of the City of Mahelm, do heeeby certify that the fore- going cesoluttoa was pessed end adopted at e meeting of the City Plaaniag Commisaion of the City of Meheim, h}Id on August 3~ 1964~ et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of ,*he membera Qhhereof: AYFS: C069YIISSIONERS: Allred, Chavos, Gauer, Mungsll, Perry, Rowland. NOES: COImNISSIONERS: None. ~ AHSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Camp. 1N WITNFSS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my haad thia 13th day of August~ 1964. /.~~~ ~~/~2~%~~/`7/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMN_ISSION Ri:SOLUTION NO. 1283 V2 G :2~