PC 1964-1965-1298. . , _ ..,<--~-- . . _ ~ . . ~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. 1298, SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTI0~10!"PHE QP1f PLAN1fIIid OOIO~lON OF THE CITY OF ANAHEO[ 'THAT PBTI'!'IOII 1rOR COND~TiO[iAL i~4E PF.RI[IT ~~BE GRANTED wEIER6AS. !M Ciq~ Plnaie~ OoemWiea at !M Cld of Ao~6d~ did r~tw ~~r18~d PWtiaa tor Ooaditiand U~e P~mitLOm MrtRC05 A. GARTtd~R, 1233 North Harbor Boulevard, Anaheim, California, uwner oi c~rtain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orangf, $'tate of California, deseribett a"s the North 100'feet of the South 452 feet of that portion of Lot 6 of Miles Rancho as t~torrtt' on" a map tF~ereof rasorded in book 4, page 7, Miscellaqeous 1Naps, records of said Orerrgs CoLnty, desciilied as followsi Beginning at the 3ntersection of the West line of Spedla Rbed; a's said road existed on April 29, 1929, with the center line of Romneya Drive~ runritng"ttieriie Northerly, along said Weat line of Spadra Road, 712 feet thence Westerly, parallel Mith the North line of said lot, 150 feet; thence SoutherTy, parallel Nith said Wact line pf Spadra Road, 712 feet, mnre or less, to said center line o~'Romneya DriveR thence Eaiterly, along said center line of Romneya Drive, .150 feet to the point of beginning i~ ~s~~s, m. ab ~1.m~ aomm~.sim a~a ~a a pawe b..~a~ ac m. ae~ H.u m~. c~b oe en.~ m August 17, 1964, ~t 2:00 o'doek P.l[.. sotia ot uid pnblie 6wda~ harla~ ban dnly qwn ~s hqaind br l~w imd in ~eoocd~se~ wlth t6~ pto~ldoe~ oi fb~ An~hNm Moddp~l ood~. Cb~pbe 18.N, to hwc ~md caoaid~e wid~ne~ [a rmd ~pinst add peopor~d ooedltla~ut w~ ~sd to fnw~tlph ~ad m~ 8adinp ~md noommadWae~ la eam~ction tL~wlt6: ~nd . ~f{EREAS~ ~s1d Commipioa, vhe da~ ~m, iov~tiptlaa, ~nd stnd~ m~ br tWlt ~nd in ib Mh~lf, ~nd ~RRo~ do~ aoosid~n!!an ot W NrW~an ~sd e~poib o~~nd ~t ~dd 6Mda~, doM 9nd end d~bemia~ the followla~ i~: 1. T6at tM piopond asa !~ p~opulr ao~ Loe w61eh • Ooadttlos~l.W~ Pamlt !t ~uthoels~d by tLl~ Cod~, to wit: establish a used car lot on subject pi~perty. 1. T6~t tM piaipo~~d w w111 aot ~~tfid tM ~a~ia~ Uod ~~sd th~ ~eowtb ~md d~r~laps~nt ot + th~ wa fa whiah !t i~ pto4owd L~ b~ loo~t~d. 3. 'lb~t t~ ~~nd ~h~ of fbe ~it~ peopo~~d 6oe the ote is ~dpwte to ~llow t6~ Ioll d~v~lopa~nt ot tbe propooed we in a m~m~e not det:lm~nt~l to th~ p~rticolar ~ na to t6e pe~ce~ 6ulth, safety, ~nd paad w~lhn of dia Cltis~os of th~ City ot Ana6~im. . `; ~. Tha tM a.ntlai oE ~h• Caadttlonat Us• P.~c uadar c6• caadttlaa. im~o.ed, if ~nY~ will not bs dKrlm~nW ~ to t6e pe~a, hNim~ uE~tY, ~nd pnenl wslhu~ of tb~ Gtls~n~ of the Clty of M~6Nm. ~ 5. ?hat no one appeared in opposition to subject petition. ~ i I , 8 ~ i Cl-0 ' +L ~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED th~t t6~ M~6eim Citp Pl~min~ Commission does hereby ~nat snbimct Petition for Coadltioa~l Use Peemlt, apoc tM foUowin~ coedltlons which ~re 6~e~br tomid to be ~ aecess~ry' Preee9aiaite po the propo~ed ~e of the snbject peop~etr in o~dar to pea~arve tlie s~f~ty ~nd paenl walface of t6e Cltis~as of the Cit~ of Aa~helm: ' 1. 7hat the rnwner of subject property shall deed to the City of Maheim a strip of land 45 feet in width, from the center line of the street, along Harbor Boulevardt for street widaning purposes. 2, 7hat the owne* of subject p*eFerty shall pay tr the City of Aneheim the sum of ]5¢ per front foot along Harbor Boulevard, for tree planting purposes. 3. That the sidewalks and the driveways shall be installed along Harbor Boulevard, as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the office cf the City Enginaer. 4. That the owner of subject property shall pay to the City of Maheim the sum of 52.00 pex froat foot along Harbor Boulevard for street lighting purposes. 5. ihat Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, above mentioned, shall be complied with prior to th~ t.me the Buildiag Permit is issued or within a~erl.od of 160 days from date hereof, which- evar occurs first, or such further time as the Co~ission or City Council may grant. 5. That subject prop~rty shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Fjneheim, marked Ehxibit No. 1. 7. That night lighting of the lot shall be controlled so as not to illuminate the yards of the residences on the west side of the alley. 'fH~ FO~2EGOII~a RESOLUTION is dp-ed ~ed ~pprowd by me t61~ 27 of August, 1964. • • ~ ~ CHAI[tMAII ANAHEQI CITY PL d COIWISSION Al"fEST: ... %~'-"GC.~f14/~ ~ . ~~t~'ARY ANAHE01 CITY PLANNI~iG COIO~OSSION STATE 0~+' ,CALiFORMA ) C(~'tJl~j1'Y ~P' ORANQE ) u. ~1'~ ~F ANAH$OI ) , I, Aqn Krebs> S~ce~tM' of th~ dty Pl~mia~ Comoiqion qE th~ Cltp ot Aa~hdm. do h~reby ceKity tb.t th~ f~n~ ruoluUon wu pwed ~ed ~dapted ~t ~ q~Ntla~ oI fh~ City Pltionia~ CammLi~ien o~ tlie City oE Ae~haim, hel~ an August 17, 1964~ ~t 2:00 o'c1oC~ P.M.. by t6~ followl6~ ~e ot fhe membnr thneoE: AYES: 0010[ISSIONIERS: ~P, ~~'• x~9a11, Perry. , Rowland. , NOES: COlOAlSSTOI~~,tt Norte. • A~iT: C010IISSIONB~8: Allred, Chavos. IN pCPNiESS WHEREOF, I ha~ehaeu'etastt my h~ad thl~ 27th day af August, 1964. RESOLU'lTON N0. 1298 S~CRE'I'ARY ANAHEDI C1TY PI,A~iATING COYMISSION C?.G -~